
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Five Years Ago

Five years ago this week my husband and Miss E were in India, just as they are right now. This morning I located the photos they had taken while there. Much is the same as when I was last there 22 years ago, but also much has changed.

Today India has better mobile phone reception than Australia, however other infrastructure is definitely not comparable in most localities.

India remains a land of tremendous contrasts and is culturally varied and very different to Australia.

Miss E was 15 then. My husband lead a small group from church to visit and assist some of our Indian friends (different ones to the current visit) who were holding an annual conference in the middle of India for their workers, most of whom are working in northern India.

After the conference our friends took our little team to a tourist destination in north India for a day of sightseeing before a little more work.

The scenes are a feast for the eyes, although somewhat overwhelming at times while you are there in person. Miss E is enjoying her current trip much more, being older and having been before makes a big difference.


  1. Lovely shots Karen, and will be anxious to hear all about the trip when they get home. Sounds like a great esperience for both of them!

  2. I'm fascinated to read about India but it's a place I doubt I'll ever go to. Your young daughter is gaining incredible life experiences.

  3. I am so fascinated by India and have so many wonderful blogging friends from there! I would love to visit, but at my age that isn't too likely! Your photos are the next best thing! Thank you for sharing!!

  4. So, so interesting. Love taking a peek into this different culture through these wonderful photos!

  5. so interesting!
    very nice pictures! :)

  6. Very nice pictures of a fascinaiting country.

  7. The trip sounds facinating. So interesting seeing these photos from the last trip.

  8. Many Indian people live in extremely difficult circumstances, but I am always surprised at how very dignified they are and how elegant the ladies look even though they may be working in the fields.

  9. L'India mi ha sempre affascinata...luogo magico e misterioso...

  10. I enjoyed this look at India. Some colourful contrasts for sure. Where is the location in Northern India along the water?

  11. It makes me smile to think how quickly mobile phones have crept into their lives. A very different lifestyle to Australia.

  12. Joyful, the beautiful water scene is in the town of Nainital, northeast of Delhi in the outer foothills of the Himalayas. It is a popular tourist destination, an area I haven't been to myself. The water is Naini Lake, very beautiful.

  13. Rosemary, you are so correct - they are dignified and nearly always spotless too, even if their surrounds are filthy. Quite amazing.

  14. Very good photo's..... nice impression Karen.

    greetings, Joop

  15. Thank you for visiting my blog! I will follow yours constantly. I love your fotos.
    (Cologne, germany )

  16. Really nice photo's of India as it is. Please show us some more.

  17. What a wonderful adventure for the two of them!

  18. Admirable that your family has such a heart for other cultures that are less advanced. Seems like a fascinating place.

  19. what a wonderful experience for Miss E!

  20. One of our neighbours daughters who came here so often when she was still younger(she was like a big sister to our kids then), went to Africa several times to help there, together with some other young people. Your description of things reminds me so much of the stories Karen told us(I just now realize that you and her actually have the same name, isn't that a coincidence)

  21. sure it was an unforgettable experience.

  22. Hello!
    India, a beautiful country. And people are different, as in every country ...
    Various culture.
    Lovely pictures.

  23. Indie to z pewnością kraj wielu kontrastów i niektórym ludziom chyba nie łatwo tam żyć. Córka wiele zobaczy i z pewnością wyciągnie odpowiednie wnioski na ten temat. Widok ulic nie zachęca do spacerów po nich, ale nad jeziorem jest pięknie. Pozdrawiam.
    India is certainly a country of many contrasts, and some people think it is not easy to live there. Daughter and certainly see a lot of draw appropriate conclusions on the subject. Street View does not encourage them to walk through, but the lake is beautiful. Regards ..

  24. I wish your husband and your daughter wonderful days in India.
    Have a good day.

  25. I am fascinated that this is a part of your lives... God is so good to do this~ connect people in Him from one land and another. It always gives me a God hug to see His love in action and I so look forward to that glory day when we will all meet together.
    Do you know the Allen or Bliss families from Canada who also minister in India? Far fetched idea but I just wondered.
    I loved the old photos. Our 100 year old land lady in Mexico in 1976 sewed on such a sewing machine. my mom owned a Singer one up from that model... brings back so many memories. God in all those lands seeking out those who will hear His voice...
    Canadian hugs and prayers your way and across to India too. God's blessings of joy and courage and strength to all those your family come upon...His grace outpoured

  26. Hello!
    The answer: The moth or butterfly is a Macroglossum stellatarum. Oh, I see in english you are right, it's a Hummingbird Hawk-moth or sometimes the Hummingmoth (Wikipedia).
    Thank you for your nice comment.
    Greetings from Switzerland

  27. Fascinated photo's. A land of contrasts. What a colors ... Netherlands is currently cold and gray. A pleasure to watch these beautiful pictures. Thank you.

  28. Great series of shots and fascinating account of the travel!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice weekend****

  29. this is so cool! beautiful are the feet that bring good news. what an amazing experience and gift. blessings to you :).

  30. Oh what a wonderful experience!! And such lovely shots, Karen! India is so beautiful in so many ways - starting with her people.

  31. ♡¸.•°
    Fotos lindas e inspiradas!

    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil

    ✿ °•.¸♡¸.•°✿

  32. Thats great !
    Must have had an enjoyable trip..
    Yeah infrastructure is not that good everywhere over here...agreed!
    India is a place consisting various cultures..agreed :)


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