
Sunday, April 28, 2013


A brand new annual art market was held in our town yesterday. I loved having a stroll around the stalls and also to see the inside this local building for the first time. 

Master J has completed the prerequisite 120 hours of learner/accompanied driving and passed his driving test with flying colours. There will be many occasions when it will be very convenient for him to be able to drive by himself.

You may remember this project which I shared earlier. After much deliberation and several changes, a finish is in sight, even though it is somewhat smaller than first anticipated. The creative process can be both rewarding and frustrating at the same time. I feel like I have very little to show for so much thought and effort - but I do like the result and that matters most.

It seems as if ever day something is being baked in our kitchen by one or other of our children. Between this and our regular meals, I suspect our rather compact kitchen may well be the busiest and most productive domestic kitchen per square foot in our whole town. Tonight's offering is another new one - Chocolate Blueberry Pies. The chocolate pastry by Miss E and Miss E tasted amazing even before baking. 

Autumn here is like a second spring. The heat of summer has given way to gorgeous warm days, perfect for tidying the garden and planting seedlings and seeds for winter colour and eating. I haven't the heart to remove the cosmos yet. I plan to collect seed for next summer first and to enjoy their gently bobbing flower heads for a little while longer, a total delight to the eyes.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.


  1. The market and the building it was in look great Karen! And I look forward to seeing your latest project- the bird fabric is lovely!

  2. Nice reportage of weekly things. I like the space inside the hall. Very well executed and not bad with the iron plating.

  3. Very interesting reportage of art and other...happy Sunday!

  4. Some very nice paintings and great exposition area.


  5. The art market looks like lots of fun. Congrats to your son on his driving progress and to you for almost finishing your quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt when you're ready ;-)

  6. Wow, that art market looks fantastic - I'm so looking forward to the festivals and art shows that come here in summer months. I'm looking forward to seeing you finished quilt - sometimes visualizing something and the way it turn out is so different, but not necessarily a bad thing. And that last flower photo - stunning!

  7. How wonderful to have two springtimes a year ;-) although I have to admit I do love autumn over here as well, not that I want it right now, not when spring has only just started.
    I wouldn't remove that Cosmos either! So beautiful!
    I wish Cosmos would thrive on our soil but it doesn't, much too heavy for annuals and also far too shady. I tried them in pots but that doesn't work very well for Cosmos I've discovered after trying it for several years in a row.

    Congratulations to your son!

    How great to have so many bakers in the house. It must smell wonderful at your place all the time. I think our kitchen has never been used as less as now; with the painting and other fixing up going on. Can't wait to have my kitchen back to what it was, except for the colour of course ;-)


  8. That market looks just amazing and a fun place to visit. I love that sort of place! Also that pie making looks like fun. Always love reading your posts Karen!

  9. You mentioned cosmos and I immediately thought of my mother who has been gone so long. Cosmos was her favorite flower.

  10. Lovely photos. The last shot of the cosmos is particularly beautiful with that nice bokeh.

  11. Such a pretty cosmos! Funny to think your summer is over and we are just beginning our spring.

  12. Wonderful photos! The art market looks like so much fun -am going to have to find one in my neighborhood soon...

  13. Love this mix of photos, just lovely! :-)

  14. Beautiful images.. .:)
    Have a nice week!;)

  15. Beautiful images y colors...Congratulation

  16. What a wonderful thing to come to your town! It is so fun to see what others are creating. Speaking of seeing what others are doing, I cannot wait to see more of your sewing project!

    By the way your lovely daughters look like excellent chefs! Those little chocolate pies looked amazing and so delicately made, I'm very impressed by their skills!

  17. Nice market to visit.
    Congratulation to master J.
    Your quilt is very nice.
    I would love to taste the bleuberry pie:)
    Here is springtime now.
    Your flowers are nice:)

  18. I like to see art by local people Karen. Those works on display that you show here look great. Did you buy any I wonder? - Dave

  19. I love the art market ~ thank you for letting us see it too!

  20. Congrats to Master J! First a car then the aircraft...

  21. The show looked great, will you consider exhibiting your photography there? That pastry looks very good too ;)

  22. Ciekawe były prace na straganach w pokazanym budynku. Pogratuluj synowi zdania egzaminu na prawo jazdy. Twój projekt narzuty wyglada ciekawie. Ciasteczka pysznie wyglądają i są takie z pewnością. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
    Interesting work was shown at the stalls in the building. Congratulate her son believes the driving test. Your project looks interesting bedspreads. Delectable cookies look and are sure. Yours sincerely.

  23. Oh how I wish I could attend! I love this type of thing!

  24. Love wandering around art shows as there is always such an array of different syles. Those choc pastries look so professional you are obviously a good teacher.

  25. Great photography Karen, great selection of artwork there.

  26. Beautiful collection of artwork. I would like to walk around this art show. Your Cosmos is beautiful, lovely images. Have a happy week ahead!

  27. What a beautiful place to have an art exhibition!

  28. It looks like a great art market. I love the cow with the flower. You have been busy on the quilt I'm sure its a delight. How lucky to have keen bakers in the family. great shot of the cosmos with the bokeh background.

  29. looks like a wonderful exhibition, lots of color!

  30. Great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  31. so you actually plant Autumn things to grow through the winter! Amazing concept. We have just passed through seven months of snow covered ground... in the few to come we will grow and process food for the year to come... I am looking into a kitchen garden I can eat all winter from...lovely post dear friend

  32. How fun to have a new place to look at Art work. I love to go to the fairs when they have art work. So many fun collections. I enjoyed you post today. Hope you have a happy week my friend.


  33. Fabulous! I really like the quilted birdie quilt. I wish we had shows such as this in my neck of the woods!

  34. Many beautiful pictures. Interesting blog.

  35. I really love the bluebird fabric. It looks so pretty in your detail shot, too. I would have a really hard time keeping out of the chocolate pastry - I'm sure I would drive my kiddos INSANE if they were making such yummy things. :)

  36. I love local art markets. A beautiful building for it!

  37. As inspire us with such gorgeous photos of places and things in your area. I love art shows, which we always have plenty right here in sunny south Florida!

  38. I love the look (and sound) of that market!!
    Your home is so busy and incredibly productive. It's very inspiring.

    That last shot is divine - from the dainty flower to the beautiful bokeh!

  39. Karen, forgot to comment when you posted this ages ago. The fifth photo down is of a lovely friend of mine from university days, Donna Sharam. Her artwork is colourful and vibrant, just like she is. Gorgeous, happy girl, full of life and fun. Isn't it amazing how our lives all interconnect at times! Your parcel is winging its way to you. Hopefully will be with you early in the week. Ros x


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