
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Between the Showers

A weather beaten Blue Triangle butterfly tries to dry out between showers of rain.

2005, the year of their 50th wedding anniversary
Sunday afternoon

 It is SO good that my parents in law are now together. We visit my parents in law at the aged care centre often, trying to add a little sunshine to their days. My father in law's 83 year old "little" brother and his wife flew in from interstate to visit over the weekend also.

Another flood creeps up the walls of the sailing club building on Sunday evening, our third flood in the space of 5 weeks. This one was relatively minor. In the last 38 days we have had more than two thirds of our average annual rainfall. We've had rain on all but 9 of the last 38 days, with light showers forecast for each day this week also.

We look for and rejoice at pieces of blue sky.

Early this morning we had a little sunshine, great for helping insects, washing and the garden dry out a little before taking shelter from the next shower....

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.


  1. It is so similar here too, enjoying those snippets of blue and rays of sun when they appear. It has been a difficult start to the year for so many, the amount of rain and the consistency has been unbelievable. Lets hope that the snippets of blue are more present then the showers of rain. I hope the sunshine comes your way soon too. x

  2. You have had so much flooding this season, I do hope it doesn't get any worse! Looks as though the insects are enjoying the sunshine as much as you and your family! Hope you have a great, DRY week!

  3. Hope that this almost continuous rain is nearly at an end for you. Such a difficult time of life for your in laws, but very good that they are together. No good to be separated after so many years together!

  4. Beautiful shots, love the variety.

  5. Wonderfully moody skies and a lovely butterfly shot!

  6. You have gotten a lot of rain. I'm glad you are able to go visit your in-laws. I'm sure it means a lot to have you near. That is a beautiful triangle butterfly--have never heard of that one. I see you do have skippers. :)Your "pieces of blue sky" photo is so dramatic!

  7. Very nice pictures of family and nature. God's gift to us:)

  8. To cudowne, że byliście pobyć z Tatą, to pewno było dla niego miłe. To straszne, że znowu padało i rzeka wylała. Piękny motyl wszystko jednak ozdobił. Pozdrawiam.
    It is wonderful that you have been to stay with my Dad, it was definitely nice to him. It's terrible that it was raining again and the river overflowed. However, all beautiful butterfly adorned. Yours.

  9. They are wonderful photos especially the close ups of the butterflies.

  10. I like very much butterflies, very beautiful photos Karen!

  11. Beautiful pictures also the flood ones. Nice that you can see some sunshine there also. The butterfly pictures are great macro's as always. Have a nice week.

  12. You all have certainly had more than your fair share of rain. We have had a lot also, so I know how tired of it you are. Lovely images!

  13. Beautiful photos. I am so glad that your in-laws are together.

  14. Beautiful!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  15. I am so glad that your in-laws are together. Much needed, I am sure.

    These are such beautiful photographs. In spite of the rain, it sure is looking like spring there.

    Happy day to you!

  16. So glad your father in law is surrounded by his family now.

    Love your butterfly photos. We don't have those kind of butterflies over here. Thanks for sharing.

    That is a wonderful and welcome sky after so much rain. I hope the showers will stop now and there will be no more floods.


  17. You have a lovely family!!! Stay dry!!!

  18. Love the sky and butterfly!
    Best regards, marion

  19. I wish you could send some of that rain my way. We have hardly had any in so long. Your photos are gorgeous..


  20. Absolutely gorgeous photography! x

  21. Beautiful pictures, hope the flooding abates soon.
    Lot of rain here too, but nothing to compare with yours.

  22. Beautiful butterfly and amazing sceneries!

  23. Wow, you sure have had more than your fair share of rain. I hope the flooding has eased up by now. I love the pretty butterflies. It is nice to see your in-laws are now together. Wishing your some nice weather and happy days!

  24. Wonderful photos Karen. Hopefully the weather will improve soon. We are still getting showers every day but the gardens are thriving.

    Thanks for sharing your family photos. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Nikki

  25. I'm sorry about the floods in your area. I do hope you get more sunshine.

    p.s. your photos are just lovely.

  26. The terrible thing in me is that I don't remember everything I did learn at school from the English languege. I have been thinking a lot of you because we as a family were in the same situation a year ago. I wish you strength again in this difficult times.
    Big hugs from here Karen.

  27. Enjoy the moments with sun shine ans clear sky - it's a breath achingly beautiful scenery with the sky and water! And the butterflies ... natures beauty spots :)

  28. gorgeous photos. love that pretty butterfly. so happy your parents in law are now together. a blessing!

  29. Preciosas las imágenes de la mariposa, me encantan! Un abrazo grande desde Argentina.

  30. You take some absolutely breathtaking


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