
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Safe and Sound

7:30 pm Tonight - you can just see the homeowners surveying their disappearing"front yard"

29th January

31st January

7:30 pm Tonight - the water rising on the right 

29th January
29th January

7:30 pm Tonight - local government have made attempts to strengthen this section of levee wall

7:45 pm Tonight - the river flows swiftly but is not the raging torrent of January 29th

A late walk reveals the sure and steady rise of our big river. Thankfully we've had no further rain today. The waters from yesterday's downpour and earlier rains have swollen the river, it is predicted to peak through the middle of the night about another metre higher than this - still well below our levee height.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We can rest easy again, although some other places are facing their own flood threats. We have much to be grateful for  - again.


  1. Oby już nie spadła nawet kropla deszczu i niech woda w rzece opada, życzę tego z całego serca. Przykre macie przeżycia i cały czas strach. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    Would no longer even a drop of rain fell, and let the water in the river goes down, I wish it with all my heart. Have unpleasant experiences and fear all the time. Regards warm.

  2. I'm so glad to hear that the flooding is not near what it was earlier this year, it looks so very swollen. It must have been scary for it to get this high again.

  3. so good to see everything is o.k. with you!

    wish you a peaceful weekend,

    hugs form

  4. The flooding does look scary, I am glad you are safe and sound. I hope water levels go down and you remain safe. Happy weekend!

  5. This is scary, I think you have posted such an article before, does it happen frequently.


  6. Everything is so beautifully green in the pictures. I am so longing for spring.

  7. Glad to hear that you are safe and sound. Blessings!!

  8. So glad to hear! God is so good and praying more continuing protection over you and your community!!

  9. nature is very powerful, I am glad you are safe...scary what happened to your neighbours, good luck+courae to all affected!

  10. Wow! You are pretty close to that river! That is a bit scary with all of the rain. Hopefully by now it has peaked and is on the way down. Rivers are so amazing in how they can change so rapidly. At our cabin, our deck down by the river is a rising deck on floats, and the river has taken the deck up nearly 16 feet which is the highest that our steel poles are. Glad that your house is safe here!

  11. Must be such a relief Karen. Let's hope there won't be any severe flooding like a while ago elsewhere in Australia either.

  12. After such recent high water problems I'm sure everyone can't wait until the waters recede for good. I pray you and the other residents continue to be safe. xx

  13. It must be difficult to sleep wondering what the night might bring. Keep safe.

  14. Filip, you are correct.
    We had a higher flood 29th January this year, the highest on record. We have also had one January 2012 (not so big) and 2011 but not as high as January 2013.

    There have been two other very high floods during our 16 years in this town, both of which we were evacuated for. Our town is built on a floodplain but it hasn't flooded since the levee walls were completed about 40 years ago.

  15. How worrisome this must be! I think I'd get more tense with each drop of rain. I hope you're in for a prolonged dry spell and able to breathe easier soon.

  16. We would love a dry spell Kay, however the forecast for the coming week is for thunderstorms and showers every day.

    As long as there is no prolonged rain we will be ok - the river banks need to dry out well to remain strong.

  17. Glad the government is strengthening the levee walls. You dodged a bullet on that one! Things look like they are back to normal. Love the photo of the kangaroo with the joey!

  18. The smooth, reflective surface of the river is so pretty in the sunset. Glad it didn't get higher.

  19. Oh my goodness, that kangaroo is so cute! Hopefully, the world around you returns to normal soon. xo


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