
Monday, December 9, 2013

The Perfect Partner

Pool salt - tick, succulent potting mix - tick :), replacement floodlight bulbs -tick. Now for the fun bit, a quick look at the plants! I found the perfect partner for my Black Prince, then I checked the name of this pretty succulent - "Violet Queen", a match made in succulent heaven!

I came home very pleased with this wonderful find, a partner for Black Prince. My husband was a little bemused at my delight in the small things such as my plants - that's ok, he's not a gardener. Also purchased was a little pot of Gold Mound Sedum which will bring some variety to the mix of my succulent collection

Now to work out pots and the right location. Black Prince has doubled in size in the three and a half months I've had him which has been quite a surprise. 


  1. I do understand!! I love all of my plants! They brighten up every day -- particularly now that winter has arrived and it has been COLD!! Hope you have a great week, Karen!

  2. A succulent post for plant lovers!

    ALOHA to YOU, Karen
    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  3. Oh lucky you to be just staring to garden!!

  4. Actually I’m waiting for a cooler day to really get into it. Just this morning I was pulling out poppies and cornflowers which are finishing. Gardening all year round here…..

  5. They look perfect together. Pretty photos my friend.


  6. Great images!
    Have a nice week!:)

  7. Are you really pulling out your poppies and cornflowers?? Ours are just beginning to grow and flower. We will have them for months yet. How are your 'Love in the Mist"? If you ask me your Black Prince will thrive sitting next to his Violet Queen in the sun!!

  8. I´m a true fan of succulents - hard to kill and wonderfully chubby! :-)

  9. Very nice photographed Karen.

    Greetings, Joop

  10. Beautiful addition to your growing collection! This plant makes a great partner for your Black Prince and I love the name!

  11. The Black Prince is indeed an uncommon dark beauty. The fair partner is more common around here.

  12. Love these sedums, and so many of them in Texas with the hot weather. I love the hen and chicks which spread so rapidly. Do you have any of those.?? They are so cute. Hope things are well with your family and that your husband is better.

  13. Nasz roślinki już śpią w ogrodzie, bo zbliża się zima, a Ty sadzisz nowe, bo u Ciebie jest lato. Lubię sukulenty. Pozdrawiam.
    Our plants are sleeping in the garden, because winter is coming and you do you think the new, because for you it is summer. I like succulents. Yours.

  14. wirklich schoene aufnahmen, besonders das erste !

  15. I think plants should have personal names~ Black Prince is shiny and so healthy looking!

  16. We grow sedum for a living...always glad to see pretty pictures of it!

  17. love those succulents. especially the dark one.


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