
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Changing Scenes

The flood waters have gone, leaving a smelly muddy, debris strewn mess along the river banks (but thankfully not within house yards)! This is the jetty we often visit and the children sometimes fish from.

This is how it looked September 2011 as the children fished one lunchtime.

The evening of the flood I took this photo, you can just see the sandbags in the corners.

48 hours later it looked like this.

A couple of days ago I returned to the same spot to check out the sand banks the children had told me of.

They had not exaggerated!

The same location a few weeks ago - it was their favourite in town fishing spot.

Looking back up the road I was pleased to see most of the grass had survived the flood very well. The residents' fence is another matter.....

We have had a few heavy showers of rain since which have washed much of the brown stinky silt off the trees and grass and freshened things up a bit.

Some of the remaining flood swept debris around one of the trees.

Looking in the other direction we see more sand.

This was the scene in the same spot a few weeks ago.

Despite the changes, there was still a wonderful sense of tranquility as the river calmly reflected the sunset sky in the quiet of the day.

The riverbank may not be pretty at the moment but in the right light, it is still rather becoming don't you think? As with most things in life, beauty is there, we just have to look for it.


  1. I think that one of humans best qualities is how we adapt to change, just like you're doing now.

  2. Very good photo's Karen...... i like this serie.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  3. It is still beautiful...just in a different way. I'm amazed at how quickly it all changed.
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
    Sarah x

  4. Rzeka, która tak pięknie wygląda na dwóch oststnich zdjęciach była bardzo dla Was groźna w czasie ulewy. Zostawiła po sobie błoto, ale na szczęście Wam nic nie zrobiła. Pozdrawiam.
    The river, which is so beautiful it looks on the two photographs oststnich was very dangerous for you during downpours. She left behind mud, but luckily you did not do anything. Yours.

  5. The grass is so resilient and its good to see it back in places, although it looks like you will have sandy banks rather than grassy banks in the future. The sunset photos are a delight.

  6. La quiete dopo la tempesta...anche qui in Italia l'anno scorso abbiamo avuto allagamenti ed altri problemi...
    Ti auguro un sereno w.e.!

  7. "... As with most things in life, beauty is there, we just have to look for it:
    It's true, Karen, I'm also looking for ...

  8. That last image is amazing ... the colours are breath-taking. I am glad I found your blog ... you're making me miss summer so much with these photos! :)

    A Day in Durham

  9. The hope of new life to come is always there. Amidst the damage you can imagine what it will be once again in a few months.

  10. Comparing the before and after shots is quite a dramatic difference. Still beautiful tho.

  11. Thank you for sharing your part of the world with us. Especially the before and after photos. Amazing! And yes - it is a beautiful place!

  12. So sad whatever happened but still it looks beautiful in its own different way !!!

  13. Amazing differences! Glad things weren't any worse! Great captures! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!

  14. Interesting to see the "before" and "after" shots, and those latter scenes are indeed beautifully tranquil. (I bet your little one was thrilled to catch a fish!) Keep safe. Blessings.

  15. It shows how powerfull water can be. Good that you are safe.


  16. No matter where the water is or was, I couldn't help but notice the beautiful skies.

  17. Like you said even with all the destruction there is still beauty to be found. I just love seeing your photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.


  18. My goodness, flooding is so destructive! Love that last pic, beautiful colors =)

  19. That last shot is so very gorgeous!

  20. Oh, my, that is just amazing! So happy you and your family are safe. And yes, the river still looks beautiful. But, how dramatic it was!

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead, maybe a bit less adventure-filled!


  21. I totally agree with your last comment about knowing where to look for beauty. I love the last image - so peaceful. Thanks for sharing your photos Karen. I hope everything will return to normal soon.

  22. It is just amazing what water can do. So, so true that the beauty can sill be found. You are great at capturing it to share! :)

  23. Such a mess! Thankfully not any worse, however, than it was. And you got some lovely sunset pictures! In time things will be back to normal.


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