
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Learning to Drive

Along our front path a lonely oxalis plant is providing another lesson in beauty. Having only thought of these plants as weeds I had never really looked closely, until this week. Both photos above were taken with my Lumix compact zoom camera using the Raynox macro conversion lens attached.

Monday afternoon my first DSLR arrived, a Canon 600D/EOS KissX5/Rebel T3i  Twin Lens Kit (a heavily discounted "group deal" from ebay). I've pinched the SD card from the Lumix for now and am learning how to "drive" my new camera. The two photos above were taken with the DSLR, using the Raynox macro conversion lens  this morning.
The Lumix performs wonderfully for macro shots.

The rest of the photos below are with the new camera also.

A little Prince-in-waiting rescued by the children as they were gardening - doesn't he look grateful, maybe he's pleading for that kiss!

The last photo is SOOC. I doubt I would have been able to capture this so well with the Lumix. I love my Lumix and it will remain my choice for long walks and often for macro. However the DSLR has already endeared itself to me and I'm sure will continue to do so as I learn more about using it.


  1. Wonderful pictures with nice colors....that girl is so cute.

    Greetings, Joop

  2. Mnie się wszystkie zdjęcia podobają, a szczególnie córki, niezależnie od tego jakim aparatem robiłaś. Pozdrawiam. *** I liked all the pictures, especially daughters, regardless of what camera you were doing. Yours.

  3. Love Miss E with her bow and arrow!

  4. nice close-ups! and what a cute girlie! even the frog is cute, if I may say :)

  5. I don't think it's just the camera you use - you are an amazing photographer and I love your photography. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with this new one though!

  6. very nice images! the colors ar amazing :)

  7. I agree with Barb, great to have a wonderful new camera, but you're the talent behind it and you have such a terrific eye for the breathtaking shots! These are exquisite! I do love Miss E and her bow and arrow, too!! Hope your week is going well!


  8. A cada dia suas fotos estão mais bonitas, parabéns! A foto da borboleta é minha preferida, que nitidez. Belissima galeria. E a menina é adorável.


  9. Snap, lovely photos and your words resonate with me as I now use two cameras. Like you the Lumix is great for macros and always in my handbag, while I am enjoying learning to use my Nikon, slowly.

  10. Congratulations on a new camera! Your first drive was a success! Don't miss out on all the different things you can do with it by using auto all the time.

  11. oh my, these are breathtakingly beautiful! your post totally uplifted my afternoon.

    i adore your stunning photography!!

    p.s.congrats on the new camera!

  12. Beautiful images....I think you will enjoy your new camera, and I look forward to seeing more stunning photos from you :)

  13. Yippee yahoo yehay - a new dslr and it's a canon!!!!! Right, that's it, I'm going to get in the car and drive up north so we can spend a few hours together clicking away, just give me a little while to catch up with some chores here first and get some stuff done with the kids........I should be there about 2018. Beautiful GLORIOUS photo of the butterfly.

  14. These are stunning!!!! Looks like you two are old friends already. :) I have the same camera- LOVE IT! It's an awesome workhorse that does a great job.

  15. How exciting to finally have a DSLR. I haven't picked up my old camera since I bought my DSLR... I just can't get the quality of images with the old one and shootong in RAW has opened up a whole new world of colour and clarity.
    Beautiful shots as always. I love the butterfly and your shots of little Miss E.
    For portraits, I would suggest adding a 50mm f/1.8 II (aka the nifty 50) to your wish list. The crispness is amazing!
    Looking forward to joining you in your whole new world of photography. Have a lovely Easter!!

  16. Loved the first two shots - beautiful colors and a great contrast between the background and the flower with the bug. The one with the butterfly is also amazing!

  17. Well, it certainly did not take you long to learn how to use your new camera, but then again, it is not the camera that makes the beautiful images it is you, my dear. Happy Learning!!

  18. Beautiful shots with the new camera, you are adapting quickly. The butterfly and the frog are wonderful, but I agree Miss E is the best.

  19. I have to say you take the most amazing macro shots.. I just love seeing your photos. I do hope you enjoy your new toy!!

    Hugs, Linda

  20. oh my, those photos are so beautiful!!! great details...whew, I still have to own a dslr...will be viewing the photos again..the prince frog shot on the palm is what I love most and yah the flower with the critter...

  21. Hey there ... that butterfly photo is amazing. Love how you capture nature :) Wishing you all the best this Easter.

  22. I enjoyed all of your photos here Karen. Specially liked the frog and butterfly shots, the little girl with the bow and arrow, and the oxalis flower. That is a weed here too, but even weeds can look lovely huh? - Dave

  23. Beautiful pictures! You are a true artist who knows how to use her tools to capture beauty. Congrats on getting your Canon DSLR. Looking forward to seeing your creativity. Enjoy!

  24. Fantastic selection of images. Congrats on the new dSLR. Curious to know, what lens did you use to capture the butterfly...brilliantly sharp.

  25. Nice colourful flowers and the frog is quite funny :)
    Thanks for sharing.
    Greetings Miklos

  26. The little frog is fantastic.


  27. I could kiss that little forg :) Lovely shots, both with Lumix and your new "toy".
    Hope you love every instant of your new bestfriend!

  28. how amazing! the colours and the posture of this cute frog, I do think he was waiting for a kiss:-)
    the macro lens makes lovely depth of field, great work...a very happy+cozy easter weekend from me:-))

  29. You are off to a great start with your new camera, delightful photos

  30. Very nice shots, so tender and delicate flowers ...
    Best regards, Karin

  31. The little Prince is so cute! :)

  32. Lovely shots... enjoy your new camera!

  33. Thank you everyone for dropping by and leaving wonderful comments, very encouraging. We are currently away from home for the weekend with super s-l-o-w internet. I miss being able to return visits for now.... Karen

  34. Beautiful series of images. You are so talented.

  35. I hope you are just as pleased with your camera as I am. Beautiful pictures. Have a nice Eastertime Karen.

  36. Very beautiful pictures. And the frog does look like its waiting for the kiss!! Cheers, Ruby

  37. Oooooh yes, these pictures are so beautiful!

    hahahaha "A little Prince-in-waiting..." so darling comment and amazingly beautiful picture!

    Love love it!


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