
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Whatever the Weather

A little higher and later than expected, our river peaked, safely within it's walls early this morning. The partially submerged building is the sailing club, built to withstand the flood waters. The water is very smooth and relatively slow compared to the last few floods we've seen.

The finial of the sailing club is wearing a wreath of debris from the January 29th record flood which totally covered it.

Master J about to catch his remote control glider before church

From church this morning the grazing grounds below appear to have turned into a lake, with ponded water from Friday's downpour.

Wild kangaroos, the regular inhabitants of the church grounds, seem happy whatever the weather. Summer showers and thunderstorms are forecast for the week, but nothing of major concern - except for those wanting to mow the grass!

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Your photos really give great perspective on the enormity of the flood. The kangaroo shot is perfect!

  2. Glad there is no more damage than there was! I do love the kangaroos! Great captures as always. Hope you and your family have had a good weekend!!

  3. I love the picture of the kangaroo! Hope the river stays in its walls.
    Happy Sunday!
    Sarah xx

  4. I hope for you and your family the river won't rise.
    Have a wonderful day Karen.

  5. Glad to know you are all safe- and the grass can wait! It will only grow again, anyway!

  6. Hopefully you guys won't get any flooding this time round. I just love the photo of the kangaroo. What a great shot.

  7. I love to see the kangaroo. Nice to see your son having fun:)

  8. Awww - Kanga + Roo! So sweet! <3

    Be safe dear!! :)

  9. Great shot of the roos
    You have had such a turbulent summer - hoping for a more settled Autumn for you all

  10. All of this flooding around the world is a worrying development.
    We live 750 feet high up and our land is never really wet because of that. The rain just soaks straight down. However, this year the common land around us is still wet and unseen before puddles of water remain. The water table must be full up and as high as where we live.

  11. I hope you haven't problems...and I hope today there is the sun!

  12. I can't believe how your river is flooding again so soon after the first lot of floods it's been a terrible summer for rain. Wishing you lots of sunshine this week.

  13. Oby prognozy się spełniły i nic Wam nie groziło. Deszcz stop. Uwielbiam patrzeć na kangury. Pozdrawiam.
    Let predictions come true and you did not threaten anything. Rain stop. I love to see the kangaroos. Yours.

  14. I do hope life is on its way back to 'normal. Love the roos.

  15. We saw the floods on the news last night - glad all is well with you. Love that kangaroo!

  16. I'm glad the river stayed in bounds. Your photos really take me away from here for a moment. I love the shutoff the kangaroo - I've never seen one in life.

  17. Magnificent photos ~ especially love the kangas and your son is handsome! ^_^

  18. Glad that the waters are contained.

  19. I am glad that you are all safe. I love that pic of the kangaroo!

  20. Oh my goodness, that kangaroo is just adorable!!
    Happy Sunday to you!

  21. Love the kangaroos!! You know... in other areas of the world you can have all types of bears or giant cats and everyone can relate in some way to that particular species .... but Australia; as in Madagascar (with its Lemurs)only you have kangaroos, found no place else on earth... Something so common to you but so exotic to the rest of us!:)

  22. After a dry but freezing week, we got snow again today. Such strange weather. I've never known a winter like this. I think something is definitely changing when it comes to the climate. Glad you're all OK. Hope there won't be more flooding. Love the kangaroo with baby kangaroo. That's Australia no doubt ;-)

  23. Beautiful pics - and I so wish I´ll get to see a kangaroo in real life one day! :-)

  24. Wonderful shot of the kangaroo!

  25. Love the kangaroo shot with its baby.


  26. Beautiful background scenery for Master J and his glider. So much water above! Love the kangaroos.

  27. WOW! I'm so glad the water didn't exceed the limits of safety!

  28. Loved that photo of the kangaroo! we only see them in our zoo. Hope there won't be any more flood, it's scary seeing it creeping almost up your front door.

  29. I hope things return to normal quickly. Love the pic of the kangaroos.

  30. Glad to hear that you are ok Karen. I love the picture of the kangaroo and joey. We are experiencing heavy rain at the moment - expecting 100-200 mm between today and tomorrow in sunny Queensland.

  31. I'm glad that you are safe from flooding Karen. Can we have some of your rain? We need it! Wish we had occasional wildlife able to visit us. That kangaroo and her joey look great! - Dave

  32. Wow, more flooding? Glad you're safe. Alot of that has been going on in some places here in Brazil but not here where we live.
    I love the kangaroo picture, especially with the little touch of purple flowers. Pure and simple.

  33. Wow, again? I hope the flooding ends for good very soon.

  34. I am happy that there was not more damage. The flooding does look terrible. I love the cute kangaroo. Thanks for sharing your world, have a happy week!

  35. Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  36. so glad to hear it peaked within it's walls! just amazes me that you see wild kangaroos. love it! :)

  37. Very interesting photos of the flooded river down your way. I hope you don't get more rain - this is our third flood this year!

  38. I can't believe that flooding. Stay safe!

    That roo pic is gorgeous.

  39. Love the kangaroo photo.. and the "wreath of debris" is really something.
    Is this flooding normal for the area?
    We had flooding here in Minnesota (in places we never see flooding, or only about every several decades) last June. The rains came on my birthday, and didn't let up. I posted on it here:
    Those floods didn't affect us much, but it was disastrous for many. Such a mess.
    Hope there is lots of sunshine coming your way!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I have been having a hard time posting my comment.

    Wanted to tell you that I love the image of the kangaroo with the baby in the pouch.


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