
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Down By the Sea: Part 2

                                                                                                                                       Available for purchase here

I hope you enjoyed our stroll through the littoral (close to the sea) rainforest in my previous post. When we started out on our walk I was expecting to see amazing birds, lizards, wallabies and other animals. With my telephoto lens on my new DSLR I was ready, but as we walked we began to realise there were virtually no animals to be seen. I had quickly taken a few photos of some fungi and tried to keep up with the family.

About half way along the track my husband pointed out this tree stump. "Just more moss" I thought. Then on closer inspection I found two tiny white dots - can you see them? (At around 5 o'clock and 10 o'clock on the stump clock face). At this point I changed my focus. I suggested the rest of the family go ahead so I could change lenses and have some time to more closely investigate what was present and not what I had hoped to find.

                                                                                Available for purchase here

                                                                                                                     Available for purchase here

There were two even smaller light brown fungi, so tiny and sweet. I really enjoyed the rest of my walk and caught up with the family at the beach. That night I kept thinking about a couple of fungi finds I had quickly tried to snap earlier in the walk. The next day I decided to venture back into the rainforest by myself to take time and really appreciate them.

                                                                                   Available for purchase here

This little red one was fresh and new this next day, a tiny little treasure about 1/4" across.

These beauties were growing on the side of a fallen log, so delicate.

I love the contrast in colours.

Another stump yielded another kind of fungi when I examined it closely.

I had nearly completely overlooked these special little creations in my search for the bigger, bolder targets. Next time I have opportunity I'll walk the rainforest again with a much more receptive heart and mind, being prepared to change my focus and lens and take my time to truly look and listen. A lesson I can apply to much in life......

So what was at the end of the rainforest? See here...


  1. Your macros are brilliant!!! Cheers Ruby

  2. I love fungi, and you found very beautiful little ones!
    When I was a kid I used to think they were home to the magical creatures of the forests. :)

  3. These are excellent pictures and a unique topic.


  4. Gorgeous images, Karen. I can see you are thoroughly enjoying your new acquisition and a new found appreciation for the unexpected.
    I love it when I discover things that I wasn't originally expecting in my travels.

  5. Gorgeous images! Have a nice day :)

  6. Absolutely magical. I love the underlying message here - it is so true.

  7. It's wonderful. And with music and birds, I have the feeling of walking in the forest.

  8. Exquisite captures as always! You do have a wonderful eye for the beauty in your world! Wishing you and your family a most wonderful and happy weekend!


  9. Wow! These are so small test so perfect and beautiful.

  10. Wow...gorgeous and exquisit images...sooooo wonderful...
    Greetings Karin

  11. Du zeigst wieder ganz wundervolle Fotos.

    LG Mathilda ♥

  12. Loved the mushroom sequence. Some of the shots are just amazing, so fresh and sharp

  13. Stunning photos of the fungi/mushrooms. Captured beautifully!

  14. only you could make mushrooms look this good!!!

  15. Oh they are so neat and delicate. Amazing what can be found when we really look closely! And all the colors... how cool! Love the bright red one!

  16. Wow, those fungi shots are fab... so delicate! Thank you for sharing on 'Weekly Top Shot!'

  17. Beautiful and dreamy images of the fungi. Splendid work.

  18. Those first five shots blew me away. You are so good at this craft.

  19. Your macro shots are just amazing. Such tiny, delicate fungi and beautiful bokeh and DOF.

  20. Lovely macro photos Karen. Those little fungus' look great. I specially liked the red one - Dave

  21. THese are amazing, a real look into another world, so cool!

  22. I love all the different varieties and colors of the mushrooms. Really lovely shots.

  23. Wow - truly amazing shots! That red one is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your little treasures! I think we all need to stop and look at the little things and not focus on just the larger things in life. Thanks for sharing those little wonders!

  24. Absolutely wonderful!! The ones on the log look like a tiny umbrella display!:))) And I especially appreciate the moss macros...never realized what they really looked like.

  25. Your vision of the world and your photography are becoming more and more amazing. So far these macros of mushrooms are my favorite. Well done Karen :)

  26. I don't even have words for these, they are so amazing!! Love them all! thanks so much for sharing them.

  27. wow..I love to see things from a photographers camera...wonderful pictures!

  28. Wonderful wonderful! You captured another world. Very impressive and beautiful photos!

  29. Wow, these are incredible shots! I'm learning to see things differently since getting a camera and participating in this weekly macro challenge. There is so much out there to see when you look closely!

  30. Well spoken, so perceptive and insightful, and some of the most gorgeous photographs I've ever seen! So glad you stopped for that closer look!

  31. Amazing shots! I love the softness to them.

  32. Love your two posts on the rainforest--both the one with the bigger pictures and the trees with so much character--and these tiny magical mushrooms.

  33. I love to photograph fungi, great shots!

  34. Details are amazing! Your photos are gorgeous!! :)

  35. beautiful captures! love the depth of field on these...

  36. What a lovely place to find myself - so happy to find your beautiful work!

  37. Amazing shots! These are just beautiful!

  38. Incredible macros. I expect to see a leprechaun at any moment!

  39. What fabulous photos. How fun that would be to go out hunting for fungi..

    Hugs, Linda

  40. Beautiful and what little treasures to seek out..........few would even know they even exist as they walk along there.

  41. Amazing Karen! Very envious of these shots.

  42. These are really very beautiful, especially the red/pink ones, you have captured just how delicate they are.


  43. Oh my, these are truly magnificent and the dof is perfect!! I've never seen a red one before, how cool!

  44. Wow - these are just magical! I love the moss on the stump and the way the bark swirls! I'm glad you spotted the mushrooms! The moss in the mushroom shots looks like feathers - so nice :)

  45. Wow, these are wonderful shots. It's amazing what Mother Nature provides for us photographers eh!!

  46. Love your great macro's, could dream away on your music too, thanks for a moment of peace on your blog

  47. The fourth image is my absolute favorite. It has great focus, interesting surrounding and great colors. Very cute subject!

  48. Fantastic photos and great write up. It makes me laugh. Reminds me of how strange photographers often seem to others. Fancy telling your family to go on, because I have some miniscule fungi to take a picture of! But "normal" has always been over-rated in my opinion.
    Thanks for sharing.

  49. These are beautiful shots! Love your blog - glad I stopped by!

  50. Some of the most beautiful things are often overlooked. These are wonderful captures!

  51. The first mushroom picture is absolutely INCREDIBLE! Just beautiful! Great shot. Very well done!

  52. Impressively beautiful!
    Seen at Sweet Shot Tuesday

  53. A first time "I Heart Macro" participant, and wandered over from your link there. Fantastic images!

  54. These really are such lovely photos. I really like the stump. How cool!!

  55. you have made mushrooms look beautiful! nice work. ; )

  56. These are beautiful! Love your finds and totally appreciate the time you took to spot these beauties to share with us! :)

  57. You have some amazing fungi there, the red one knocked me off my chair. OH to be able to see that in my yard. I adore taking pictures of fungi.


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