
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Did This Save Our Town???

Yes, we were ordered to evacuate today, our town had its highest flood peak in white man's history. We returned late this afternoon and took a walk to see for ourselves some of the weakest spots. Without this effort and more, it may have been a very different story. The water is still high but it was overtopping the wall in places at its peak.

More to tell soon, for it is now very late, we are all tired and my husband and Master J have made it safely home from Sydney also. Thank you so very much for all your prayers and thoughts for us and our town. By man's efforts and God's mercy we are safe and dry.

Sharing at Project Alicia WW.


  1. OH my goodness! So thank ful that your home was not flooded. Will be praying for you and your family! Did not realize this was all quite so close to you! Hope that this flooding will stop soon

  2. Hi Karen! I saw it on tv last night. So awful. I immediately thought 'Would that be where Karen and her family lives?'
    I'm so glad you're all allright and that your husband and son got home all right from Sydney.
    Thinking of you,

  3. I jsut saw the news this AM and had to come check on you. Praising the LORD for his mercy that your town is safe and will keep you in prayer. My hart goes out to you all at this difficult troublesome time.

    Someone sure knew what they were doing to support that wall. With the LORD's help, may it continue to stand strong.

  4. Have heard about the flooding here on the news! Stay safe and always the best to you and your beautiful family!

  5. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay safe.

  6. Thank goodness you and your home were safe. I always feel so sympathetic to those whose homes are flooded out, it must be devastating.

  7. Glad it seem to be a bit under control, hope it stays that way!

  8. Woda to jest jednak straszny żywioł. Chce zabrać ludziom ich dobytek. Mam nadzieję, że już nie pada i wody nie przybędzie. Wspaniałe, że mąż z synem wrócili do domu bez przeszkód. Mam nadzieję, że Twojemu domowi woda nie zagraża. Pozdrawiam cieplutko i bądźcie bezpieczni.
    Water, however, is a terrible disaster. I want people to take their belongings. I hope that it does not rain and the water does not come. Great, that her husband and son returned home without obstruction. I hope that your home does not threaten water. Yours, be nice and warm and safe.

  9. Goodness! Thanks for checking in. Glad you all are safe and dry. Lord, please continue to look out for our weather-ravaged friends. Amen.

  10. Thanks so much for checking in and letting us know how you are doing...even when you are exhausted and dealing with this. The Lord give you all His peace!

  11. I'm so thankful that you and your family are safe!! The news on the TV from there has been so frightening!! Take care and stay safe! My thoughts are with you and your family!!

  12. Oh My Goodness! I'm so glad you guys and your home are all safe!

  13. O, I am so sorry for you! The power of the water is immense.(We know that in the Netherlands), There is only one real hidingplace in anxious days; opena all days. Praying for you.

  14. Thanks God that all of you are safe:)

  15. So thankful that everyone is okay!!

  16. Just saw the foamie seas on the international news as a result of the dirty water running into the sea. What awful weather, but so glad that you are all staying dry and that your town hasn't been washed away. I hope that you have adequate accommodations while you are evacuated. Thanks for keeping us updated! Blessings and peace to you and the family! (so glad that the boys are back safely too!) And out of nothing more than morbid curiosity...other than the kids, what were the most important things you took with you when you were evacuated?

  17. Bad news. I'm so sorry for you! I hope the water goes soon. This is a nightmare.
    I wish you a lot of luck!
    I think of you!
    Greetings from Switzerland

  18. Ocean Soul/Karen - we took clothes for about three days, some food, a couple of mattresses and pillows, all the quilts I have made, laptops, DVD holder filled with children's favourite DVD's, Time Machine/external hard drive back up, cameras, mobile phone and charger, personal and financial documents.

    Only what we could fit in our vehicle.....

    We had already moved most things from our downstairs rooms and outside to upstairs. Our most precious sentimental possessions are stored in the tops of our cupboards. If the levee wall was to break or be seriously over-topped, we hope that most if not all our upstairs would remain dry.

  19. I am so happy to hear that all of you are safe and dry and that the levy helped to protect your town. Take care. x

  20. Thanking God for his mercy and answered prayers. Happy to hear you are all safe.

  21. It was SO close!
    Worse flood we have ever had here too!

  22. Prayers that the sand bags hold the water back. Water can be so destructive. Hope all stays well with you.

  23. Sending you my very best wishes for continued safety.

  24. Thinking of you and hoping that all is well with you!

  25. I thought of you when I saw all the flooding, but wasn't sure where abouts you are so hoped you were safe. Stay dry and I hope no damage is done to your home or family, xxx

  26. I saw the flooding on the news two days ago. Brrrrrr, I am happy you and your family are safe. God bless you and your family Karen.

  27. When I didn't see you post for a few days I knew you must be affected by the flood waters. Thankful you and your family are alive and praying all will get back to normal. Hugs.xx

  28. Thanks goodness you are alright. That has to be a bit scary. I will still keep you and your family in my prayers.



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