
Monday, January 27, 2014

Still Finding Beauty, Joy and Contentment

Galahs, an Australian native bird

It was indeed a pleasant walk this morning, to check on the older siblings' fishing endeavours at the local boat ramp

As I've looked over the photos this afternoon I can't help but compare them with last January's images. You see, we've had major flood threats in our town each of the last THREE Januarys. I decided to start blogging in the wake of the 2011 flood threat, choosing to actively focus on the positive in each day and not let the thought of floods steal my happiness and contentment.

This morning at the boat ramp                                            The same spot 29th January 2013

31st January 2013 as the waters went down

Nine days after the 2013 flood peak

                     Today                                                  The same spot nine days after the 2013 flood peak

This is my favourite photo of the day! These two sisters are becoming special friends.   


  1. Lovely, happy photos. It is very interesting to see your comparison pictures - what a difference!

  2. Nice pic's. Especially the kids from the back. Gives a good feeling. Thanks for showing.

  3. Such a nice photos, lovely to see your two daughters walking hand in hand. Looking at these pictures make me feel happy too.
    The pink colored birds are wonderful, never seen these before, colored pigeons or parrots I should not know.
    Also the comparison of pictures with former years is so interesting, nature is very capricious.

  4. Hadn't realised the floods were your blogging impetuous. Not till you look at the side by side pics and realise how well the town has recovered, though some parts of the riverbank have sadly changed completely. Our fav swimming spot is not the same, not at all:( we have yet to find a new fav spot.

    tis lovely sibling relationships:)

  5. More wonderful photos Karen! That last one of your daughters is very special indeed!

  6. They are beautiful photos especially capturing the close link between you daughters.

  7. It's amazing how the environment recovers after a flood/bushfire isn't it? Lovely photos, Karen, especially the last one of your girls holding hands....very, very special!

  8. These are my favorite style of pictures of children...those taken from the back where they do not know what you are up to. No posing. These are so beautiful. You have to adore the holding of the hands and that mix of red and blond hair. What a special capture. Seeing the comparison of the area with the flooding waters and now is an eye opener.what a difference a little time makes.

  9. What a sweet photo of your two daughters holding hands. Priceless and oh so special.

    Every year when hurricane season starts I sort of freeze up. We went through three of them 2004-2005, very scarey. I try not to worry, especially now that I am alone. I have to remember that God is with me continuously and is my strength and peace. Worrying does NOT accomplish anything.

    Have a wonderful day and week.


  10. It's so amazing to see the both sisters hand by hand. And the lot of water we also have each year More and more.

    Greetings by Heidrun from Bavaria

  11. What a lovely walk you have had, and it is hard to believe how grown up miss E is getting. Blessings to you on this monday!

  12. So summery and nice :) I finished a 24 year old project during an extended flood in 2011...the quilting was great, the flood not so much!

  13. How sweet! :-)
    I can tell that you all had a nice day! :-)

    Hope you'll have a great week!

  14. vennskap for alltid, herlig serie.

  15. An interesting post with some cute photos.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  16. LOVE the shot of the two hands!!! and also the one of the two of them sitting by the water!!! Nice!!!

  17. I have an absolute "thing" for little hands, and this photo is just perfection, Karen. The little tie from her jacket adds so much to an already beautiful image.

  18. remarkable isn't it, how the Lord brings about healing, new life... after brokedness and destruction.
    A miracle really~
    I am so pleased to see God's blessings in your lives! All of them

  19. A heartwarming post. Lovely close up of their friendship. No wonder you are content. Gorgeous children and a pleasant area to walk, which is in much better shape this year. Hope no floods come this time.

  20. Piękny spacer dwóch sióstr, a przy okazji wspomnienia o powodzi, która Wam na szczęście szkód nie zrobiła. Ostatnie zdjęcie jest cudowne.Pozdrawiam.

    Beautiful walk two sisters, and by the way memories of the floods, which you fortunately did not damage. Last picture is wonderful. Yours.

  21. Great pics - and I´d LOVE that car! :-)

  22. All photos are beautiful, but I love last!!! Is wonderful!

  23. Adorable!! The last picture is incredibly sweet. Makes me want to give my sister a call!

  24. Such a nice collections of pictures...the sweet friendship of the girls! And the Galahs are just beautiful...I cannot imagine having such a beautiful bird flying freely here!

  25. Life changes and photographs are a great record of our journey. I love your "special friends" pic.

  26. That´s such a sweet Picture. Nature is weird, but beautiful in its way

  27. Wiem, że masz nowy post, ale niestety nie pokazuję się. Pozdrawiam.
    I know you have a new post, but unfortunately did not show up. Yours.

  28. So much pleasing pinkness here!

    I am thankful most days that in His infinite sovereignty we do not know the future. But it is with thankgiving we can look back at His continual faithfulness

  29. Finding you in nature. Top. Lovely birds.


  30. Your photos warm my heart & make me smile, Karen. I had not known that fact about the reason you began blogging.
    Sisters are a wonderful thing. Since Lilly was not blessed with brothers and no sister, I always hope that she establishes many sister-friends.
    I regret to talk about the weather, since it seems all the rage, but it's amazing to me the differences of a January. Some with extreme heat & fire danger. Some with flood danger. We with our excessive cold. What a world! I appreciate your positive focus & contentment.


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