
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fresh Fields Quilt

It has been a joy to start sewing my new hexie quilt. The colours are a delight to the eyes and the 1" hexies work so well for these fabrics. Seven flowers have been completed this week.  I tend to use more stitches per inch than with my larger paper pieces used in Peaceful Night.

There are more photos of these flowers on my flickr photostream. I had wanted to share them here but between issues with blogger's photo auto-enhance and the current difficulties many are experiencing when attempting to transferring images from flickr to blogger, it just isn't happening (despite many, many attempts last night).  

I have started a new set on flickr just for photos of this quilt which I have named "Fresh Fields" to make it really easy to find them and for me to add more photos of progress as it happens.

I have been cutting the hexies using a quilting ruler and rotary cutter. Taping the hexagonal cutting template (which came free with my papers) to the quilting ruler has made the task quick and easy.

The little scrap triangles which remain after cutting are too pretty to throw away, these have been kept for another mini project or for my children to use in creating artwork.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. Ja lubię Twój blog i staram się nie przegapić postów, więc zauważyłam, że coś jest nie tak i napisałam do Ciebie.
    Podobają mi się delikatne kolory, które będą w Twojej nowej kołdrze. Powodzenia w jej szyciu. Pozdrawiam.

    I like your blog and try not to miss your posts, so I noticed that something was wrong, and I wrote to you.
    I like the soft colors that will be in your new quilt. Good luck with her ​​sewing. Yours.

  2. I'm ready to give a try to doing hexagons soon.
    I have a box full cut and have bought a bag of the card board cut outs too.

  3. I probably don't have to tell you - I LOVE this!! :-)

    (thanks so much for your kind words regarding my quilt & border ~ you are so sweet!)

  4. That will be a beautiful quilt Karen!! I love the colors and hexies! Making a hexie quilt is on my quilting bucket list :)

  5. Gorgeous Karen! I am loving this one already! I look forward to seeing more as it progresses! Those little scraps also make great bunting on a card (just sew them directly to the paper!)

    I am going to go look at your flickr photos as soon as I am done here!

  6. I like the hexagons, but those tiny triangles intrigue me. I know you will do something interesting with them.

  7. Your hexes are such pretty colours! I am looking forward to seeing this one progress!

  8. Such pretty little flowers! I love them :) Those are also really pretty triangles... maybe they could decoupage them or something?

  9. I love the colors & fabrics!
    The scraps look like a treasure waiting to happen, too. :)

  10. Ooooh...such glorious hexies. They are so restful to the eyes. Just checked out your flickr photos....just magical!!

  11. Beautiful colours! I like the bits of black and white. I haven't seen that way of cutting hexagons before.

  12. Wundervolle Farben, aber gewiss eine Menge Arbeit.

    LG Mathilda ♥

  13. They certainly are lovely cool colours. The hexie's are looking great, can't wait to see the progression.

  14. I love the colors and hexies! Beautiful, Karen!

  15. so pretty. You have such patience to cut the fabric into hexies - I usually just cut squares!

  16. flotte bilder ja , resten ... kan jeg ikke si noen ting om :-)

  17. Karen! The fabrics are even pretty worked up into the hexie flowers. Love, love, love this project. :D

  18. Looks great, I love the colors! :-)

  19. This is wonderful, Karen!
    The colors are a much needed reminder right now, of spring.

  20. looks lovely.


  21. I love the colors. I've never been brave enough to start a hexagon quilt, but I will live vicariously through you in Fresh Fields.

  22. I love the colors! Excited that you started a hexi quilt. It's going to be gorgeous!

  23. Such lovely cool tones to work with, especially in the heat of your summer. Have a great weekend.

  24. Your pieces are so pretty. I have just started making some hexies and turning them into grandma's flowers. This is the first time that I have ever made these. I watched a video on You Tube and decided to give it a go . . . we'll see where it leads.
    I just love the soft color scheme that you are using. It is so pleasing to the eye and looks so restful. I can not wait to see your finished work.
    Your blogging sister, Connie
    I just finished my first "quilt as you go" quilt and posted photos this morning . . . please come visit :)

  25. Such a delight to the eyes. I can't wait to see more. :)

  26. Beautiful, I love the soft colours you are using. I've seen so many hexies around blogland lately I may have to give it a go. :)


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