
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Is Winter Over?

So is this winter's end? I hear the suburban drone of lawn mowers for we haven't had a frost this winter (yet?) and all is green and growing. A head of broccoli coated in morning dew will soon be harvested. The sugar snap peas continually disappear before filled out (I'm at fault here too).

The bird experts in the house tell me this back fence visitor was either a Goshawk or a Sparrow-hawk and assure me it was only resting the second leg. I've not seen it since but enjoyed its short visit.

When I see scattered clouds late in the western sky I try to grab my trusty Lumix and head off for a brisk walk to the bridge. I love moving through the cool evening air and catching a good sunset, zooming in on the vibrant colours.

Another hockey win for Miss O's team early this morning. Miss G snapped this while I was on canteen duty. The twins are out playing their third game of hockey for the week as I write this. Master T also plays hockey.

Last year's potted winter bulbs have regrown, something they don't always do in our warm climate. This week I spied the first buds, including the tiny little grape hyacinths - maybe this delightfully mild winter really is coming to an end.

Sharing at Orange You Glad It's Friday.


  1. I'm glad winter is over for you - your sunset photos are glorious! However it is 10degrees and bucketing down here! Seems our winter may have just begun!

  2. It has been a very mild winter and the magpies are already nesting! We haven't even had a frost, but there is always a chance of a cold snap yet before spring really hits!

  3. Fabulous pictures! Full of peace and attention to detail!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    Ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  4. Well apparantly it's summer here though to be honest i don't think we're going to have much of one.
    Love the Sparrowhawk pix (i'm pretty sure that's what it is)but the sunset is just beautiful.

  5. Thats a lovely serie Karen..... manygreat shots in this post.

    Greetings from Holland

    Have you seen already my other blog " Photo's in big size " take a look if you will.

  6. Chciałabym mieć taką ciepłą zimę z zielenią i pysznymi warzywami w ogrodzie. Zdjęcia z zachodu słońca są po prostu cudowne. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    I wish I had such a warm winter with greenery and delicious vegetables in the garden. Photos of the sunset are simply wonderful. I greet warmly.

  7. Love Grape Hyacinths! Thanks for reminding me to put some into pots again as well in a few months. Lovely pictures of the sky again. I like to take pictures of the sky as well but we don't have that space here I see in your pictures, there are always houses in the way, unless I'd take the car and drive and drive, but then that sky could have disappeared already or wouldn't be visible even. I have to stand to the side of the house and look towards town to see a piece of sky and then hold the camera up high and try to see what's on the screen. I have to zoom in as well of course. It must be great to just walk and have all that space surrounding you. Something we experienced in Wales. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I wish we could have stayed there much longer.

  8. Hi Marian, I do so love being close to the bridge. A few minutes walk and I can enjoy this large expanse as I walk the long footbridge over our wide river, looking towards the mountains. It helps me not feel so hemmed in.

    Once away from the cities and towns in Australia we have huge wide open spaces, such a large country and relatively few people.

  9. Hockey was my favourite sport when I was young. It has been a mild winter and the garden thinks it is spring. I am hesitant to say winter is over as August can be windy and cold. Great photos plants, bird, skies and action. Lumix is good!

  10. Sempre maravilhosas tuas fotos! beijos,tudo de bom,chica

  11. Beautiful shots, LOVE those clouds reflecting off the water. What are your usual temps for winter? Here in the South (USA) we do have mild winters and see some snow from time to time. It does seem like you all did have a short winter.
    Congrats on your daughter's team winning!

  12. In Italy is summer...but it is very very very hot!!!
    Beautiful serie Karen...

  13. I have just come to your blogand love it, thank you for visiting mine. Your photo's are beautiful, I had the same Lumix and have Now got a Canon. I did like. The Lumix though and got some great shots with it.
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog, I will be back :)

  14. It does look as if summer is putting in an appearance in your world and it looks beautiful! Wonderful captures for the day, as always, Karen! Hope you and your lovely family enjoy the weekend!

  15. Oh nooooo!!! Your winter can't be coming to an end!!! 'Cause that would mean ours is just around the corner and I'm just not ready for snow!!! (well, maybe, a little snowfall over the Western Sierras to douse that darned fire that's choking us out up here!!!)

  16. What a lovely sounding winter and beautiful photographs to truly show the beauty. Your pictures are spectacular as always :)

  17. Fantastic pictures. Looks like it is indeed over. Bright colours.


  18. Your winters look very mild in comparison with ours - were still in mid-summer, here. I'm definitely not ready to think about winter quite yet!

  19. I was thinking our winter had been mild too - and then, bam - freezing, biting winds and more mountain snow
    My little grape hyacinths are just popping out (I love them so!) and its me playing hockey tonight

  20. Our broccoli is ALMOST ready for first harvest - looking much like yours! :)
    Our first frost will roll around mid-late September (usually around the 20th.. I write it down each year.) Our growing season is just barely long enough to grow many of the veggies we put in.
    Lovely photos as always, Karen! I enjoy each one!

  21. Your world without winter is just plain gorgeous!

  22. So beautiful nature pictures! It's just gorgeous!

  23. Your Winter is gone ... And we are here in the summer: Hot, hot ... very hot.

    Like your fantastic picts again ! And also your impressions.

    It's sunday and I look for my next post und found nearby this old Song, I love Mungo Jerry ... I will send you, too

    Many greetings from Bavaria, Heidrun

  24. I love your landscape photos of dawn and dusk over the waters. The play of light on the clouds is bewitching.

  25. Oh my Karen, I know you've done this lots of times before but, what about those 4th and 5th photos you took!! You are very clever at this, incase you didn't know... Hope you have a good start to the week.

  26. Fabulous pictures!
    Nice day, R & S

  27. Looks like Spring to me! :) Lovely group of photos!

  28. And our winter will be starting soon, I don't even want to think about it! These photos look so nice and fresh, the sunset reflection is a favorite!

  29. I agree with you about winter Karen. We have had what seems like a short mild one this year and spring is about to burst. Late winter-flowering blossom trees are flowering and early daffodils, and my winter veges are getting more mature so I think winter is on its way out. Maybe we will get an even longer dryer summer than last year? I hope NOT! We had a drought last summer - Dave

  30. Beautiful sky shot and reflection.

  31. Gorgeous captures. Good to hear that winter is over for you. I wish I could also grow those vegetables.

    Glad you decided to share your photos on Orange you glad it's Friday. Thanks for joining and I hope to see you again next Friday. Enjoy your weekend.

  32. When I see your sunsets over the Clarence, something stirs inside my heart.


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