
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nearly Most Five!

"Mummy will you do something with me?" Miss E asked yesterday.
"How about some sewing?' I suggested.
"That'll be good. I'll make a quilt like you."
"Well let's start with some stitching."

I was very impressed with her first attempt at hand sewing on fabric.

Miss E is "nearly most five", she has been counting down the days for weeks. Today she added the finishing touches to the piñata she has made with Miss N.

The basting is finished on my quilt and I have begun the hand quilting. I've chosen Bright White in Sulky 12wt mercerised cotton, the perfect weight for this job. This is the same weight Sulky cotton I used in my Nature Play quilt, only then I used two different variegated thread colours, the same ones Miss E used above.

Not wanting to highlight the actual zigzags, nor wanting to quilt over the coloured pieces, I have chosen to hand quilt a little star/cross on each white based print piece, reminiscent of tie quilting. This is producing a lightly quilted, smooth effect which I was looking for.

At last I have chosen a name for this quilt - "Sunlit Treasure" as to me it has the look of a treasure chest of jewels, tipped out and twinkling in the sunlight.

NB This quilt design is called "North By North East" as found in the book "Quilting From Little Things" by Sarah Fielke. Sarah is an Australian quilt designer, quilt maker, hand quilter and author. You can see some of her book in my original post about this quilt here.
Sarah's website.


  1. That quilt is nothing but gorgeous - I´m in awe!

  2. Oh that quilt is just lovely! And happy early B-day to Miss E! E is for excellent stitching!

  3. I love this quilt - and your little star stitches is great! I love that you are teaching your five year old to sew! I guess that's the teacher coming out in you!

  4. Lovely photo's Karen.... your little one is very good.

    Greetings, Joop

  5. Mama kończy cudowną kołdrę, a córka chce iść w ślady Mamy i też uszyć coś ładnego. Nawt ładnie jej to wychodzi, jak na jej pięć lat. Mam nadzieję, ze już nie pada i rzeka jest spokojna. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
    Mom ends a wonderful quilt, and the daughter wants to follow in the footsteps of mother and also make something nice. Nawt nice it is coming out for her five years. I hope you have not raining and the river is calm. Yours sincerely.

  6. Buon sangue non mente! Miss E è davvero brava!
    Complimenti anche per il tuo lavoro, molto molto bello!

  7. Miss E does a great job! She looks so concentrated. So fun when they want to learn something new like that. I remember teaching my daughter how to crochet and crossstitch.
    You chose the perfect name for your quilt Karen! It's looking so fantastic!!!

  8. I think you may have a quilting helper soon. What a nice job she did as someone who is nearly most five! Wow - your quilt is beautiful - so many many pieces!

  9. OMG! She is serious about sewing. I'm amazed to see her keen interest on it. You just got yourself a very good assistant!
    And your quilt is truly beautiful. I love it so much already :)
    Excellent tip on the star stitch, really unnoticeable at all.

  10. What a great new project for her. She is growing up so much!

  11. Lovely quilt! I know the amount of time that goes into hand stitching such a big quilt and yours is already so beautiful the hand quilting will complement it beautifully.

  12. The quilt is so beautiful!!

    Miss E will be quilting before you know it.

  13. Wow!! I'm impressed too! Her stitching is wonderful... a chip off the old block for sure :) The quilt is beautiful!!

  14. Hi Karen,
    Your quilt is amazing. I have no talent at all with needle and thread. I'm lucky to have a sister-in-law who has and shares with me. I think the name of your quilt is just perect. Wish I learned to sew at at 5..Happy Birthday to Miss exciting to be growing up!

  15. She is a very creative girl like mom:)
    Awesome quilt:)

  16. Your quilt is incredibly beautiful and Miss E is definitely following in her Mom's footsteps! And wishing that young lady a very Happy, Beautiful, Delightful Birthday!! Enjoy and celebrate!!

  17. Time is passing by quickly Karen. I can remember when my kids were that age and now 18 and 20. Great you take time to learn her handwork. Overhere kids are only behind the computer and television helas.
    You can be proud on her.
    Have a wonderful day Karen.

  18. A treasure chest of jewels is an apt description of your beautiful quilt, and Miss E is precious. May she follow in her mother's footsteps.

  19. That's so sweet when she suggested you both make a quilt together - a reminder about how impressionable we are as parents. What a good job she did too. Rosie has had a couple of friend's party's of late which she talked non stop about in the lead up to so I can easily visualize the excitable chatter from miss e about her birthday. Have a good day. Ps. Oh, and I think you've titled your quilt perfectly.

  20. I do love you sunlit treasure! So much beautiful work put in... and every bit worthwhile... your nearly most five, will be making them soon with you!

  21. Your quilt is stunning! It's just so beautiful!
    Hope Miss E has a lovely birthday when it arrives :-)

    Sarah xx

  22. I love the close ups of Miss E sewing. Sunlit Treasure is a perfect name for your quilt.

    Thanks so much for the link you provided on my blog Karen. I really appreciate your help. Nikki

  23. Your quilt is so pretty. Great stitching idea. Nice to see Miss E emulating your skills.

  24. What a creative children. I love the colourful quild. Beautiful. Nice colourfull blog it makes me happy. regards, Andrea

  25. Your quilt is bright and cheery.

  26. We can get so caught up in worrying about what our children are NOT doing that we take for granted all they ARE doing (mine are at their teenage stage?) I am thoroughly enjoying seeing your daughter's artistry and her eagerness to learn.

  27. I love to photograph my childrens' hands as they experience new things.. your sweet daughter's stitching is wonderful!

    Our "baby" just turned six last week.. We love making pinatas from balloons, as well!

  28. Happy almost five birthday to your sweet little Miss E. That quilt of yours is perfect. I love the colors and it is so cool how you are hand stitching it.


  29. Good on Miss E for learning to sew Karen. Your quilt looks great - bright and colourful - Dave

  30. Your quilt is f a n t a s t i c !
    It looks so friendly. I would say it's a dream catcher and it's against sadness.

  31. stopping by from Studio JRU. Lovely quilt!

  32. absolutely lovely and inspiring!


  33. Your quilt is so beautiful! I can't wait to see the hand quilting on it! Your daughter did a great job, too!

  34. aww... she is so sweet! the quilt is looking so pretty! i love it and i love the name!! :)

  35. What a gorgeous quilt! I so admire anyone who has the patience to hand quilt; I have done it once or twice, and it drives me crazy. :) And what a delight that your girlie wants to work on the same kind of projects as you!

  36. What a perfect, beautiful quilt! Who wouldn't love to be cheered by that daily!

    Your daughter does a great job sewing too! (Way better than I do, I confess!) What a sweet expression of concentration on her face as she sews!

  37. I love the quilt, it's gorgeous. Happy birthday to Miss E!

  38. Miss E did a great job, and your quilt id gorgeous!

  39. Gorgeous quilt and some great potential in that little stitcher!
    Coming from Studio JRU

  40. This quilt is beautiful and has a perfect name!!

  41. I'm teaching my kids to sew, too. My five and six year olds are learning both hand and machine. We also are using the books sewing school and sewing school 2.


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