
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Words Which Impact

Kangaroo Paw flowers

Today I am thinking again of two posts which I've read over the last week, little snippets which tend to stick in the mind, leaving a deeper impact as I continue to consider their truths. The first I stumbled on through a link in a newspaper article, it's called What People Really Look Like by Dale Favier, a Portland massage therapist. Some of Dale's words -

Everybody on a massage table is beautiful. There are really no exceptions to this rule.....

I’ll tell you what people look like, really: they look like flames. Or like the stars, on a clear night in the wilderness.

Dale's follow up post Pin That Thought is well worth a read too - here's a little of it:

Pin that thought to the wall and watch it wriggle.That thought is the enemy; that's the thought that's keeping you from treating yourself kindly. It's that thought, and not the ten pounds, that's in your way.

The other post which has wisdom I want to remember is by Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist called 9 Places Unhappy People Look for Happiness. Some of Joshua's concluding words:

We do not use happiness or contentment as an excuse for mediocrity. Instead, we walk forward in confidence and discipline to become the best possible versions of ourselves—not just for our own well-being, but for the well-being of others.

Have you read any words/posts which really caught your attention lately? I would love to hear about them.

 Each of these photos were taken in our garden this morning, before the hot breeze came along, before I became involved in another day with four of our children down with the flu and a husband who is slowly recovering after six days of being feverishly ill. Our Indian visitors are now safely home in northern India. The world is still beautiful!


  1. I love the sunlight on your flowers. I like Joshua Becker too.

  2. Grossartige Macros liebe Karen, mein Kompliment...

    Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  3. Fabulous close up shots. You have found some interesting articles here. Something to think about.

  4. i read a post about parenting and how our kids pick up on our tine, and words, and feelings and that our kids can be reflectors of ourselves. In our hurry up go go world I have to slow down and give thought to my words and tone of voice. Beautiful pictures Karen!

  5. Fantastic sunny pictures, Karen. I love the colors gathered in this post, almost exotic. Greetings, Joke

  6. Fantastic pics.... So much in detail... Love it

  7. your photo's are stunning! Hope that your family soon feels better.Thanks for the reminders.

  8. Lindas, não sei dizer qual gosto mais.


  9. Excelent photo's with nice colors...... compliments Karen.

    greetings Joop

  10. Your photos are so beautiful! Glimpses into the life of flowers and critters. Wonderful!

    Great thoughts from the massage therapist. I went to his post and enjoyed reading the whole thing. Thank you.

    A good hour long full-body massage works wonders. When I can afford it, I go to a lady close to where I live. She's very good.

    I'm sorry your family has been or is sick and hope they are all well soon.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  11. Dear Karen, thank you for the lovely pictures again. Wish The best to the ill children and husband !
    Wonderful thoughts you Share with us and I have here one

    Der Augenblick ist zeitlos.
    Leonardo da Vinci Künstler, Ingenieur Philosoph

    Try to translate: The Moments of life are without Time ...

    Hugs and greetings

  12. Życzę szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia mężowi i dzieciom. Zdjęcia są oczywiście cudowne. Pozdrawiam ciepło.
    I wish a speedy recovery to her husband and children. The photos are of course wonderful. Best wishes.

  13. I think your photographs has also impact on the brain as your words. So colorful and clear. I like them here.

  14. Love your pictures Karen.
    Thanks for sharing the words.
    I hope everyone will get better again soon. Wishing you all the best.

  15. Beautiful photo!! You're really good!!
    I take photo too, if you want to see my blog and my facebook page, I'm happy!

  16. A beautiful reflection of the wonderful creation through your photos, Karen.

    I often find inspirational quotes at Comfort Spiral and Just A Moment, although there are many others.

    Hope that flu bug is soon banished from your midst.

  17. Love the colors - beautiful! :-)

  18. Beautiful photos--especially the ladybug and cosmos. Been reading the bible lately; lots of deep thoughts there.

  19. Coucou, je fais un petit tour par chez vous. Il y a de très jolie couleurs acidulées aujourd'hui :-).

  20. Your photographs are beautiful as always....I am sorry about all the sickness in your family; hopefully they will all be on the mend soon....

    Words are very powerful and I think we would all do well to choose them more wisely....They can enrich as you've shown us today or they can harm....great post...

  21. How beautiful these are, Karen, especially that little ladybug!

  22. It's funny how certain words just resonate - they stick with you. You found some great examples of thoughts with pondering. I can't think of anything I've run across lately that's as thought provoking. I do remember once reading about a woman who decided to go to medical school at mid life and her family and friends all said to her, " but you'll be 50 before you finish" and her response was " I'm planning to be 50 anyway, why not be 50 doing what I want to be doing." That stuck with me, too. Why place limits? It's never too late to do what you're meant to do.

  23. Amazing pictures and Inspiring quotes. I love qoutes too that encourages:)

  24. ann voskamp always has pin worthy words. a few lately:

    god sees hearts like we see faces

    if the broken would just love the broken, we'd all be closer to whole

    no one ever got saved unless someone else was unsafe

    your macro photography is stunning as usual, karen! just lovely.

  25. Sorry that I've been absent. I especially like all your insect shots ( I know! I look forward to seeing them these days, although I still require forewarnings on any spider, lizard or snake captures). I enjoyed reading the 'What People Really Look Like' article - important words. I'm really pleased you had such a special time with your visitors. Hope you enjoy the rest of the break.

  26. I love your macro's Karen. The light in your pictures is amazing!

    Warm greetings from the Netherlands,

  27. These photos just blew my mind!


    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  28. Absolutely gorgeous photos! Wow!

  29. Awesome collection of closeups! The lighting, color, texture, and bokeh is spot on. Kudos!

  30. I love your world and then I think these things can please you,
    this guy makes huge candles filled with sea and waves, it's beautiful!


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