
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lilly Pilly

Lilly pillies are Australian evergreen rainforest plants. There are many varieties of lilly pilly ranging in size from under one metre high to over five metres tall. Their flowers and berries come in several colours. All the berries are edible but not many are very pleasant to eat.

The photos of the flowers and berries above were taken in our yard from October through to late January (spring-summer). The new foliage on this growing lilly pilly is a delightful blushing pink.

Native Aborigines used lilly pillies for their medicinal properties as well as eating the berries. Today lilly pillies are commonly used for hedges and shrubbery. 

Sharing at Weekend Flowers, Nurture Photography.


  1. So beautiful pictures!!!! I love these! I hope you frame these to your wall!

  2. The pink berries are so pretty! I can't think of any plant around here that is anything like that.

  3. Your photography is stunning! The fourth photo is so delicate- like a watercolor! I had forgotten how lovely the lily pily is!

  4. They are one of my favourite trees. We have a few in our yard. I love the red berries at Christmas. Great shots.

  5. Beautiful shots as always, and very interesting plants. I don't believe we have anything like those close to me.

  6. So gorgeous! It's always like a breath of fresh air coming to this spot. Thank you!

    Deer and turkeys won't charge you; they are wary of humans, and will run or fly away when they see you.

  7. It's my first time seeing Lilly Pilly. They look very succulent. Do you prepare jams or jellies with the fruit?

  8. Hi May. I've not heard of people making jams from the fruit. The fruit is rather tart and floury in taste. I guess if we didn't have an abundance of other fruits then we may acquire a taste for them. Most varieties aren't nice to eat.

  9. Beautiful color, very very beautiful!

  10. Delightful captures and such lovely color! I love the name!! Hope your week is going well!

  11. Such a beautiful plant, Karen and those colors... love it very much!
    Warm greetings from Holland,

  12. You have such wonderful names for things in Australia, like this again also: Lilly Pilly, lovely name. Would that come from adopting words from the Aboriginals into English?

  13. They're beautiful!
    Our daughter's name is Lilly.. I will have to show her these.
    I love new bits of information, thanks for introducing this plant to us!

  14. They may not taste good but they are candy for the eyes! Your photos are brilliant :)

  15. I really like the new growth in blushing pink. The berries almost seem to have little faces. Thanks for sharing this I have never heard of this plant before.

  16. Such a beautiful schrub I love the flowers pink berry's and it's folliage. What a treasure you have in your garden Karen.
    Have a wonderful day.

  17. I am in love with the first and last you know what exactly were the aborigines using them for?

  18. So delicate. Lovely macros.

  19. What a great series of photos. I've never heard of this plant but can see why it would be a popular hedge shrub.

  20. Such pretty pics, love the colors!

  21. Ohhhh boy!!! Great shots!!! But my favorite is that fourth one...

  22. Excelllent macro's like the pink balls.


  23. Oh lovely! Thanks for the plant info too! I love learning something new every day!

  24. I planted lilly pily's in my previous garden with the idea to make lilly pilly jam but never got around to it!

  25. Fotos excelentes!!!!
    Un abrazo grande.

  26. so, so pretty!! i love pink and green together! :)

  27. Karen,
    I love your blog. I love your photography. I love your Lilly Pilly..and it looks like it would be a sweet tasting berry. I want one! LOL!

  28. They're so sweet! Almost looks like bits of candy. :) Your photos of them are lucious.

  29. Absolutely gorgeous pictures Karen!

  30. Beautiful pieces of Nature, great images!

  31. How poetic to give a plant such a name as lilly pilly...that's even a delight to say. With my southern accent it is really fun. I can imagine with your beautiful Australian accent it would be even better.

    At first glimpse, I was thinking the fruit reminded me of unripe blueberries, especially when the berries are only slightly pink.

  32. I have never seen new foliage in pink. So surprising and quite pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Such a beautiful colour. I had never heard of these. Chel

  34. wonderful macros! thanx for sharing with us :)

  35. Fantastic photos! Have a nice weekend.

  36. Muy buena serie. Para mí la mejor la primera, ya que se ve todos los detalles...saludos Tony

  37. What an unusual name and delicious shade of pink.

  38. The pictures are breathtaking! Congratulations. A discovery, I didn't this fruit!

  39. The berries are beautiful and your photos are just gorgeous. I've never seen a pink berry.

  40. You can turn those into a Jam or Jelly! I tried to do that a few years ago but I didn't have enough berries. Oh well.

  41. Thanks Rod. I guess some sweetening would make all the difference to their taste too. I wouldn't have had enough berries to try jam making either.

  42. Stunning photography. Your photos always blow me away.

    Have a wonderful weekend. xx

  43. Grandma made lilly pilly jam. I can remember picking ice-cream-container-fulls of them with her on holidays at W. And I really like the taste of lilly pillys - or at least, I did then. They look so succulent and pretty, they were irresistable to my 7-year-old self (or however old I was then)!

  44. Those berries are sure unique and make for such a cool photo op! Really love the first one! Thanks so much for sharing and linking to our Nurture Photography Challenge this week!

  45. that's a funny name, lilly pilly.. hihi

  46. How fun! I wish we had a plant like that here.

  47. Thank you for a wonderful lesson on
    lilly pillies! That will definitely stick in my brain right alongside a big smile!

  48. Lovely pictures! I have to come back to your blog with better time. I would love to travel Australia some day!

    Best Regards from Finland!

  49. Ahhhhhhhhhh! I squealed my way through your post of gorgeous photos! These are all so lovely. And gorgeous color too!

    Thanks so much for sharing these in the Nurture Photography Challenge! I can't wait to see what you come up with for our new theme: Ivory/Dream!

    P.S. Sorry for stopping by so late. Unfortunately, there was a death in my family and I just didn't feel up to visiting blogs right away. I hope you'll understand. :)


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