
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Little Here, A Little There

A little sewing here and a little sewing there, slowly but surely it adds up. Another pile of blocks for my Musical Stairs quilt, still growing and waiting for ironing and trimming. I really like Tula Pink's latest range of fabric, Acacia, and have included several Acacia blocks. About another dozen blocks to go and then I'll start piecing them together......

Here's the newest butterfly too. It's about half the size of the first two I made and happily lives in our kitchen for me to enjoy every day!

For those who have been asking - Miss E is enjoying her time in the big city, dreaming of new beginnings for next year. She is due back Sunday night. Master J is also firming up dreams and plans for the years ahead, he now has just one last exam to sit to complete his school years. It has been a rather amazing week with glimpses of exciting times ahead!

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. Those are wonderful Picture - so curious to see more of the Little sewings. And your butterflies are so sweet, Karen!

  2. Mainio... kerrassaan hieno oivallus...
    Terveisin Eko

  3. I so wish I could sew. That sounded weird when I typed it, lol. Beautiful shots of the fabric and your newest little butterfly is super cute!

  4. The blocks look so pretty all stacked up. It will be so lovely

  5. Beautiful sewing, beautifully photographed as well.
    Love your permanent butterfly in the kitchen. My grandmother has some permanent butterflies in her house as well, she once made them completely out of pearls and wire, so beautiful! I really have to visit her again soon, it's been far too long since I saw her.
    Those are exciting times ahead for you all. I wish Miss E and Mr J the very best in all their endeavours. It will be a big change for you and the rest of the family as well.

  6. I can't wait to see this quilt; love the fabric....When I see what you doing I always want to drag out my fabric but it seems I have too much on the burner right now....Love the butterfly...

  7. Super yummy pictures! So great to see the twins involved in the process.

  8. It has been a rather amazing week for me, too.. appreciating the big & small miracles that we get to be a part of, and the milestones in life happening all around us!

  9. Gorgeous colors, I´m always a sucker for colors! :-)

  10. I love the colours of your Musical Stairs blocks! I am looking forward to seeing that one come together! Exciting times for your children.

  11. Good butterfly creation.


  12. I admire your ability to work on projects a little here and a little there. It really does add up.

  13. I admire you and your patience in working on the quilt. The result will certainly be great. Well, that children know what they want in life. Yours sincerely.

  14. Your quilt blocks are looking gorgeous!!! I think the butterfly must add a bit of happiness to your kitchen! Have a good week :)

  15. Your blog is very lovely...(I saw your note on Giga's blog...

  16. Your children are growing up! How exciting for them to test their wings. Your sewing project looks daunting but so very colorful.

  17. O, wow, your quilts (in your other post) are marvellous, Karen. I love the colors. I am planning to make one as a wall decoration, but I am still figuring out how I have to sew the under and upper part together without getting wrinkles. I think I first have to hand-baste it before stitching. Great series. Greetings, Joke

  18. Wow, dear Karen you are so busy, your quilting coming greatful.

    Hugs by Heidrun from Bavaria

  19. sehr schoen und farbenfroh, das letzte bild gefaellt mir am besten.

  20. Looks like you have been busy. And I LOVE that butterfly..


  21. Such a beautiful stacks of fabric growing in your home and what a lovely new butterfly! I love seeing how everything is progressing in your beautiful creative works!

  22. My your musical stairs blocks look a treat all piled on top of each other!! Another gorgeous quilt dancing with colour and pattern, no doubt!!


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