
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Giving and Receiving

A flowering cyclamen, mini watering can, chocolates and a personalised door sign made by the children, all to help my mother-in-love's room in the aged care centre feel even more like home. 

Our weeks always seem busy but we are settling in to a nice routine of bringing Granny (mil) to church with us each week and then to our place afterwards for lunch, all at her suggestion. This gives us a good chance to catch up and enjoy some time together.

Little Miss E chose to wear this shirt today in honour of Mother's Day, although she makes it very clear every day that she loves me, never forgetting to tell me.

Miss O (11) and Miss G (15) created this masterpiece in secret. I LOVE it.

My children know me well! They also mowed and whipper snipped the lawn for me yesterday along with a little work in the garden.

A happy Mother's Day to all those who mother and nurture, for each person is precious.


  1. Thank you for sharing a snippet of your Mother's Day. The sentiments expressed are precious!

  2. Happy Mother's day! You are a wonderful mother!

  3. That is such a cute card.. Happy Mothers day..


  4. Such a lovely post Karen! How blessed are you and Granny to have received such beautiful handmade keepsakes, filled with much love....they will be treasured forever! Your photographs are truly sublime!

  5. Great mother's day post and nice portrait of your mother in love. Also nice the ingenuity your kids use to make a lovely present. that they must have learned from you no doubt.

  6. Lovely lovely card..and beautiful shot of your mother in law.

  7. Happy Mother's Day. I like the pic of Mother-in-love. What a nice expression.

  8. What a wonderful Mom's day!!! Congratulations!!!

  9. I love that first picture of your MIL. How tender.

    That home made card is just adorable!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  10. very touching and memorable gifts. Happy mother's day!

  11. Hola
    Hay que cuidar a las madres, ya que gracias a ellas existimos...amor de madre.

    Saludos Tony

  12. A wonderful, uplifting post, Karen.

  13. Happy Mother's Day to you. I adore the gift your daughters made.

  14. You have a very loving family Karen. I think that's nice. I specially liked the children's Mother's Day gifts - Dave

  15. You are blessed. Happy belated Mother's Day!

  16. Oh how wonderful! I love the gardening card and that first photo is just lovely :)

  17. Looks like a great Mother's Day all around. I do love the card your girls made, too.

  18. That is such a clever card...glad to have visited again!

  19. Happy mother's day to a wonderful mom!I really enjoyed this post.Have a great day!


  20. What a beautiful mother's day it seems you had. Your children are so thoughtful and loving, the shirt is such a sweet thing to wear for you on mother's day and I love the card so clever. :)

  21. What a lovely card for your M's Day! And the quilt you are making w/ your daughter is SO cute.
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog, I don't deserve it. I have so much fun just posting blogs whether anyone visits/comments or not!

  22. Love the card and chocolates!! Very creative and thoughtful.
    Anna XX


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