
Friday, November 1, 2013

What a Week!

See that smile! It says it all! Master J had his very last school exam today, Physics, which he wasn't looking forward to. All went well, it is FINISHED!!! There is an even greater relief behind that smile - of career decisions becoming clear just two days ago.

Miss E (21) is still in the big city and is likewise meeting with success and firming up plans and dreams in an amazing fashion. She'll be home in a couple of days.

As for little Miss E, she is managing the stilts - "All by herself" (well, not quite...).

The two Miss E's have a special bond and have kept in touch through FaceTime each day and night  while Stripes the tiger watches on.

Yesterday was Jaca Thursday in our town, the middle of an annual week-long festival while the hundreds of jacaranda trees are in bloom. I took the younger ones to have a look. Ten minutes was enough for all of us, then we headed to the shops to buy Despicable Me 2 which was released here on DVD yesterday.

It's been quite a week, on top of all the regular happenings times it's felt like I've been the one teetering on the stilts, trying to keep up with life.


  1. Oh, such a beautiful family you have!! I have four children -- well, they're not children anymore -- in their 40s. but, they'll always be my children and they have done so much with their lives and I am SO proud of them, as I know you are -- and rightly so, of yours!! What a joy they are!! And how blessed WE are!! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. just since I have "known " you, your children are growing in to such lovely young adults, and even little miss E has grown alot. Know that you are so proud of them. Those jacarandas also are so amazingly beautiful. Have a wonderful end of the week!

  3. Congratulations to you and your children on their various successes. It is an exciting and busy time for you all. The Jacaranda week and the carnival look like great fun. The trees are beautiful!

  4. There is nothing like family!
    Your love for them sure shines through your photos & words, Karen.
    (And my, how I love those natural curls.. do they get those from you?)

  5. No (unfortunately), the curls are from my husband, but his hair is never long enough these days to show it.
    The twins' hair changed from lose curls into beautiful ringlets only a couple of years ago.

  6. Well done J!! Look forward to hearing all about E when she gets home:) Such big changes for YOU!! next year, I know how I felt losing 2 in 2 years, so sudden!

  7. Such a beautiful family you have! :)
    Have a nice weekend!

  8. You must be a good mother! you have such a nice family.
    I looove jacaranda! and am excited to see your post from last year, It's breathtaking!!!!
    Unfortunately, it can't grow in Japan because of cold climate in winter.
    Would love to see its bloom in your country, someday!

  9. Well done master can be proud of yourself.

    Ik like all the pictures very much, the smiles and joy the have makes me happy.

    Wish you all a great weekend.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  10. Jednym słowem był to tydzień pełen emocji i udany. Gratulacje dla syna i niech spełnia swoje marzenia. Pozdrawiam.
    In a word, it was a week full of excitement and success. Congratulations for your son and let him meet your dreams. Yours.

  11. What a beautiful family you have and it is wonderful to hear of their successes in life.

    The jacaranda trees are beautiful, we have them here too but they won't be in bloom for months yet as we head into our fall/winter seasons.

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  12. Yeah, the comments above say it all: beautiful Kids and lovely stroies about them...

  13. You kiddos are so lovely!

  14. Indeed what a week, congratulations on the finishing of the hsc for master j and looking forward to hearing about miss e's career plans. You're last photo appears to sum up what your week must have felt like in the mist adorable way. Hope your weekend affords you at least a segment if 'you-time'.

  15. Beautiful children! Master J looks so relieved and Miss E is too adorable for words with her blonde locks. You are blessed.

  16. Gosh, our kids are just growing so fast, aren't they? It's interesting to me that each of our oldest children is a daughter of the same age, and ours is also at a major juncture in life moving forward. Good luck to your Miss E in settling into the best fit for her. Our young lady won't know for 2 or 3 months, yet, where her next phase will take place. I really just have to trust in Providence that the best situation will happen. :)

  17. flotte bilder , ønsker en riktig god helg.

  18. Congratulations with Master J. exams!
    The Jacaranda trees are flowering gorgeous, I love their beautiful colour. And the two misses E's, the little one is such a funny girl. You have such a nice family.

  19. Love seeing all of the jacarandas out at the moment - mum always says that they are out whilst the HSC is on to make the students (and teachers!) happy:)I am sure Master J is relieved his exams are over - Gem still has Biology and Society In Culture to go next week!

  20. Guess what, I had been thinking of the jacaranda trees in bloom in your country. I remembered them from last year. With november, the weather is getting very grey and dark and cold over here, and well, let's say it's not my favourite month. But the thought of those colourful trees in bloom makes me smile.
    It's good to see the oldest and youngest have a good bond and keep in touch. Hope the 'stilts' are holding you and the new week isn't too hectic for you.

  21. Thanks for sharing about your family, I love the relationship and love that is evident in all your photos! Master J looks thrilled and I pray for all the success in the world for his future!

  22. What an adorable children you have and very clever too.
    Nice bonding time !

  23. There is nothing like having finished your final exam!! How wonderful that your older children's plans and dreams are being set in place!! Love those blossoming Jacarandas!!

  24. I loved looking at your pics,
    everybody looks so happy and contented.


  25. What a great series of beautiful family. I love it! :-)

    Best regards from the Netherlands,

  26. He´s so handsome - and great pics over all! :-)

  27. I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! (

  28. Great blessings in your life: your family and your talents to write and make photographs! It's always a joy to watch them.
    Best wishes, Marion

  29. Thank you for sharing your lovely Family live ... This is so wonderful.

    Greetings by Heidrun


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