
Friday, December 13, 2013

Hopes, Dreams, Healing - and Hail!

Wednesday afternoon brought a summer hailstorm. The children thought it was great fun!

Miss O and Miss E senior have been busy with Christmas baking, filling the kitchen (and some of the freezer) with many delicious aromas - and yet more heat.

Master J's school had its end of year Presentation Evening on Tuesday. It's a very small and caring school where he has thrived. He only enrolled there last year, having been homeschooled along with our other children until then. Master J has definitely applied himself to his studies and plans to start an engineering degree at Uni next year, hoping to move into aeronautical engineering down the track.

The twins now have their learner licences. In our state you must be 16 before you can take the written/computer test. They will each need 120 hours of logged supervised driving before they are allowed attempt the driving test required for their Provisional licences. Last night they had their first sit behind the wheel with a beginning drive in a vacant car park. Miss E senior is also considering completing the computer test soon - which would mean we have 360 hours of learner driving to supervise......

Late October I received a request for the use of one of my images for the label and website of a small brand new personal care  business. Today I received a lovely little parcel of goodies in the mail by way of exchange. I'm yet to try these products but they look and smell wonderful. Quite a delightful outcome. You can see more of their beeswax based products on the Kabai website.

Speaking of healing, we had a very productive visit with a naturopath yesterday regarding my husband's chronic eczema. There is hope on the horizon - he returned to work on Wednesday after three weeks sick leave due to eczema. Maybe it's time to dare to dream again!


  1. Great news on all fronts in your home this week, Karen. That's wonderful news regarding your husband's eczema and well done to your son and the attainment of his awards. So your teacher hat extends to the car for a li'l while.....have fun!! I think it's always a good time to 'dare to dream'!!

  2. We didn't get hail!!

    I've been thinking of you for some time about logistics of when the twins were to get their Ls, no envy at all! and now E to get hers too at same time!!

    Big milestones for J! Impressive regards label:)

    Wonderful, wonderful news about Js eczema, such a quick response already. Is this a local naturopath?

  3. Hi Erin, J was just back at work Wednesday, the stable air-con at work helps some too. Naturopath in the next smaller town - about half an hour's drive. She was wonderful.

  4. Que maravilha!!


    Meu agradecimento pelos carinhos todos nesse ano e desejos de FELIZ NATAL e lindo, iluminado e com muita garra 2014 ! beijos,chica


  5. W ostatnich dniach sporo się u Ciebie działo. Przyroda pokazała swoje oblicze, syn się spisał świetnie, córki już przygotowują potrawy na Święta, a mąż wyzdrowiał. Wszystko było miłe. Pozdrawiam.
    In recent days, a lot of you has to. Nature showed its face, the son wrote a great daughters are already preparing food for Christmas, and my husband recovered. Everything was nice. Yours.

  6. It does sound as if things are going well for your family, Karen, all of your family!! And that is great news! Love your pics as always and, as always, I enjoy reading about your family's activities. Hope all of you have a beautiful, fun weekend!!

  7. Summer hail!? I've never heard of that, but it's really cool! Congrats on having your photo chosen for the packaging, it looks great!

  8. Karen, I am so excited for you to that your photo has been used for professional purposes - it looks exactly right on that label. Well done! Your quilt is progressing very nicely, as I've said to you before I'm in awe of the hours and hours and the whole process of quilt making. We haven't had a summer storm yet down this way - liked the photo of the hail in someone's pocket. You're not going to know yourself next year when the twins will be able to drive themselves to their various sporting venues, that will triple your quilt making time for sure. Congratulations on Master J's awards and you sound relieved and hopeful about the latest development on the eczema.

  9. A very well-deserved congratulations to you, Karen!
    It sounds like it has been such a fun (and busy) time at your hosue lately.

  10. That's serious hail, dangerous.


  11. Dear Karen - you have obviously been a very good parent home schooler to have got your son up to such a high standard of achievement. My H is always delighted to hear of youngsters taking an Engineering degree, he feels that it is something that has been very badly neglected over recent years - so very well done to Master J.
    Those hail stones look positively dangerous with their spiky rough edges. Hope that they did not cause any damage and just simply created lots of fun for the children.

  12. Prayers being sent your way to support all of that supervised driving! Bless you!

  13. Great, that is some hail!

  14. Beautiful post!:)
    Have a nice weekend, Karen!

  15. Oh my Stars look at the size of that hail. That could do some damage. Wishing you the best of luck with teaching your twins to drive. I bet they are so excited.


  16. Hello Karen!
    It's good to be back on your page once again. Wow! A lot has been happening since my last visit. Your photos are lovely so it's no surprise to see it on that lid.

  17. Those hail stones looked huge. I admire you for supervising your children's driving. I would not have the nerve. Here they usually learn in a dual control car so that the instructor can apply the brakes if necessary.

  18. I always am surprised and have to remind myself again that we live on opposite sides of the earth. A breath of spring for me, today we woke up to below zero temps. Prayers for your husband as I type!

  19. Great news in your life, in your family ... And hopeful good for your husband.
    I feel with you, cause my husband is ill since 4 weeks.

    Wish you and your lovely family all the best.

    Greetings from the heart by Heidrun

  20. A beautiful post. People should wear helmets during such hailstorm :-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands! ;-)

  21. Wow, that is some large hail, I hope it didn't cause any damage!

    Congrats to Master J on his presentation ceremonies..
    To the twins on their learner licenses.. (That's a LOT of driving ahead of you.)
    To you on having your image used for labeling, how fun!
    And so glad to hear of the new hope in the eczema department!

  22. I so hope your husband will finally recover from his eczema.

    Great picture of the kids chasing big hailstones. I can picture you taking the pictures as well ;)

    So great your daughters are preparing all sorts of goodies for Christmas.

  23. Looks like you and your family are receiving great blessings! So glad to hear your husband is doing better and you children seem to have a lot of excitement in the near future!

  24. Wonderful updates from you:) you could send dom heat here:) i am freezing

  25. Sounds like excellent news all round! You must be a very proud Mum.


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