
Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Few Firsts

A very warm welcome to 2013! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments and thoughts over the last few days. We are now home and enjoying the comforts thereof.

Let me share a little of our Aussie summer holiday with you. These photos were taken on our first day away, December 28. Miss E "caught" her first ever fish, although she protests she didn't really catch it as Miss N handed her the rod with a fish already on the end - but Miss E was the one to reel it in. Miss E was undecided about this little bream which was carefully released back into the bay after the event was caught in photos.

The little village where my parents-in-love retired to is only one hours drive from home. Filled with tourist, fishermen and retirees, it's mostly a quiet and relaxing place to visit - Christmas/New Year is peak season. These Cassia Fistula(or Golden Shower) trees took my eye as I walked home from the Newsagent. They are native to South Asia yet thrive in Australia also.

Lots of Corellas could be heard and seen flying around, just as they were during our holiday 12 months ago. I spotted this one just two doors from home on our walk back from the bakery.

Late in the afternoon we headed to Main Beach. Some of our older children had ridden their bikes down earlier to go beach fishing.

Here you can see some of them returning. More than half the people on this expansive beach are our family.

While the older ones fished, rode or beach walked, Miss E enjoyed playing around on the sand. I delighted in snapping away.....

Back home by the bay in time to catch the sunset. Most of the photos above, including this sunset shot (but not Miss E at the beach), were taken with my new little pocket camera. My very favourite photo from this beautifully still evening I took with my DSLR and shared that night.

 Just yesterday we packed away our Christmas tree and decorations, we are still catching up on a few odd jobs at home. Three of our teenagers are off playing competition cricket again this afternoon, the fourth teenager has gone to watch and support them. Life continues on. I trust you have had a pleasant start to the year.


  1. Thanks for sharing the fun and the beauty! Always delightful to see your photos! Sounds/looks as though your new year is off to a great start, Karen!! Enjoy!

  2. thank you for sharing!
    beautiful images! :)

  3. Great photos! I love the first one in your collage capturing your daughter's first fish catch ;-)

  4. Love those photos of her first catch!

  5. Chciałabym pobyć na tak cudownej plaży i posłuchać szumu wody. Przy okazji bym patrzyła na zabawy i zajęcia Twoich dzieci. Miejsce jest piękne. Drzewa kwitnące żółtymi kwiatami mnie zauroczyły. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    I would like to stay at such a wonderful beach and listen to the sound of the water. By the way, I looked at the games and activities your children. The place is beautiful. Trees blooming yellow flowers charmed me. Regards warm.

  6. What a njce updates from your family. BeAutiful and touching pictures.
    Well, i have been cleaning today after packing away my christmas decorations too. Now, i am taking a few minutes break:) happy new year!

  7. Great shots!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  8. Very good and nice pictures Karen.....Miss E is very photogenic.

    Greetings, Joop

  9. Looks like such a lovely and peaceful spot that your parents in law retired to. Your photos , as always are lovely, and especially love the portraits that you caught of Miss E. I especially love the first of her as her eyes look so captivating, and the lighting is so great. How she is growing! Hope that 2013 will bring you many new joys and challenges! Best from Texas!

  10. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your summer! Here in Cologne is neither a snowy winter nor autumn or spring - it's only grey, grey, grey and rainy...

  11. I ilke your pictures. Thank you for sharing us. It's always a little sunshine if I can see it.
    We have grey sky, same weather Astridka has written.

  12. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures with us. It is cold with snow on the ground here.

  13. Your little grand daughter is soooo cute!!! Almost as cute as my grand daughters!!!

  14. awww what a treat i had here today!! what a blonde cutie and the trees are so pretty!!

  15. Great first collage and Golden Rain. The girl is all smiles, very beuatiful personality.


  16. Australia is just breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL! - as is your daughter! :-) Hope you enjoy your holiday!

  17. Miss E is very very beautiful!
    Have a nice sunday!

  18. I am struck by how the same color of the sea and sand is also in Miss E, the color of her hair and eyes! Beautiful images..thank you for this bit of sunshine.

  19. Six days later from Barcelona, I wish you a very good year 2013 to all of this wonderful family.

    Beautiful pictures :-)

  20. What a delightful series of images. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of sharing in your family holiday. Miss E is clearly a captivating subject! How amazing that you almost had the beach to yourselves during these hot days. Love your sunset capture too - stunning! Blessings for 2013.

  21. What a wonderful sunset photo. I was staring at it so long I thought I saw the boat move in the distance. And of course Miss E is a delight to see in pictures.
    Happy New Year!

  22. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful series of photos, especially of Miss E and the sunset. Such happiness and positivity brimming over on your blog; love it! My year is starting out better than last. Praying it continues. :) Blessings to you!

  23. really wonderful, just marvelous to walk where you walk in this way...The bird the sand the children... a feast for snowy eyes (almost 2 meters of it)
    God bless your new year of beauty that He allows you to share with us! We stand in awe of all His marvelous creation!

  24. As usual it's one of those posts where it's nigh impossible to choose a favourite. So many delightful photos of your young fisherman. And yet that last shot keeps me coming back to it. Glad that you seemed to have a few relaxing days.

  25. Absolutely lovely photography ~ Beach photos are awesome and Ms. E is beautiful! ~

    Happy New Year to you ^_^

    A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  26. thanks for the warm colours+beautiful pics! sending some blue sky greetings from tulipland...where the winter has not arrived yet;-)) have a good new week!

  27. Thanks for your visit on my blog. I wish you and your family a happy nice new year 2013.

    Many greetings...

  28. A lovely place for a holiday. An empty beach. The yellow trees are beautiful and the beach shots of Miss E are super portraits.

  29. Fabulous way to start the new year... summer fun with your family!

  30. What a beautiful blog you have here. I'm so pleased that you commented on my photos, alowing to me take a gander at your gorgeous down under summer weather...your delightful family and luscious scenery.

  31. BEAUTIFUL post. A happy new year to you and family. :)

  32. Oh I am so jealous! While there is certainly beauty in the white winter we are having here in Utah, (I have a 3 foot icicle hanging off my roof), I am a summer girl at heart, and would love to take photos where you are taking photos. And your portraits of Miss E are wonderful.

  33. It always brings great joy reading of your holidays and adventures!
    It must be lovely to have your parents-in-love living so close now.
    Your images are always so beautiful, but those portraits of little Miss E are just gorgeous!!


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