
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Being Open

Our Ned Kelly Grevillea is beginning to flower - taken early this morning

Our Indian visitors have arrived safely. Days and nights are filled with comings and goings, in good ways. Each day they have been sharing at schools or with church groups.

J spoke of many wonderful things at today's morning service - just a few of his words below. 

God sends us to hard places we may not feel ready for. 
All things are possible with God for those who believe.
Don't expect God to work in a certain way, be open to God and His ways.

I smell curry - J's wife, M, and Miss E (21)  are busy in the kitchen, tonight we have an Indian dinner at church and more sharing. I must go and help some more......

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That´s a flower I´ve never seen before - so interesting and beautiful!

  2. Enjoy your fellowship together this evening sharing a delicious curry.
    Grevillea's are curious flowers - I remember being fascinated by some I saw growing in Montenegro.

  3. Thats a very strange flower but beautiful.

  4. Que linda flor! Ótimo OUTONO pra ti! beijos,chica

  5. What a beautiful flower!

    The thoughts you shared by J are good ones to remember. Thanks for sharing them.

    I bet your Indian dinner was delicious!


  6. A beautiful flower and I am sure you will enjoy your visitors!

  7. Mmmm - authentic Indian dinner. :) The Grevillea has to be one of the most interesting flowers I've ever seen.

  8. The flower is beautiful.

    And now I am hungry. I have never tasted Indian food but I would like to.

  9. Wonderful capture of a gorgeous flower, Karen! I've never seen one like this before!! Thanks for sharing! Hope you and your family have a great week!

  10. A very extraordinary flower, never seen it or heard of it even.
    Have a wonderful time with your Indian friends visiting!

  11. Enjoy your visitors (and the yummy curry). That Grevillea looks almost too perfect - that's the way of nature, I guess.

  12. What a gorgeous flower, and soothing, comforting words! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. What a great macro Karen!

    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  14. I have never seen anything like this, Karen, and it is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  15. Beautiful flowers, delightful company and conversation and authentic curry!! Can't do much better than that, Karen!!

  16. What a beautiful flower; so unusual....

    I am so glad that your visit with your Indian friends is going well land that they are getting many opportunities to speak at your church....I know the are being blessed by their words....

  17. What a lovely Flower ... A great Shot. And wonderful words, I like it very much, dear Karen.

    Hugs by Heidrun

  18. Sounds like you are having a wonderful and insightful time so far! Enjoy yourself! Beautiful picture by the way.

  19. Oh my, that flower is so interesting and beautiful!

  20. Gorgeous bloom - so intricate and complex - created by the Master. Enjoy your time together.

  21. ...Be open to God...
    exactly where I always want to be~ I also would love to share that delightful meal with you all!

  22. This is such a wonderful message. So true.. such a beautiful photo my friend.


  23. I needed to read those words today, as I struggle deeply with missing my prodigal son... It's been 2.5 years and we have just learned that baby number 3 is to be born late this year. I miss him so...


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