
Monday, December 3, 2012

Warm Summer Colours

Summer is now with us here in Australia, along with its heat and bright colours. The recent visit to India by my husband and Miss E (20) will continue to impact our lives in many ways, as it should, yet the joys and challenges of each day are an ongoing blessing not to be missed.

With our current heat wave the pool has been in good use, except in the middle of the day when it's too hot. I love Miss E's attempt to dry her hair - with a little help from an older sister.

The poppies continue to bloom in their different colours. Their little seed heads fascinate me.

A brand new gazania daisy. Thankfully they like the heat and thrive during our summers.

Thinking of so many fellow bloggers who are experiencing short days and snow. Each season has its own beauty and challenges - sharing some warm summer colours with you today!


  1. Pretty girl and lovely flowers! :-)

  2. Nice colored photo's and i like that lovely little girl look at her eyes....she is photogenic Karen.

    Greetings, Joop

  3. Miss E is a very pretty girl and all the photos are very enjoyable. I have also enjoyed your post from your trip to India.

  4. Summer has well and truly arrived here too. A pool would be lovely to cool down in for us tomorrow I think it will be spent inside with the air conditioning on. Those flowers are beautiful close up. I like the one of the white poppy, very pretty.

  5. Beautiful! The center of the flowers are like marching bands in different formations. lol We are waiting for a typhoon here tonight and everyone's been in a frenzy but all are ready. I made a poem because the wind is cold. hehe random comment! thanks for the pictures! they are always a delight.

  6. I love that blooming precious face.. what an adorable smile Miss E has :)

    Karen, your images are breathtaking!

  7. Miss E is just adorable. I love your poppies, they are gorgeous. Have a happy day!

  8. Simply beautiful!
    Both Miss E and the flowers.
    First time I'm seeing the lovely gazania daisy!
    Thanks Karen :)

  9. Your daughter looks so cute. And I am loving your flower photo. Enjoy your nice warm days.


  10. Such a cutie and your flowers are so beautiful...lovely to look at for us on the other side of the world where the colors are brown & grey right now.

  11. Wolę Twoje piękne lato, niż nasze krótkie i szare dni. Zdjęcia kwiatów są cudowne i z przyjemnością na nie patrzyłam. Pozdrawiam.
    Will your beautiful summer than our short, gray days. Pictures of flowers are wonderful and happy for not looking. Yours.

  12. Thanks for that:) here is dark, cold and snowing. So gonna go to gym soon to make myself warm:)

  13. I love your warm summer colors. No snow here yet, in fact it is unseasonably warm today.

  14. Miss E is a very special flower herself and all of them are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your family and gardens with us!! Always a delightful way to begin my day!! Have a great week!

  15. It is such a joy to see things from the other side of the world.I awake to see everything covered in white frost but there is beauty in that. Like you I love poppies especially when you see them wild growing alongside the hedgerows. Beautiful photos.

  16. Miss E is very pretty and nice, and all photos are wonderful!

  17. Merci for the very lovely summer pictures for us here in cold and snowy Central Europe.

  18. You'll have a very good summer.
    ! Cheers

  19. so nice to get some rain last night!

  20. Que delicia o verão, as flores estão lindas e a menina é muito bonita e amorosa.


  21. Your daughter is as bright and full of wonder as a flower :)

  22. Such pretty flowers and a delightful little girl. So are there two Miss Es? Did I miss something?

  23. award winning photo of a cutie !!! and the flowers match!

  24. Ah...I have missed the freshness and beauty of your pics. My laziness, not your doing.

    Good to be "back"!

  25. Excellent colours, the first picture is perfect.


  26. Great blog!
    Cheers from Argentina.

  27. Wow!! Such vibrant colours. I love this time of year in Australia! So beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :)

  28. I read your summerpost while its snowing here. The first snow and I wished that beautiful girl, from te photo vould see this. Its so beautiful. But also the summer. I am missing the summerlight. So I read your blog with a smile :-)


  29. oh! so sunny and inspiring pictures!
    young lady looks like little flower!

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

  30. So glad you are enjoying your summer! Sorry I'd gotten behind in commenting on your blog! Lovely shots as always! Cutie in the first photo, too, of course!

  31. the flower colours+depth are simply amazing! its like I can dive in them:-))

  32. You make me long for spring/summers. Right now, it is very blah around here in Central Texas (wintertime).

    PS Thank you for your comment on my caterpillar pictures.


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