
Monday, January 28, 2013

Windswept and Waterlogged


A little windswept and waterlogged, our area is weathering the current conditions well ....see updates below. Some other regions are experiencing tornadoes, torrential rain and flooding. We have much to be grateful for. A big thank you for all those who have prayed and expressed concern.

Driving home from church yesterday we could see the water pooling but nothing to be concerned about.

Sections of our garden this morning are enduring a bath as the light but steady rain continues. It looks like the rain will ease up later today.

Yesterday our twins returned victorious from a few days of playing cricket in Sydney, only their finals were washed out. Early this morning my husband and Master J left for the long drive (about 8 hours) to Sydney for a schooling commitment. We are hoping the roads will be flood free for their trip down today and their return also tomorrow night.

Saturday morning I thought I had finished sewing the quilt top together, however as I spread it out on the floor in daylight I could see the white I had used in the large setting triangles wasn't true white. I have spend several hours unpicking little stitches and replacing the not-quite-white with a whiter white.

Two triangles done, two to go. There is one of each white above - too hard to notice the difference until you see them in daylight. I knew it was a bother and would take hours to do but I also knew I would regret it every time I look at the finished quilt if I didn't fix it properly.

My weekend has been filled with lots of wind, water and white - but not snow! I hope your weekend has been pleasant and productive.

***Unfortunately the river is rising and rising, higher than expected. We will have to wait and see what happens. We may need to evacuate in the morning.....We have moved many things higher, especially precious items.

*****9pm We have been told (texts to our mobiles and automated call message on our landline) to "prepare to evacuate" our area of town and wait for further will be touch and go.

****** 11:30pm I'm heading to bed. There's been no call to evacuate yet. Hoping for good news in the morning. River predicted to peak at 9am.

******* 6:30 am. We are still here, still waiting. The river is 7.83m and still rising, very slowly now. Hopefully it will peak soon. Our section of town has some sagging areas of levee wall and old infrastructure, both of which have caused trouble in previous slightly smaller floods. I slept with windows shut so I couldn't hear the roar of the river, but I could still hear the many vehicles driving around, keeping a keen eye on potential danger zones. I deliberately didn't go to look at the river yesterday (not pretty). Today I plan go for a camera walk (when the peak passes) and post as I can.

********* The order to evacuate for our area of town came at 8:30 am. We left and spent the day at a friend's place out of town, with clothes etc packed in case we needed to stay. Thankfully the river was contained with sandbags, ramps and  boards where it rose higher than the walls - it was a record flood, the highest in over 100 years. At 4:30 pm we arrived home safely. The river is very slowly dropping. We have MUCH to be grateful for. Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts.
Tomorrow we will work on returning the house to normal order.....


  1. I have just been watching the news where they showed some of the flooding in Australia. After the snow we have had here, the floods now follow. I look forward to the coming of Spring.

  2. Hard weather to have to deal with, just hope you and your family are safe. We've had a very mild winter so far -- wet and gray and chilly, but not anywhere near as cold and snowy as last year! Glad your family is safe. The quilt is so delightful and colorful!! Have a good -- hopefully dry week!!

  3. Praying for the safe return of your husband and son and that this crazy weather would ease. Congrats on your perseverence with the quilt - the end result will be worth your painstaking efforts now. The images in your previous post are just stunning! Thanks for sharing.

  4. So glad everything is ok with you all!! What patience you have to tear out all that stitching!! I'm afraid I would have left it and 'felt regret every time I looked at it'! :)

  5. I totally recognize your feeling about the quilt and the white not being the right white you had envisioned. So good you're fixing it. I would have done just the same. It would bother me constantly if something I made didn't quite look like I wanted. Better to do the extra work then. Gives piece of mind in the end.

    So glad only the garden flooded and things didn't get any worse. I hope the weather will settle down now and your husband and son get home OK. Our garden looks a bit flooded as well now, with all the melting snow, but nothing like last March though, then it looked much like the pictures of your garden now. Always a sigh of relief when the rain finally stops then.

    Have a great week,

  6. Thankfully you are on the rain side and not the wild fire side. Saw some very scary photos in other part of australia. Your quilt is going to be amazing. Be safe!

  7. Hi Jeanne,
    The rains are now falling where they have just had wildfires - all along eastern Australia.

  8. Oh, dear! I hate it when that happens with whites. Your fabrics are so cheery - it's going to be a great quilt. And that is a LOT of water!

  9. Sorry about all the rain, but glad you were spared from the storms! Praying for blue skies to come your way soon... :)

  10. The weather has been quite schizophrenic lately. Glad you are safe, though a bit mushy. Sorry you had to unstitch and re-sew the quilt. Love the little cherries design though.

  11. Glad you are ok. Your quilt is so pretty and colorful.

  12. very persevering... quilting is art!
    my friend at Rambling Tart also has your rains... blessings and safety to you all

  13. It's nearly 7pm at this end on Mon evening and from all reports not looking too promising over your way. Hope you are all ok and that J and Master J return home safely. Renee

  14. pray that you all are well and that you have not had to evacuate your home...

  15. Ho visto alla tivù italiana cosa è successo li da voi...incredibile...

  16. Oh! Sad to hear that water is arising in your place. Hope it wont fo so much damage.
    Good luck with your quilt anyway.

  17. ah, storms and floods are not nice :(

  18. Mam nadzieję, że nic już Wam nie zagraża. Przestraszyłam się, jak przeczytałam o ulewach. Mąż z synem z pewnością szczęśliwie powrócą, bez problemów. *** Kołdra będzie cudna. Pozdrawiam i bądź dobrej myśli.
    I hope that nothing you do not threaten. Scared as I read about the rains. My husband and son will happily come back, no problems. *** Quilt is lovely. I greet and be of good cheer.

  19. I didn't know about the rain in your part of the world... I hope it let's up soon!

  20. Oh my goodness! Cannot believe your horrible flooding! We will be keeping you in our prayers!

  21. OH how I wish I could send some of our blue skies your way.. Be safe my friend. I be praying for you and your family..


  22. You were the first one I thought about when I saw the flooding on the news. You'll be in my prayers. I'm so glad you have the contentment comes that comes from above, rather from circumstances.

    Your quilt is beautiful, and so cheery! Blessings.

  23. Thinking about you and hoping you can stay home. Your quilt is going to be lovely!

  24. Hi Karen, Hope you and your family are safe. It can be a very scary time. We are over the worst of it now (near Brisbane). There is even sunshine this afternoon. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos. Nikki

  25. Glad you are okay so far! Take care.

  26. Karen
    Rang you this morning, assumed you had evacuated when no answer. Was concerned so drove past later, had no idea you had to do this all on your own though without J home!! Obviously have been praying all day, so pleased you are safe at home now. {{}}

    Incredible how quickly things changed!

  27. I'm so happy you & yours are safe and sound. How scary!

    What a pretty quilt! Love the cherries! I would have ripped it out too knowing every time I looked at it that it didn't match. I've done that with crocheting if I missed a stitch.

    I'm starting my first quilt this week. It's a kit. We'll see how it goes!

    Stay safe and dry!


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