
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Both Happy

I've been having a wonderful time working on more little feature blocks using Tasha Noel's The Simple Life fabric range. Keeping with the fun and simple nature of the prints, embellishing has been a delight.

Miss E (5) was excited to know the quilt will be for her to use. She loves the prints, especially the ones with the girls and boys. The sections with the apple trees are her favourites as she loves red juicy apples.

Miss E was wanting to make her own quilt with my fabrics so as a compromise we decided we would work together on just this one quilt. Last night she diligently stitched a feature block of her choice.

Now we are both happy!

Sharing at WIP Wednesday and In The Studio.


  1. Miss E is like you. Very creative:)

  2. Aw there's nothing quite like a mother and daughter project is there!?! Love Miss E's stitching- beautiful!

  3. so sweet! That's going to be a cute quilt!

  4. That is beautiful Karen. What a special quilt it will be and I bet Miss E will smile seeing her own little bit of quilting. :)

  5. the blocks look gorgeous, it will be a very special quilt!

  6. Is she in her jammies because she can't wait to get started in the morning, or because she has to get every single available minute in before going to bed? Very sweet...

  7. Hi Robyn, she was making the most of the evening before bedtime. I loved helping her......

  8. First off, super super gorgeous. Second, I just ADORE that she stitched a block!

  9. adorable project! and how wonderful that your daughter worked on it too.

  10. What a great bonding story! Love that fabric line as well. I have some too!

  11. A sweet story. Miss E is so cute!

  12. Such happy times spent together. I love the print's..

  13. How sweet! What a special way to embellish the quilt with Miss E's own stitching. Perfect.

  14. It is going to be lovely and will hold extra special meaning for her because she helped. Win, win.

  15. I love your use of fabric and negative space. You always know how to feature the fabric and keep it visually stimulating! I can't wait to see this finished. I can see Miss E will be quite the quilter when she gets older! It will be such a wonderful blanket for her to have especially with the memories of creating it with you!

  16. That will be a quilt she will treasure her whole life through...sweet portrait of Miss E!!!

  17. So nice! I like the Idea.

  18. That makes the quilt extra special! Love it!

  19. That is very cute. Such a great idea.

  20. Aww, I think it's so sweet that you let her help you with her quilt! What a special memory that will be for you both. It's going to be so cute! I love the little picture prints.

  21. That is so sweet. She will cherish this quilt always.


  22. I still have the "crazy quilt" that I helped make as a young girl, with my two older sisters & mom.. we made one for each of us, and recently got talking about all those blocks we hand stitched.
    Good memories!
    Our Lilly, 8 years, recently started working on her first Penny runner with her Grand. (my mom) Such a treasure!

  23. Que coisa mais linda! Me encantei vendo a Senhorita bordar! Um amor! beijos,tudo de bom,chica

  24. What a special quilt! I love your feature blocks and the red embroidery. Little Miss E's block is adorable!

  25. Oh, what a lovely idea!

  26. Miss E is such a talented, patient sewer. She has brought a special charm to her square :)

  27. I LOVE this fabric range! So incredibly beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do with it. I would LOVE to be stitching those gorgeous prints!
    Anna XXX

  28. the doing together... the sharing... it is the gift
    His life shared for us

  29. Perfect! What a treasure this one is going to be.

  30. That is too cute! She did a lovely job. That fabric is wonderful!

  31. It is always lovely to see our young ones sewing. She is doing very well.


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