
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Many Pieces

My flying geese quilt top is now complete, fully pieced but folded waited for time and space......

A little gardening, pulling weeds while the ground is still soft. The zinnias continue to flower in all weather.

We've been adjusting meals and food habits, especially for my husband, as we try yet again to make progress with his chronic eczema. Some improvements are apparent but it's a long, slow process.

Another birthday, Master J is now 18!

Arranging some long overdue house maintenance, so good to finally have it done. Now for some finishing paintwork.

Miss E is nearly 5 and counting down the days to her birthday. She loves writing and other homeschool work. We took her new book to show Grandfather this afternoon when we visited him in the aged care centre.

Life seems filled with so many pieces, quite a juggling act at times, especially as our homeschool year and sport have all resumed..... yet I will savour what little computer time I have all the more!


  1. Life is full, and even with it's challenges, it is better than an empty life :-)

    Have a lovely evening,
    Sarah xx

  2. Congratulations with your son! Nice quilt you 've made. Chronic eczema is my problem too. Drinking much water, use less sugar and coffee works the best for me.
    Have blessed days with your many activities!

  3. Thank you Marmarel. Chronic eczema is very difficult to live with isn't it. This diet has no wheat, no sugar or honey, no tea or coffee, no beef, no dairy products, no processed meats, only three fruits (one of which my husband is allergic to) and many other restrictions. It will be worth it if it continues to bring relief and improvement.

  4. All those little pieces make a day.
    Your quilt is Beautiful! Congrats to your son, he's the same age as our oldest son, he turns 18 in march. Absolutely LOVE your macro picture of the Zinnia again. Hope the eczemadiet works for you husband. Eczema is terrible when it sprouts up again. Love 'Rupsje nooitgenoeg'(that's the dutch name of Eric Carle's caterpillar book)on the cover of your daughter's homeschool workbook. I'm sure she's thrilled to write in it. Have a happy new homeschooling year Karen.

  5. Looks like you illustrate your dairy perfect with great pictures. Hope everything is going well on your side of the world now.

  6. Lots of things happening in your corner of the world but I'm sure that quilt will be completed soon .... it's absolutely gorgeous ... I love the colour ways.

  7. You got some beautiful shots of your son. :) Good luck with the eczema fight. And I adore your fabrics in your quilt.

  8. What a lovely quilt that you've made. Hope that your husband's eczema can be alleviated in time to come. Btw your son is a good looker.

  9. You have such a lovely family! I have suffered with eczema for years. I did not know there was a food diet to help. Thanks!

  10. Your world is busy as well as beautiful! Always a pleasure to visit your blog and follow the latest activities!! Love the quilt and a very Happy Belated Birthday to Master J!

  11. Well done on the completion of that magnificent quilt. It must have taken some real motivation to finish it off especially as you decided to unpick some of it! Have a good week.

  12. You've chosen your quilt as your first photo and it's so perfect, a metaphor for our lives and the way we interconnect with everything around us. Happy juggling!

  13. You've chosen your quilt as your first photo and it's so perfect, a metaphor for our lives and the way we interconnect with everything around us. Happy juggling!

  14. Wszystkie najlepszego dla syna z okazji urodzin. Mam nadzieję, że mąż będzie się coraz lepiej czuł. Pozdrawiam.
    All the best for her son's birthday. I hope that my husband will feel better and better. Yours.

  15. The quilt of life is interesting and beautiful, isn't it?! Gets a little worn & torn sometimes but...that's all part of it.
    I thought of you today as I've kept track of the many earthquakes off the NE shore of Australia. It hasn't affected you any, has it? in, tremors or higher waves?

  16. Nice knowing some bits of your life. Nice pictures and events:)

  17. It sounds like the book has the same diet as Psoriasis. I know it has helped me tremendously... I have had to go an extra step and become Vegan to treat Psoriatic Arthritis that accompanies Psoriasis. It makes a huge difference... not a cure but a definite, successful treatment.

    The quilt is so beautiful!!

  18. love the peek into your life! the quilt is looking amazing! happy birthday to master j! :)

  19. Life is full of so you say, many bits and pieces. Things veer us first one way and then another. Love your quilt! And congrats to your boy on his birthday! Oh, I forgot to say that spider in the next post sure is something!

    Hope your hubby's eczema gets better. I didn't know there were certain foods to help with that.

  20. Congratulations on finishing the top of your quilt, it sounds as if your time is very tightly booked too. You get an amazing amount done!

  21. Beautiful quilt !! As usual, you are an inspiration to me!!! Ahhh, I miss quilting.
    Love XXX

  22. I think this is one of my favourites of your documenting posts. It's just given me such a sense of your everyday. Master J turning 18 - my goodness (I just posted something about my Tom turning ten, I'm guessing I'll be in therapy considering seeing your photo when he's 10 + 8!!) Your second photo os the flower is just so quality and so you. I'm sorry that you and your husband are going through trying how to figure out meals and diet in terms of affecting health. You must - or definitely should be completely thrilled with your quilt, it radiates a brightness with those mix of colours. And of course, love the hungry caterpillar book journal. Thanks for sharing even in the busy times.

  23. I've been wondering about that quilt. Wow! What an accomplishment. It looks great, and I'm sure feels good to have it completed to this stage.

  24. Life is busy, isn't it. Hard to "juggle" everything these days, but we all seem to do pretty well at it. I've missed your lovely blog, but haven't had time to "go visiting". I'll be better!!!! Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  25. I was not aware of the eczema diet. Pretty quilt and zinnia. Kids grow up too fast, don't they?

  26. Love that quilt....

  27. love the colorful patterns in the 1st photo, so cheerful! :)

  28. The quilt is lovely and seems life is full and hectic sometimes.

  29. Happy Birthday to your son.. 18 thats a big one. Your flower macro shot looks so pretty and so does your quilt. Life is full and happy isn't it.


  30. Can't believe ur I'll girl turning five , started reading ur blog when I think she was 3. Time flies....beautiful quilt and happy Bday to ur son.

  31. Happy Birthday to J!! Can't believe how the years have flown!! Did think of him on the big day, boys had intended to ring, sending our love{{}}


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