
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

In the early morning light two gorgeous poppies pronounced glory to the day. You can see the maturing seed head of the single poppy which bloomed and dropped petals all in one day, exactly two weeks ago.

It had been 5 whole days since our last email from my husband and Miss E who are currently in India. "Internet cafe...across the road....from the hotel" they said.    

                         Then nothing........ for 5 days.

Until late this afternoon. Apparently there has been three public holidays in a row and nothing has been open. All is well, they are having an amazing time - as I had hoped.

I head out to the garden, greatly relieved and very happy! This morning's poppies have retained their magnificent petals which are now gently closed like elegant fans protecting their centres.

I let my camera dance with my heart. Oh happy day!

Sharing at Beauty Is Where You Find It [Calmness], Weekly Top Shot.


  1. Oh yes, I understand it's a happy day for you now. I followed the link and wish you all many blessings and the presence of our God.

    Your flowers are very beautiful to see. Delicate and precious as our lifes ...

  2. I can only imagine how relieved you are to have finally heard from family members and to know they are safe. The flowers are spectacular.

  3. I've never seen poppies in this color - so pretty!!

  4. Jesteś szczęśliwa, to cudownie i cudowne są dzisiejsze zdjęcia maków. Pozdrawiam.
    Are you happy, that's great and wonderful poppies are today's photos. Yours.

  5. So happy that you heard from your family, and know that this is going to be an experience of a lifetime for them. Know you must feel so much better since you heard! It is so visible in your photos which are amazing. They will be in my prayers

  6. Glorious photos! I'm relieved for you - as a mom and wife and grandma I can relate! :)

  7. Your poppies are beautiful ... and the pictures perfectly.
    For the first time in my life, I watch the flowers.
    Thank you for the joy of watching these wonderful plants.

  8. Hello,
    Very beautiful shots of these brightly colored flowers.
    Wonderful to see, well done!!

    Many greetings,

  9. You have captured these gorgeous poppies so wonderfully. They look so ethereal. It is good to know that separation anxiety has not diminished your skills or your sense of artistry.

  10. Oh my goodness, these are beautiful!

  11. Every picture is a jewel!
    The colours of the poppies... and your talent to enhance their beauty!
    Truly magnificent!

  12. Happy day indeed, so glad you heard from your family. These beautiful shots have started my day on a very happy note, gorgeous!

  13. I know what you mean by letting your camera dance with your heart. These photos are amazing. We have an amazing Creator. Wonder why so many people don't see that??!
    Have a great Tuesday.

  14. Adorei estas papoulas, nunca tinha visto desta cor ,só mais escura.


  15. Beautiful pictures, congratulations!

  16. Ohhh wie wundervoll ♥ ♥

  17. Your photos look like delicate fans. 5 days is a long LONG time to worry and wait. Sorry Karen, I should have checked in with you to see how you were going. And isn't this the same time two other ones are cricketing?

  18. Glad hubby and MIss E are doing well on the trip. Must've been a little scary not hearing from them for 5 days. Your shots of the poppies are beautiful. I have never seen them in this color scheme before.

  19. The two who fly out for cricket will leave this Saturday, just missing the two in India who return Sunday.

    Five days is a long time when we were expecting contact, but nothing compared to when I last went 22 years ago with snail mail. So much depends on what you expect doesn't it.

  20. The flowers are beautiful.
    Glad to hear all is well. : )

  21. Happy day to you! ;)
    Beautiful images!

  22. A surprise for you on my blog...


  23. Thank you for your comment at my blog. Your photo's are so beautiful!! So nice te read you've 8 children! Yes, each day with our Lord is a happy day and you've got the talent to show it with your camera! (Sorry, I'm not so very good in English... ;-) )

  24. I know how you feel when you are expecting a communication and nothing happens - the mind works overtime. Luckily there is usually some simple reason, as in your case, but what a relief it is.
    The poppy is gorgeous so delicate just like tissue paper.

  25. That delicate pink is just so perfect.

  26. I can almost feel your relief. It would have driven me close to crazy not to hear anything. So happy for you everything is OK. A truly happy day with gorgeous poppies to top it off. So beautiful!

  27. I am glad that your family is safe. The poppies are so beautiful and light as air in your gorgeous photographs.

  28. Thanks for all your comments, I am very happy¡¡¡

    There is a lot tenderness inside your photos
    and nice music
    Have a nice day.

  29. Loved your post. Really beautiful captures.. Happiness is such a good thing!

  30. your camera dancing with your heart is such a lovely modern day thought that warmed this equally camera and life loving heart....those flowers are so beautiful, those petals exquisitely pretty and wonderfully captured as always....your happy thoughts always inspire me :)

  31. What gorgeous images, Karen!! These poppies really are delightful.
    I understand the feeling of no contact for days when loved ones are overseas. My ex-husband used to travel internationally a lot and some countries meant no contact for weeks. It was quite worrying as the state of some countries was not ideal.
    Your images reflect your joy beautifully!

  32. Glad you've reconnected. Love poppies but don't find them growing down here, perhaps it's too wet. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.

  33. simply breathtaking this beauty you have captured! great your loved ones are having fun...happy rest of the week:-)

  34. Your poppies are so beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful moment of happiness.

    Have a nice day****

  35. Wonderful post, love those flowers and so nice to know that loved ones are safe and happy. Happy day.

  36. Absolutely gorgeous shots. I know they made my day happy.


  37. These poppy photos are simply dreamy.

    Best wishes and prayers for your daughter during her adventures in India.

  38. That poppy is beautiful Karen. Glad your husband and daughter are OK. I also enjoyed your previous blog with that long flower spike. The flower is lovely - Dave

  39. Breathtaking! I love poppies, I wish summer was back!


  40. These are amazing pictures! So fragile! I love´m!

  41. Thank you Tina. Your summers must be delightful.
    Do you have a blog?

  42. Really, a happy day!

    The colour of the poppies is gorgeous.
    Your pictures are great!
    Greetings from Switzerland

  43. The poppies appear even more beautiful than normal because they come bearing good news!

  44. Wow, how very delicate!

  45. Oh, you've given me such joy -- I love poppies and they're six months past blooming here.

  46. so beautiful and artfully photographed.

  47. Awesome photography!

  48. I'm so glad you came over to share their paper thin translucence... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #58!

  49. Magnificent images!
    Glad all is well!!


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