
Friday, August 30, 2013

My Black Prince

There has been a new love in my life for about two weeks now, my radiant  Black Prince, an Echeveria succulent. I'm not generally a fan of succulents but this one captured my heart and now lives at our place. 

Over time it may produce more little rosettes which can be removed and potted to produce new plants. To help speed up the multiplying of this beauty I gently removed the lower leaves and after letting them sit and heal a few days, planted them in another pot.

My Black Prince lives on our sunny back deck along with two smaller succulents  belonging to Miss V and Miss O. Very early in the morning I sometimes spot our resident magpie cleaning up crumbs from our outside table (snapped through the glass door). As long as he doesn't swoop on us, we can remain friends, but it would be nice if he didn't insist on perching in the tree above our family bus and leaving his "calling cards"....

He is a rather handsome fellow and each week I'm becoming more appreciative of his capacity for beautiful song.

I love how Black Prince's colours seem to change according to the light. "A rare and unusual Echeveria with pointed dusty chocolate leaves". Yes, he stole my heart!

Do you have a favourite succulent?


  1. I love your Black Prince-a beautiful succulent. Very nice macro shots. Interesting that they can produce a new plant from one leaf. Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

  2. Yes, your black prince is a heart stealer!! How annoying that your resident member of the avian family leaves his calling card!! Hope there are no itty bitty baby magpies hiding in a nest nearby....your 'friend' could get quite nasty!!

  3. Yes, indeed! I could repeat everything that Mickie has written!! So beautiful! Thank you as always for sharing the beauty of your world!! Enjoy a lovely weekend, Karen!!

  4. Your Black Prince-a beautiful!
    Greetings from, RW & SK

  5. Dear Karen,
    I love this Post, because my sister have had over 200 sorts of cactus / succulente ... Now, there are rather less in their House. And also myself have some in our House. Your Black Prince is a Beau ;)

    Cheers by Heidrun in Bavaria, Augsburg

  6. Sehr schön liebe Karen...

    Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  7. I have tried to plant succulents in the past. But I don't think they like the hot, dry climate of the desert.. They never lived very long. I just love the looks of them. I just love yours..


  8. A very good post again Karen.....plant and bird are both very nice.

    greetings from Holland, Joop

  9. Nie wiedziałam, że tak można rozmnażać tego sukulenta, ale już wiem i pewno z tego skorzystam. Sroka może będzie grzeczna :). Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
    I did not know that it can reproduce the cactus, but I already know, and certainly this thanks. Pie can be a good girl :). Yours sincerely.

  10. Number 2 is my favorite. Great macro again.

  11. Maravilhosa Princesa e planta! beijos, lindo fim de semana,chica

  12. So pretty!
    I have just one variety of succulent, it is doing fine.

  13. What a stunning plant! I just love all the photos you share of your gardens and the nature near you. We have such different plants here it is so fun to see something new.

  14. At first I thought your black prince was going to be your magpie but both the magpie and the succulent are gorgeous and I can see both being very special...

    I love the shot of the magpie sitting on the fence looking so regal....

  15. I've never seen a succulent like that! It is gorgeous!

  16. This is indeed a beautiful succulent and your macros are stunning. Itds worth nurturing and propagating.

  17. Black Prince is rather good-looking, so I can understand why you've fallen in love with him, lol!

  18. I have a lot of succulents but Black Prince is new to me - I'm glad I stopped by here to meet "him." Maybe I'll see his cousin at the nursery sometime and bring him home!


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