
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Glimpses of the Future, Whispers of the Past.

Yesterday was Master J's first "Training in Flight" lesson at a regional airport. Once well up in the air he was given the controls for a while before handing back to the instructor for landing.

All that hard schoolwork has to be for something worthwhile! My husband loved being there to see him fly, I'm pleased I sent him with a camera!

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever" John Keats. 

Made by a friendly dressmaker, I designed my wedding dress, bought the fabrics, lace and beads, and hand-beaded the lace.  I still consider it beautiful, like our marriage, after 22 years.

Sharing at I Heart Macro.


  1. Congratulation o 22 years of marriage.
    Glad to see J one step closer to his goal!

  2. Look at the smile on your Master J's face - completely chuffed. Hope the whole day went well. 22 years of marriage - not knowing you, but in a small way knowing you through this media, I can confidently say well done, I'm expecting your character has had alot to do with its success.

  3. There is a brave boy!!!

    And the dress...stunning! The details are so beautiful!
    I'm married for 24 years, now! Our weeding was July 11.

    Great blog!

  4. Nice pictures and it is for sure a lovely wedding dress . It already contains flower details. So 22 years ago you had your mind already set.

  5. Always wonderful to receive a reward for your hard work

    Stunning images of the beautiful beading and lace work. Gorgeous dress.

  6. nice pictures. :) congratulation...

  7. I'm glad to see Master J learning to fly. What a thrill it must have been to be able to take the controls for the first time? Lovely wedding dress Karen - Dave

  8. Very nice white pictures, difficult.


  9. Brave boy indeed :)

    Such beautiful details of your dress! Excellent photos!

  10. I love master J's beaming smile! wow, I think I may never have the courage to do what he did there! :D 22 years of marriage is so precious....such a lovely dress worth keeping through generations...

  11. Hi Kulasa, thanks for your recent comments. I seem unable to leave comments on your blog as I'm not on FaceBook nor the other options.

  12. The young pilot loos very pleased with himself. Way to go young man. I love the details on your wedding dress. Marriage is such a sacred thing.I am happy to hear that yours is still beautiful after all those years.May it continue that way.

  13. Oh what an experience - and what a life skill to have.

    Congrats on your 22 yrs and lovely macro detail - our 25th is in a few weeks time.

  14. Wonderful images, I hope he's enjoying his flight lessons... The wedding dress series is so beautiful too...
    Great work !

  15. Congratulations on those 22 yrs! So beautiful, the details of your dress. And what a great idea for photos, I think I'll dig mine out (which I also made)to take some similar pics.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  16. Congratulations to your son and to you and your husband. Your dress is beautiful and the music playing goes so well with this post. Brought a tear to my eye :-)

  17. Congrats to your family for their achievements!

    Your dress is truly beautiful, the lace and beading and buttons. Amazing how white it is, like it's just been prepared for a wedding.

  18. Congrats to your son for his progress and to your 20 years of marriage, a fine progress as well. Always love visiting your spot of the world.

  19. How wonderful that your son is learning to fly! Fantastic and he does look happy!! And congratulations on your twenty years of marriage! Looks like a gorgeous wedding dress! Hope you have a great week!


  20. No to miał syn dzień pełen emocji. Twoja suknia ślubna była z pewnością piękna, tyle koralików i haftów. Pozdrawiam.
    So was the son of a day full of emotions. Your wedding dress was certainly beautiful, as many beads and embroidery. Yours.

  21. master j looks very comfortable in that aircraft!!

    and your wedding dress looks beautiful. congrats on 22 years!!

  22. Such great photos of Master J and his flight adventure. We have had an airplane for 30 years and i well know all of the fun sights and enjoyment he will get from this. Know he was excited, and what a motivator. Also love the view of the beauty in your wedding dress and the sentiment expressed.

  23. Very special: flight lessons!
    I fully agree with the wise words: thanks for reminding.

    Best regards, Marion

  24. congrats to you on 22 yrs!! your dress is still beautiful! excellent taste in lace & beads! and congrats to your son on his flying lesson!! ^)^linda

  25. How beautiful that you quoted those lines from Keat's poem, Endymion. It is one of my favorite poems. So is it your anniversary?

    The hand beaded lace is gorgeous. Maybe you should consider showing the entire dress. I ,for one, would love to see it.

    Your husband did a fantastic job capturing your son's excitement!

  26. Yay - a new pilot is on his way to slipping the surly bounds :-) Congrats on your anniversary - it's a lovely dress!

  27. Beautiful, beautiful gown! Your son must have been soooo excited!

  28. The wedding dress looks gorgeous! How lovely that you have it saved away! And I know you are immensely proud of your son for learning to fly!

  29. That is so cool that your son is taking flying lessons. He sure does look happy.. That was a great photo of him smiling...

    Your dress is so pretty. Such beautiful details. You capture them perfectly in these photos. Congrats on 22 years.


  30. wowww, 22 years! congrats, let the next 22 be even happier:-)
    good luck+tons of fun to your boy with flying!

  31. Wow, 22 years - congrats! :-)

    Flying seem fun, he has such a happy expression on his face! :-)

  32. Lovely post. Good luck to your boy.

  33. What lovely photos...and the soothing music is beautiful, too! :)

  34. Congratulations on 22 years! Your comments are a testimony of love, grace, friendship, and forgiveness -- all parts of a good marriage.

  35. what beautiful detail on your wedding dress...truly a treasure!

  36. Your pilot is so handsome! :) Oh your dress is gorgeous. Love these detail shots!

  37. Ah- beautiful! Happy Anniversary! And flying is such a great experience.

  38. Oh I love your dress. It looks so beautiful.

    Wow, what a big day for your son. That is exciting and frightening at the same time.

  39. The intricate details on that wedding dress are just gorgeous!

    Happy Anniversary

  40. Your wedding dress details are like a dream!!! Cheers, Ruby

  41. Congratulations on 22 years of marriage. I like the little details from your wedding dress.


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