
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shades of (Pink) Frustration

I've recently had difficulty uploading photos accurately to my blog and upon investigation it appears that Blogger has recently added a default auto enhance feature which can only be corrected/disabled once you have joined Google+. At this stage I have no intentions of joining Google +, nor can I tolerate the editing which it applies to some of my photos.

This is rather frustrating as I don't know which photos will look awful with google's auto enhance until they are actually uploaded. Today this has happened again, so I'm trying to work around it by using my Flickr account. This may sound crazy to some, but I treasure my photos.....

I was wanting to share with you photos of a beautiful poppy - but I can't do it here. Yes, you can enjoy the pink cornflower (indeed I had a variety of lovely pinks to share) but the photos I really wanted to share won't load correctly on blogger so I have uploaded them to my flickr page here for your pleasure - and mine.....

Do many of you use flickr? I love it as a way to keep interesting quilting/craft ideas and inspirational photos together in one place. I'm thinking I may be sharing more at flickr over the coming days.


  1. Will definitely check out you flickr page. Computers are wonderful but when things are not working, it can be so frustrating.
    By the way, check out ENBREL as it is being advertised alot . Had been meaning to message you on this.... Have a wonderful day, and your photos are gorgeous.

  2. I don't like the changes that google are making but I haven't experienced your problem yet. Maybe because I have a google+ account

  3. Now that would be frustrating, I have to agree. What are they thinking??!! But your pretty pink cornflower is gorgeous, and I checked out your flickr photos - beautiful!

  4. I use flickr when I need to link to a photo, but generally just upload to blogger (I have limited data each month, so I have to choose one or the other generally.)

    Lovely pink corn flower -- hope you get your google issues ironed out.

  5. Hi Karen. I had that same problem at the end of september. I did some posts about it in oktober, remember? Joining google+ isn't so drastic though you know. It hasn't really changed anything. It's there but if you don't use it, like me, it's no bother either. I even thought of stopping totally with my blog, so frustrated I was, so I can imagine vividly how you feel. Frustrating, that's the word! Hope you find a solution. I never thought of flickr myself. I don't have a flickr account.

  6. Olá Karen, eu também uso e gosto do Flickr.


  7. Sorry you are having problems. I use Flickr very sporadically these days. Sure hope Blogger resolves their issues for you!

  8. Another solution would be to move to your own dot com... I use HostGator and blog with WordPress. Now my blog and my photos are under my control... costs money though...

  9. Piękne zdjęcie chabra. Ja połączyłam się z Google+ i w niczym mi to nie przeszkadza, a mam większy limit zdjęć do umieszczenia. Pozdrawiam.
    Beautiful picture Chabra. I joined up with Google + and like I do not mind, and I have a bigger limit images to the site. Yours.

  10. I haven't had that problem...yet. I don't use Flickr, and I too am opposed to using google+.

  11. Don't you wish Google would just "leave things alone" !!! They try to coerce us into joining things we don't want to be a part of--very frustrating indeed. Your photos are always lovely--I'm sure you will find a way "around" all of this too. Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

  12. Somehow I have joined Google + twice. The first time I successfully got rid of it, this time it has been tricky. I worry that my blog will be lost or has made uploading pictures harder and has made some changes to my Picasa albums that I do not like. And I have no idea about "Google circles" whatever they are. I have used Flickr, but like the format here for blogging and including text with pictures much better. I have not noticed anything with enhancements...maybe I should look at that again. This is supposed to be easy and fun, maybe it is too late to teach this old dog a new trick! Ha! Good luck...

  13. Blogging is suppose to be fun and our efforts spent on writing and posting our photographs not on worrying about these kinds of issues.....I am sorry that you are encountering this; I have not noticed it with my blog....
    I have a Flickr account that I just post photographs to and by the way, I checked out yours and your shots are awesome.....

  14. As you might know, I use a Google+ account. I used Flickr once, but I decided that I don't want to use too much platforms.
    I suggest that you make a Google+ profile. I believe that you can keep it private and use the benefits of it. Anyway; I which you good luck with your decision :-)

    Greetings to you from the Netherlands,

  15. I haven't tried flickr yet. Glad it works for you:)

  16. How frustrating. I joined google+ but I never use it as I have never taken the time to work out its purpose.

  17. I have had many problems with Blogger in the past, but not any recently. It seems like it is always something.

  18. I don't use flicker but was happy to follow you there! I could almost see the bee's wings fluttering!
    lovely and joyous flowers!

  19. I have not run into the issue.. but technically I do have G+. I don't use it though, nor do I understand the point of it or how to use it at all.. so I don't. (I've never really even tried, not interested.)

    I'm running so short of time these weeks, I'm just getting to catch up on reading friends' blogs in quick bursts at odd times. I see you've updated with another post, so I'll check it out & see if you've found anything out!

    I understand that feeling of treasuring your photos.. And as you should, they are fantastic!

  20. I tried last night to upload a photo and it looked terrible after google had 'enhanced' it. I'm with flickr too and worked out how to upload to flickr and then put those photos into blogger. When you click on your photo there's a box with an arrow in it. Click on that box and down the bottom it offers you the option of grabbing the code. Copy the code that you want and then when you do a blog post paste that code into your html and then you'll have your photo from flickr. I hope that helps but send an email if I haven't explained it fully. Beautiful macro Karen such a pretty pink flower against the green. x

  21. I had huge problems last year with uploading photos to my blog as I had apparently run out of upload space. So back then I created a Google + account and I now pay around $2.50 a month for Google storage so I can continue to upload as many photos as I like (that was the suggestion made at the time).
    I have had absolutely no issues since then. I also post a link of every post I write to my Google+ profile. It's really not too bad.
    I also use Flickr but haven't uploaded for quite a while. I much prefer the interaction here on Blogger.
    Lovely image too, Karen!


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