
Monday, April 2, 2012

Palm Sunday

Each Palm Sunday the lights on "The Cross" are changed from blue to red, a silent reminder, visible over much of our city, of the greatest love-gift and sacrifice in all history. I believe the consternation is about a corroded light fitting.

Gradually winched upward again.

Next Sunday, Easter Sunday, the red will be replaced by blue again.

Master J left the serious business to the older men while he flew the "Fling" on which he has recently replaced the original, aged brittle translucent purple cover for a beautiful clear film.

I love seeing the balsa wood, quite a beautiful product to work with and enjoy.

Sharing at Communal Global, Our World Tuesday.


  1. I hope you take a photo of it lit up. That would be what my sons would have done :)

  2. Wow, what an impressive project!

  3. Beautifully said and photographed, Karen.
    I wish Master J.. Happy flying with his heavenly new plane.

    Have a happy day filled with contentment,
    cheers :)

  4. What a stunning colour the sky is in your last photo.

  5. What a wonderful testament for everyone to see! I agree, I think a picture is in order :-)

  6. It is a big planes, looks very good.


  7. very beautiful planes :). great work...

  8. Well done, both in captures and words!
    Best regards, marion

  9. When we lived over that side of town I could always see the cross from my bedroom window- a great reminder every night as I went to bed!

  10. This is a beautiful post, Karen. And I loved Master J's flying his plane. :)

  11. A timely reminder of what Easter is about. The plane soaring through the sky surveying natures glory.

  12. What an awesome site.. Thanks for sharing with us!!

  13. I also want to see it lit up.
    Gorgeous looking new plane...must be so much fun to fly it.

  14. Krzyż będzie z pewnością widoczny z daleka, stoi na wzgórzu. Pięknie wygląda samolot Twojego syna, z którego pewno się cieszy, na tle błękitnego nieba. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.*** Cross will certainly be visible from a distance, standing on a hill. It looks beautiful your son's plane, which surely is happy against a blue sky. Best regards.

  15. I love that the cross is so public. Great photos.

  16. It's so good that you still have the freedom to place that Cross on the hill....and what a witness it is to such a supreme sacrifice.

  17. Looks like you had a beautiful day. Have a blessed Holy Week.

  18. Great series and a lovely reminder of the season. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Great shots. love the plane shot very much!!


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