
Friday, April 13, 2012

Down By the Sea?!?!

When you go the the seaside you expect to find beaches with lots sand and waves along with all the wonderful sounds and smells of the coast.

However the seaside village where my parents-in-love live is also home to a rainforest. Not a jungle type of tropical rainforest but a seaside rainforest, a LITTORAL RAINFOREST, one by the sea.

This is one of the last remaining littoral rain forests in the Southern Hemisphere and it is world heritage listed.

I grew up in the foothills of large mountains and thick rainforest, very different to this rainforest. It seems rather strange to go on a rainforest walk while hearing the waves crashing nearby. Quite a delightful experience.

Not far from here you leave the rainforest and find yourself at the beach.

About half way along this 2.5km walk something special happened. This photo holds a clue but you'll have to wait for part two......


  1. Quite unusual, but so refreshing, so peaceful. It must be a real pleasure to walk around this place.
    Have a lovely week-end! Looking forward Part 2!!!

  2. Lovely forest, and so different from the ones I see here. I love your expression parents-in-love. Beautiful post.

  3. The forest is a constantly changing picture.
    In it you can never find the communication is broken between nature and human being.
    Just listen to the sound and contemplate its future.
    Sunny days Karen..

  4. Lovely photos! Have a great weekend! :)

  5. Very lovely, informative post and photos! Chances are I will never get to travel to your part of the world, so I enjoy sharing your discoveries through your blog! The photos capture a wonderful feeling of observation and discovery!

  6. Uma bela floresta, deve se ter uma vista muito bonita do mar.


  7. Beautiful forests and trees and such wonderful captures! Thank you for sharing your walk with us! So peaceful! Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend!


  8. Mam nadzieję, że tam jest zawsze tak pięknie zielono. Pozdrawiam.
    I hope that there is always so beautifully green. Yours.

  9. Very cool pictures and I love how you've reeled me in. Blessings, Nona

  10. Oh this is so pretty.I would love to walk down those paths and do a little exploring.

  11. Beautiful serie's Karen. Fantastic to see all that green. Is temperature in your country still like in summer?
    gr. Marijke

  12. Gorgeous photos and you learn something new every day- no idea about the rarity of that rainforest!

  13. What a delightful place to visit! I had to look up the word "littoral" because at first I thought you meant "literal!" It looks so lush and verdant, as the earth must have looked before the fall of man.

    I'm ready for some warm temps...It snowed again today in the mountains of northeastern California.

  14. Beautiful pictures, what extraordinary plants and roots, eill be watching out for part 2.

  15. I wonder ... is it sometihing that will pop out of the log? out of all that amazing moss? These photos are simply magnificent!

  16. A rainforest and a beach--could life be any better--lovely surroundings. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  17. what a fresh feeling is coming from your photos!

  18. This is one of my favourite walks but haven't done it for a while. Can't wait to see the surprise!

  19. That sounds like a very fascinating place - a rainforest by the beach with beaches and crashing waves nearby. Awaiting the surprise, Ruby.

  20. Looks like a lovely walk, Karen! It's such a beautiful area. I remember the beach (we visited a few times in 88-89).
    My friend Vicki, her husband Tosh and their 5 beautiful children are visiting your town & church this weekend. I sent a big HUG down with her for you :)

  21. Very interesting! You made me curious as well!
    Best regards, Marion

  22. Beautiful walk where you've found all those treasures... I saw part 2 before part 1 :)


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