
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Little Movement

Decisions have been made and progress is happening - at last. Four weeks ago I shared my dilemma regarding which fabric to use for the background for this EPP quilt. It was wonderful to have so many express opinions yet no one option stood out as a clear winner.

I realised that some of the blocks definitely looked better on a darker charcoal fabric while others looked better on the lighter smoke crosshatch. The idea of using both in some combination, maybe with another one or two similar shades was percolating in my mind when Mary, an experienced Swiss quilter, left her comment - "My advice for the background of your quilt: Use color "Vibrations" of different medium plain greys! I would give more depth and mirror like or transparency effect to the whole. Only one fabric makes it more flat or static. Good luck, whatever you choose will work!"

Back to the internet to see what I could find which may add to the two crosshatches or possibly a combination of solid greys. I chose one mid grey print which I thought might work. I made a tentative start on stitching some of the crosshatch pieces to three EPP stars. After a wait of nearly three weeks the fabric arrived, (we live in Australia) but my expectations weren't met. The shade and tone didn't work with the crosshatches I had (a downside of trying to choose fabric online).

Placing the blocks out on my design "wall" bed I could see that a random pattern of crosshatches wasn't going to work either but a carefully alternating pattern looked just right. It's hard to tell in the light of these photos but the two shades of crosshatch do provide that gentle movement which Mary also spoke of in her comment.

After unpicking the misplaced random diamonds I was able to set to work adding background pieces to each star. Over the last few days I have now completed five out of the twelve stars and it works well, looking better as more stars are added to the mix.

The crosshatch is definitely a directional fabric and looks best working in unison. Even though the diamonds are identical shapes I have had to cut each colour in three different directions to keep them in harmony for the background.

At this time of year the sewing machine is staying off our dining/school table but this handwork project is just perfect for those snippets of time here and there. Now I'm pondering backing fabrics......

Sharing at WIP Wednesday, In Hand EPP.


  1. Oh my word! That IS just perfect - lovely and fun all rolled into one. Have fun with your finish!!!

  2. Incredible! The colours are so lovely and the amount of tricky wow. The crosshatch fabrics are totally working the way you've done them.

  3. It all sounds so much more technical than I thought. I like the dark and light grey diamonds.

  4. wow i love the look of it, it will be so wonderful when its finished

  5. It's so nice Karen....... i like it.

    Greetings, Joop

  6. You are very good at patchwork. Fine colors and patterns, that you put together.
    Jette Majken

  7. Wow! It is looking good. I really like the low volume stars.

  8. Its looking great, switching pieces around is the best thing about epp. I always take photos too, which generally helps me weed out parts that dont work x

  9. Oh my Karen, this will be a stunner! Looks fantastic with the low volumes!!!

  10. The colours are just beautiful and with some help and information of other quiltbloggers and switching pieces around you have got the best out of it. The quilt looks gorgeous, succes with the finishing.

  11. I love how the different gray gives depth to the stars. it is looking superb.

  12. This is so lovely and amazing the way it has turned out.


  13. So nice, Karen! I love the colours.

  14. What an inspired idea. Your amazing blocks have taken on a new dimension.

  15. Great choice!! It definitely adds more interest. I'm glad you didn't choose true solids. :)

  16. Great result! My, you have so much energy! I'm full of admiration!

  17. Wow that quilt is gorgeous! What a project!

  18. Oh my gosh! I don't think this could be any better!!! I love it!

  19. What an incredible piece! I am in love with both the colors and the design... thanks for sharing!

  20. wow, I love the two different backgrounds! This is just beautiful!

    Stopping by from Lee's hop

  21. What a lot of work this quilt has had put into it - I am sure it will be worth it when you have finished it. I am liking it with both shades too.

  22. WOW! Love what you decided to do with this, it is perfect for the quilt.

  23. So stunning!

    I love how you incorporated the comentor's suggestion--it was a great suggestion and beautifully designed.

  24. wow! how serendipitous! when no one stands out, use them all. I like it! mary was very right.

    and you posted this in time to link in with the next "in hand" this weekend. please do come by. =)

    I'm so excited this is moving on toward a project that you will soon be able to snuggle under.

  25. Podoba mi się Twój pomysł, będzie sliczna. Pozdrawiam.
    I like your idea, it will be lovely. Yours.

  26. WOW! That sounds like a difficult decision. But I am glad that it worked out.. It has to be hard to pick fabric on line. They probably look a bit different in person.


  27. i always try to use a mix of background fabrics if I can, and I adore these colors- it is going to be gorgeous!

  28. Very clever, and interesting to read about your process.

  29. Beautiful! I love your color selection.

  30. OH MY!! These are gorgeous! I love the fabric that you chose for these. And wow more work involved with your attention to details on the cross hatching that is on the fabric!

    Gorgeous! (just had to say that again :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you for stopping over last week! I am catching up on my return thank you visits :o)


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