
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Together At Last

Excitement, nervousness, a few tears and a tinge of sadness surrounded us as the twins boarded a plane almost two weeks ago. This was an airport we hadn't been to before, they were flying alone to be met by someone they didn't know.

Bracelets brought from India for Miss E (4)

It was also the day BEFORE Miss E(20) and my husband's return from India. They were sad about missing the much anticipated homecoming. But they had been given an opportunity not to be missed.

Their next 10 days were filled with training sessions, many interstate games, much fun and satisfying success. There was also a special date - their 15th birthdays - away from home!

In the very early hours of yesterday they arrived home. Their presence and birthdays were celebrated with hugs, tickles, love and gifts.

Yesterday they made their own ice cream cake for their belated birthday and choc-dipped some waffle cones for the serving. It sure is wonderful to have all ten of us together again at last.

Now we can begin to think of Christmas.


  1. To w ostatnim czasie sporo przeżywałaś. Nie było męża i dzieci w domu przez jakiś czas. Jednak każde z nich przeżywało wspaniałe przygody. Wszystkiego najlepszego dla bliźniaczek z okazji urodzin. Bransoletki z Indii są śliczne. Pozdrawiam ciepło.
    This is the last time you thought about a lot of loved ones who are away from home. However, each of them experienced a great adventure. All the best for the twins a happy birthday. Indian bracelets are beautiful. I greet warmly.

  2. Wow! look at that icecream! did they have one each?!

    It sounds like it was a blessed trip to India.

  3. I bought three 2 litre tubs of different ice creams and they made just one cake. There are still some leftovers in the freezer today. This must be the first time they have chosen to share a cake.

  4. Nice to hear that all are together!

  5. I know you are so glad to have them home!

  6. How fun to have them home again indeed! One of the joys of being a part of a wonderful family -- as all of you are!! Beautiful captures, Karen, thanks for sharing the joy with us!!

  7. The ice cream cake looks scrumptious!

  8. wow! looks delicious! I am a little bit confuse about this Miss E thing. There is this Miss E(4) and Miss E(20). They are not the same right? Why are they called Miss E? We can surely use the other letters in the alphabet like Miss A. hehe hmmmmm.

  9. Hi Tabulyogang, I can understand your confusion.
    I have used the first letters of our children's names and we have two girls whose names begin with E - our eldest is 20 and our youngest is 4 years old.

  10. I bet it sure is nice to have everyone home. But what a wonderful adventure your family has. I just love reading about it. And that ice cream cake looks sooooo good.


  11. Congrats on the girls' birthday (we have twin girls also - exactly 2x as old as yours - and they hate to be called 'the twins').

    Nice to have everyone back home safely for the Advent season.

  12. I can see that priceless joy on their faces being home at if I could only reach and eat the ice cream cake :) I love the curls on their hair and their lovely smiles...may you have the happiest of Christmas...

  13. great post. Like the photo's. Especially the bracelets and the large ice on the last pic.

  14. Hello!!! Indian bracelets are very very beautiful and the good!!!

  15. What a beautiful family. I'm glad you are all together now! My eldest daughter and I had a chance to visit India and work with some missionaries about 6 years ago. It's something we will never forget.
    Thanks so much for stopping by Bluesies!

  16. Oh big adventures are going on...
    all the best for your twins! Wow this ice cake looks so yummy!!
    Hope you are well!
    We have the first snow flakes..
    Liebe Grüße,

  17. Ah, it's lovely to see our kids with wings as well as roots.

  18. OH wow, looks like a lot of fun going on there, thanks for sharing! and thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello, now can I have a piece of that yummy ice-cream cake please? : 0

  19. Happy Birthday to them! So happy to hear you are all home and together again! :)

  20. The bracelets are very beautiful, good choice.


  21. Nice to see photo's of your children, they are so beautiful! And I like the pictures at all!

  22. That ice cream cake looks awesome! We have ice cream cakes here; but, nothing that looks like that! I wonder if I can make something similar for my own birthday? Hmmm....


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