
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Special Events

While away we celebrated Miss V's 9th birthday. Small gifts from her siblings, bakery treats, swimming at the beach, bought pizzas, a sunset walk by the sea and a birthday cake made the day very special. Her main gift was one she had to wait for until after our holiday - a new bike!

Having very much outgrown her old one, she had been asking for months for a new bike. Our first morning home from holidays my husband and Master T took her shopping and returned with a big box....

As Miss V eagerly watched the bike was soon assembled and ready to ride.

She is one satisfied not-so-little-anymore girl!

Along with Miss V's birthday, a highlight of our holiday was a visit to some some special friends on New Year's Day. Just like us, they are a Christian homeschooling family with 8 children - 6 girls and 2 boys! We had a wonderfully full and refreshing day at their amazing big, very bright and very beautiful home. The day was especially thrilling for Miss E (4) whose New Year resolution was to visit this family - she was also delighted to hold a baby for the first time and to see a horse up close.

We were treated to the most delicious and beautiful cup cakes also. I didn't think to take photos before they were eaten....but you can see them here. "Mama Bear" has a great blog with many wonderful photos of her cupcakes and her gorgeous family. Their eldest daughter, Alice, is 15 and corresponds with our twins, also 15. Alice writes beautifully and seals her envelopes with a monogrammed wax seal - very exciting to receive! As well as being a wonderful person, Alice sews amazingly well. You can take a peak at her world and sewing at Alice's Place.

It was one of those days which keeps giving back as we ponder their refreshing attitude to life and view our own little world in a larger way, being more aware of the possibilities, two of which I have acted on already.....but that's another story.


  1. Widać, że córka jest szczęśliwa. Piękny i pewno wymarzony prezent dostała. Spotkanie z drugą Rodziną pewno najlepiej zapamięta najmłodsza córka, bo miała dzidziusia na rękach. Pozdrawiam.
    You can see that the daughter is happy. Beautiful and definitely got a perfect gift. Meeting with other Family definitely best remembered youngest daughter, because she had a baby in her arms. Regards warm.

  2. Happy B'day to V:) [G rang but you were away, I think she spoke to the answering machine]
    How wonderful to catch up with the H's:)
    Intrigued as to your 'story for another day'

  3. So nice to see pictures of the birthday of your daughter! Wauw, very cool bike she has got! My youngest daughter is 9 years old too and she got a bike from her older sister, who got a bike on her 12th birthday.
    Homeschooling, does that mean that you give lessons to your children by yourself? Nice article about the visit to your friends!

  4. It sounds like your daughter had a wonderful birthday! The photos are great!

  5. Great photos! Happy birthday!!!

  6. Thank you Marmarel. Yes, homeschooling means teaching our children at home. We need to meet certain government requirements but there is much flexibility too. It gives us a chance to have much greater input into our children's lives and to work together more as a family.


  7. Looks like a lovely time, didn't realise that Mama Bear now has a blog- will be catching up with her through that, thanks for the link!

  8. Wonderful photos indeed and a very Happy Birthday to Miss V!! Hope all of you have a wonderful week!!

  9. Happy birthday to a beautiful little girl. What joy you captured while on her new bike. :)

  10. I must say that I do adore Miss V's freckles.

  11. A very happy {belated} birthday to Miss V! It looks like you had a lovely holiday.

  12. Wonderful images Karen. Looks like a fun birthday.

  13. Looks as if this was a wonderful occassion, and miss V looks so cute. Love those freckles. How nice also to visit some friends with whom you have so much in common! Don't know how you do all that you do. Have a wonderful day!

  14. A belated Happy Birthday to your daughter. They sure do grow up fast don't they. Looks like she had a happy day!


  15. Happy birthday to your princess - looks like a wonderful day!

  16. Congrats and i like these lovely pictures.

    Greetings, Joop

  17. Miss V looks so enchanted with her new bike.

  18. A very happy birthday to your Miss V she looks so very happy, those photos are very sweet. My Miss 8 will be 9 soon too, that time has flown by too fast. Love the new bike too, how fun to go and pick one out:)

  19. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Miss V!!
    She looks so pleased with her new bike and I'm sure will have a wonderful time using it. Her freckles are so sweet!! What a gorgeous girl with a beautiful smile.

    How wonderful too, for you to visit another large homeschooling family. It looks like fun was had by all!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year. May 2013 bring many more wonderful adventures for you and your family, which I know you will continue to share & I will look forward to reading about!
    I also hope to have the opportunity to visit you sometime in 2013. I'd love to revisit the country town where I gave birth to my oldest son and have many fond memories of our time there.

  20. They do grow up so fast.
    Happy Birthday, Miss V!

  21. Congratulations to the birthday child. Wonderful photos of the new bike and a happy child. So beautiful !

  22. Happy birthday for this precious girl. We all like the pics!

  23. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  24. Aw, I'm so glad she had a wonderful birthday. That is a beautiful bike!

    And how fun to have homeschooling friends in such a big warm family! Sounds like a grand way to invite the New Year ;)

  25. Miss V picked out a very pretty bike!


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