
Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Very Stark Reality

After an amazing family holiday of theme parks, roller coasters, beach walks, brilliant sea views and great memories, we are now home. This pile of texts arrived while we were away, today I covered them in library grade plastic. Tomorrow Master J leaves for Orientation week at Uni, studying Engineering Technology. In another week Miss E leaves for Uni also, needing to live even further from home. Life is moving on - very quickly. What an adventure - dare I say something of a roller coaster itself!

 I hope to look over more of our holiday photos in the coming weeks and maybe share some of the highlights. Memories are a wonderful treasure to store in the heart.


  1. Welcome home Karen! Must be some amazing holiday you had with your family. All the best to Master J for his studies. Don't feel sad Karen. He's embarking on a journey to achieve his dreams..and you should be proud of that. He'll be back for the semester/term breaks.
    If you need someone to talk to you know how to reach me ;)
    Looking forward to see your great holiday photos!

  2. Thank you Ash, not really sad it’s just that the present reality is such a contrast to our time away….adjusting….

  3. Something I feel I keep repeating to myself lately is that life is ever-changing.
    Thinking of you & your family, Karen, during this new bend in your journey! Best wishes to the kids in their new chapters (literally & figuratively! That's quite a stack of subjects.)

  4. That first photo is such a fun family memories one - I particularly smiled at how little Miss E is mirroring her Dad. Oh, and just to let you know, I probably won't be needing borrow any of those university texts. You'll have to let me know where the students are heading, Renee.

  5. Welcome home{{}} and my fellow book covering friend, I'm very impressed! Was covering books today myself, including dust jackets, thanks so much for teaching me how to cover dust jackets:) the sign of a stellar friend;)

    Will think of you tomorrow and pray{{}} enjoy your last week with E. Look forward to seeing those photos

  6. Oh to sit on sunny balconies and watch the sunrise over the water......welcome back to the land of textbooks, covering of books, lessons etc etc....when is your next holiday?? Your daughter and son will love uni...a new adventure down that family road of yours.

  7. Best wishes to your students as they head off on their new adventures. Beautiful holiday photos, especially the family one.

  8. To co miłe szybko mija niestety. Zostały Ci jednak miłe wspomnienia i zdjęcia. Życzę powodzenia pani E i mistrzowi J z dala od domu. Pozdrawiam.
    What nice passes quickly, unfortunately. Were you but fond memories and pictures. Good luck to you master J E and away from home. Yours.

  9. I love that photo of your family, the only person missing is you.

    I'm glad you all had a wonderful time before some of your kids head off to uni, a different world. I wish them the best. I wish all of you a continued life of blessings.


  10. beautiful! :)
    have a nice weekend!

  11. The photo is amazing. Great shot!

  12. I love that first picture, them leaning on the faux railing...tooooo cute!!

    You have prepared them for life outside the confines of home and with your teaching; they know GOD will be with them. They have a healthy start with your beliefs and teaching.

  13. A good combination studies and Amusement Parks.


  14. One thing you can always count on with kids, is change. :-) My son is studying engineering in college. Only 3 more semesters til graduation!

    It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Lots of memories to last throughout the new school year.

  15. Life is most certainly a roller coaster!

  16. I have just had a lovely time catching up with all your holiday posts, looks like a fabulous time. Best wishes to your uni students!

  17. Love that first picture with all your beautiful children in a row!
    It is a big change when a kid leaves for uni and in your case two of them at once. I wish them the best of luck with their studies and future life. It will be a big change for them as well.

  18. Enjoyed your holliday photos the last few weeks, and the last one of your children is great. Wish the two all the best as students on the univerity!

  19. I´m glad you enjoyed yourselves! :-)

  20. Such an absolutely delightful photograph! Sounds like you had a terrific time – I'm so glad. I can only imagine how many changes and adventures are happening for you each day. Wishing you the very best.



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