
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wings and Song

This gorgeous Common Jezebel Butterfly was resting on some golden jacaranda leaves today. There seems to be an increase in insect activity in recent weeks.

The Cabbage White Butterflies are enjoying the broccoli, no doubt laying some more eggs too.

Phyllis has grown a good deal since we met her (above).

She is now busy turning into much more than a hungry caterpillar.

As I wait for the sun to rise each morning my ears enjoy a dawn chorus from a wonderful variety of native birds.

Pink Galahs, White Faced Herons, a white Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Rainbow Lorikeets, tiny Superb Blue Wrens are some of the birds I have snapped recently - all taken from our back door except the Galahs which I photographed at church.

Meet our resident Australian Magpie! He has been very friendly, even inviting himself inside the back door on several occasions. We have taken to shooing him away - he's a little too friendly for my liking. They can become a pest as some dive bomb people while they are nesting, attacking even children and bike riders, drawing blood.

So far our Magpie has not dived on us and seems content to forage for tasty bits around the yard like this worm today. Magpies have quite a pleasant warbling song.

Here's my favourite little songbird - Miss E singing a song she made up about purple flowers under the ground!

Ducks and human paddlers enjoying Sunday evening on our river together. 

It looks like our almost-here spring will be filled with wings and songs!

Sharing at Wild Bird Wednesday.


  1. Hello Karen

    So much lovely photo''s really amazing....thanks for this post.

    Greetings, Joop

  2. Beautiful photos Karen!! My kids and I love to sit out in our backyard and listen to the birds sing but we do not have a many beautiful birds as you. What is your little worm becoming?

  3. Hi Gina, the chrysalis is (hopefully) changing into a Cabbage White Butterfly.

  4. I was rowing when I was a Teenager (really suxeccfully) and I can remember the silent and calm water early in the morgning. Your Paddlers reminds me on that ;-)....

  5. Wow, fantastische Bilder von Schmetterlingen!!! aber auch die anderen Bilder sind sehr gelungen...

    Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  6. The pictures of the butterflies are unique. You can even see the hairs on the wings.
    J + C

  7. Do Was się zbliża wiosna, więc i więcej owadów i cudnych ptaków. Sroka jest odważna, ale chyba trzeba na nią uważać, jeśli są takie bojowe. Miss E ślicznie wygląda :). Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    To you coming spring, so the more marvelous insects and birds. Magpie is bold, but I need her to be careful if you are fighting. Miss E looks pretty :). I greet warmly.

  8. Great photos and the birds are very beautiful.

  9. Dear Karen,
    Thank you for comment On my blog.

    Here again a lovely and fantastic post, a story with greatful picts ... So wonderful birds. And The best is of course The nice Miss E, when she sing and play gitarre :)

    Hugs, Heidrun from Bavaria ... Augsburg

  10. Wonderful first capture of the butterfly - you're so good at this type of thing. And your little songbird in that very sweet white shirt...... Hope your week is going ok, Renee.

  11. I like the shots of animal live in your back yard. So different as is ours. Great photo's I like them.

  12. Wonderful series of captures. It was hard to decide which i liked most.

  13. Wonderful photos!!! So peaceful and lovely.


  14. Beautiful photos! Your little songbird is very sweet.

  15. How wonderful to have so many birds and other creatures frequent your yard! Your little song bird is so sweet.
    I long to be in a house with a garden again.

  16. Such beautiful, delightful butterflies and birds -- particularly your very own little songbird! Wonderful captures as always and, as always, a beautiful way to start my day, Karen! Hope your week is going well!

  17. I can't imagine having such lovely birds in my vicinity! You are so lucky! These photos are gorgeous!

  18. Reading your past two posts and viewing your amazing photos...your gift being used so abundantly!

    If I "had" to chose a favorite, it would be the magpie with her worm. Outstanding, the way she is eying her next morsel. But that certainly is not to say I did not enjoy them all.

    Have a wonderful day!

  19. So herrliche Fotos zeigst du immer wieder, ich bin so begeistert.

    Ein herzlicher Gruß von Mathilda ♥ ☼

  20. simply great the first two butterfly close-ups! love the details...happy rest of the week:-)

  21. Wow, so much beauty! I love the beautiful butterflies and the Pink Galahs are one of my favorites. Your Miss E is adorable. She could be a famous singer one day! Lovely images and post.

  22. A joy to receive a Phylis update! :) Beautiful butterflys & photos, and - that Superb Blue Wren!!! What a stand-out little bird - truly living up to it's name!
    Surprising to learn that the magpie is a pleasant singer.. I always thought of magpies as similar to our crows.. which are obnoxious "caw"ers. I believe you that little Miss E sings the loveliest of all. Our youngest likes to sing & dance & put on shows.. it's the best kind of entertainment I could ask for.

  23. These are wonderful photographs, Karen, and Miss E is just precious!

  24. You are so lucky to have those beautiful creatures in your backyard.
    Your daughter is very sweet:)
    Awesome shots!

  25. You have some beautiful photographs in this post. What an amazing variety of birds that you have and what a treat to be able to observe them!! We homeschool as well and my kids have loved the new variety of birds and wildlife that are in our new Florida home. Glad to have found your blog, will check back in.

  26. Gorgeous shots as always! :-)

  27. I cannot imagine having such beautiful and colorful birds and butterflies flying around wild...the photos are amazing!

  28. Beautiful pictures, all of them, but your favourite songbird definitly is the most beautiful one!


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