
Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Curly Question

The Cricket Australia Under 18 Female Championships were over, the team could relax - and they had fun. Miss G and Miss N had been interstate for 10 days, playing cricket in 40 C/104 F heat and then some cooler days too. Their team was very friendly and they literally let their hair down on the last night - well at least they let Miss G's hair down......

It seems so strange looking at these photos of Miss G with straight hair. By the time she arrived home the next night it was beginning to go wavy. One hair wash later and it looks just like the photos below as shared last September.

Miss N batting at the Championships - she bowled brilliantly too.

And the best news is...... she prefers it curly, as we all do!     :)


  1. How wonderful to have bit just beautiful curly hair but also the option of having it gloriously straight!

  2. Miss G had often wondered what it would feel like to have straight hair - and it took the girls an hour to straighten it. She appreciates her curls all the more now.

  3. Miss G's hair is absolutely beautiful. Glorious curls, naturally.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. Najważniejsze, że Miss G woli kręcone włosy i nie będzie musiała się męczyć z ich prostowaniem. Pozdrawiam.
    The main thing that Miss G will curly hair and will not need to bother with their straightening. Yours.

  5. beautiful hair! :)
    lovely weekend, Karen!

  6. Miss G is truly blessed with the most beautiful hair. I absolutely LOVE her curly hair. I've always wished I had curly hair. Once, when I was younger, still in school, I had my hair cut and curled. A lot of people, even teachers, didn't recognize me anymore. I remember one teacher asked another student in the class who the new girl was. She had to look closely to see it was just me. I LOVED my hair then but never did it over again because my hair was badly damaged and had to 'recover' after that 'curly treatment' but I still have the pictures from then and boy, I did look completely different ;)
    If I had such beautiful curly hair as Miss G does, I don't think I'd ever let a hair straighterner come anywhere near me.

  7. What glorious hair Miss G has!! 'Tis her 'crown' of glory!! Curly hair has the vote for me....alas my locks are straight).

  8. Lovely to catch up with your family again. Congratulations on the cricket tour. Beautiful curly hair.

  9. She has gorgeous curls! :-)

  10. Funny how many people with curly hair want to have straight hair and vie versa. She has beautiful hair. You must be proud of them playing cricket for Australia.

  11. Hi Diane,

    Yes, it is funny how we often want what we do not have. I was very pleased to hear that she prefers her hair curly, now appreciating her natural hair even more.

    They weren’t playing for Australia (a dream for one day perhaps) but were playing as part of a state team at the nationals championships. They had a wonderful time.

  12. Miss G is both beautiful with curls and also straight hair :)

    Hugs by Heidrun

  13. I've always been smitten for their curls! But I know it's fun to try new things, best when they are very temporary. :)
    Fantastic cricket shots! Makes me want to learn more about the game.
    Basketball is what's keeping us on the go still this winter.
    200 miles to watch the boys play for an hour on Tues. night. We enjoy watching them, makes it worth the time on the go.
    One of the twins is on pace to score 1000 points within his junior season. Quite an achievement.


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