
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Project Progress

Abundant, zealousness and beautiful, this little orange branch is certainly about to put on a show. We planted this tree three or four years ago but it hasn't produced a single orange yet, despite having flowered for several seasons now. I've decided it's best to pretend it's just an ornamental.....and love it for what it is.

There is a little to report on the sewing front. I've made a few dozen more strip blocks for my Musical Stairs quilt, such fresh spring colours.

A couple of piles were completed like this above, to add to the mix already in hand.

A couple more EPP blocks have been added towards my hand sewn quilt. Slowly, slowly....

Last night I finished a new Shutterfly calendar, one for 2014  as a special thank you gift for someone I haven't met but has gone out of their way to help one of the family. I've ordered several Shutterfly calendars over the last two years and have been very impressed with their quality. I feel they make a personal and useful gift. An email this morning confirmed it was printed and on its way to us all the way across the world in Australia. Anticipation is a wonderful thing!

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. Beautiful, fun colors fr your stairs quilt and I still love your epp stars. Personalized gifts are great and means you actually thought ahead...making it mean that much more. Great job on all accounts! :)

  2. Nice work Karen..... i like this calender and that first picture.

    greetings from Holland, Joop

  3. yay for some sewing and i love! your calender!!

  4. Yay....Spring is being to 'spring' down here as well! So many glorious colours are beginning to burst out from their wintry confines! I must admit that I am in love with your EPP stars...little by little they are coming together! Beautiful calendar as the meaningful quote...something to ponder!!

  5. I had a lemon tree which didn't fruit for its first 2o3 seasons. It does now - so there is hope for your orange tree. on the plus side I bet the scent is divine when those flowers open

  6. Your photographs would make a beautiful calendar! I hope the orange blossom rewards your patience with fruit!

  7. the smell of orange blossoms on the spring air is reason enough alone to have them! are they getting pollinated? our fruit is growing right now, slightly larger than golf balls. by Christmas we'll be eating them.

    I was wondering how your musical quilt was coming along. =)

  8. Beautiful quilt colors Karen and congratulations on your calendar.

  9. Muito lindo tudo por aqui! beijos,chica

  10. Yes I believe anticipation is urgent and agree. It's sure a wonderful calendare like all The other picts I have seen.

    Cheers, Heidrun in Bavaria, Augsburg

  11. What a delightful post! Lovely, colorful quilting work, and your calender will be appreciated by all who receive it.


  12. Great point about the orange tree; accepting it for what it is....

    I love the beautiful spring colors of fabric you are using for your quilts...I can't wait to see the finished product....

    I hope your day is great....

  13. Nice work and I like very much first photo!
    Have a nice day!

  14. What a thoughtful idea to create a calendar.

  15. Your life seems busy, fulfilling and happy as always, Karen! A lovely plant, another beautiful quilt in the making and a delightful calendar! Thanks for sharing! Your posts are always inspiring!!

  16. Amazing works of your hands:) beautiful!

  17. Love the colors in this post! :-)

  18. Love the shot of the layered pieces of fabric!!!

  19. A może w tym roku będą z pięknych kwiatów wreszcie pomarańcze. Uszycie takiej pięknej kołdry jest pracochłonne, ale efekt z pewnością będzie wspaniały. Pozdrawiam.
    Maybe this year will be the beautiful flowers finally oranges. Sew the beautiful quilt is laborious, but the effect will be great. Yours.

  20. Creativity with no limits.


  21. Your quilt blocks are wonderful!

  22. Beautiful work! I just love each and every EPP that you make for that quilt. I am excited to see the top put together. I also love the new strips you added into your twin's quilt! It should look amazing when its done.

  23. You're wonderful things here and all in beautiful colours.

    A warm greeting by Matilda ♥

  24. Gorgeous fabrics love the lime greens. The EPP is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Marie (

  25. You have a great sense of color!

  26. Your blocks and EPP blocks are beautiful! Beautiful calendar photo!

  27. I love the greens! so fresh and beautiful. I love your calendar gift idea. I used to make a calendar for my kids teachers each year for their Christmas gift. I would make sure each child in the class was represented in the pictures. They were so fun to put together but yours look so much nicer!

  28. I love the Lincoln quote on the calendar page! Your EPP blocks look great too.

  29. Looking at your quilting pieces & the colors & prints in your fabrics always makes me happy. I love the threads & almost abstract feel to the close up of the stack of strips.
    You are an artist in multiple ways, Karen!
    Your calendar is beautiful, what a wonderful idea for a gift.

  30. I love following your blog. All your pictures just feel so relaxing! They fit with your title and exude an air of contentment.

  31. What a lovely thing to say Janene, thank you. It was nice to "meet you" through your blog and thank you for saying Hi.


  32. Because of busy lives and other things that have captured my attention, it's been several days (weeks?) since I've looked at your blog but this morning I made myself browse through the past few days. As always, I enjoyed so much your lovely photos. The butterfly emerging is amazing, what excitement you must've had to capture those moments!

    I love your succulent Black Prince. I have several succulents, even one that looks similar to yours but I think a couple details are different. I've been watching some new plants grow from some rosette "leaves" that fell off a plant. They're just lying there on the dusty plant shelf and still growing...with no water or soil, unless the dust can be called that. It's rather amazing to me!

    Have a great day, continue to bless lives with your wonderful blog.


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