
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Can it be?

The daily countdown is over, Miss E turned 6 this week. For the first time ever she lit her birthday candle - so carefully - then blew out the candle instead of the match! A few weeks ago she lost her first tooth - she drew the face on her balloon with a missing tooth also.

Our littlest princess loves animals and Super Heroes! She is now the proud owner of the largest animal in the world, along with Toothless the dragon, multiple dinosaurs and Iron Man.

Miss E holding Miss E when she was just a few hours old....back in 2008.

Less than 24 hours old, surrounded by her siblings at home (Miss N is just out of picture). I'm amazed at how much everyone else has grown and changed over these six years too.

Her first birthday without all her siblings, but she is having fun including Master J in the birthday drama via facetime while he sits in his room at uni/college. The joys of modern technology!

She helped me make our favourite lemon cheesecake  and decorated it with......



  1. Six years have flown by, I can't believe she is 6 either. Was thinking of her, wondering how she coped without her big sis there. Technology sure helps:)

  2. Having her birthday looming actually helped her not miss Miss E (21) so much. She was so excited and loved her birthday. Miss E (21) was able to ring in the morning and face-time in the afternoon as well. It seems Miss E (21) has been so busy with "O" week that she hasn’t had too much time to miss home either. Thinking of how much we would miss the older two has been harder than the actuality so far - if you know what I mean.

  3. What a fun time and great pictures, as always. Isn't it fantastic to be able to Facetime or Skype for some long-distance togetherness?!

  4. Looks like a successful birthday for Miss E! So glad it was something to help keep her mind off of missing her siblings and ease the transition a little bit. I hope your oldest 2 are enjoying their time at University so far.

  5. Oh happy 6th birthday to your little one I love her birthday cake choice and dinosaur sprinkles. :)

  6. Happy birthday Miss E. That cake looks divine Karen


  7. Belated birthday greetings to Miss E - how quickly our families grow up and set off into the world. It is important that we cherish everyday that they are still with us.

  8. Happy, happy Birthday to Miss E . She looks so glad and is a wonderful children.
    All my best greetings to you and your children

  9. Happy birthday Miss E!!
    Have a nice weekend , Karen!

  10. Wszystkiego najlepszego dla Miss E z okazji urodzin. Niech będzie zdrowa i zawsze wesoła. Pozdrawiam.
    Happy Birthday to Miss E's birthday. Let him be healthy and always cheerful. Yours.

  11. Late Happy 6th Birthday greetings Miss E. It looks like you had a fantastic birthday and it was neat seeing your sweet baby pictures. You are a lovely young lady and I wish you much happiness.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  12. gratulerer med dagen :-) fine bilder !

  13. A very Happy Birthday to Miss E!! It does indeed look like a wonderful day! Like the others, I loved seeing the baby pictures! You are indeed a lovely young lady and, yes, may you have much happiness and a life filled with joy! Thank you for sharing the fun and the memories!!

  14. Still wish Miss E a Happy Birthday. These two Miss E's together so sweet, and all the sisters and brothers around her, just wonderful. It looks like she had a great day, and Miss E. wil have a lot of fun with her collection of dinosaurs.

  15. HAHA!! FUN PHOTOS! ; ) Feel like I was right there in the party. : )

    ~Monika in Canada

  16. Oh my goodness - 6 is such a great age! I love the photos - both past and present, and don't you just love FaceTime?

  17. Aw, I just love it!
    My kids are looking in on this celebration post over my shoulder.. admiring the dinosaurs & asking questions about your family. :)
    A very happy birthday to Miss E. She was a beautiful baby! Now a beautiful little lady - and a lucky one, surrounded with so much love.
    (Beau requested cheesecake for his February birthday, too!)

  18. Happy Birthday to miss E! A wonderful girl with a bright imagination. The table ready for another fantastic play reminds me of similar table settings here when the kids were younger. I loved that. So great she saw and heard her brother and sister at uni on her birthday as well. Ah, modern technology.
    Love the photos from times gone by. Time just flies doesn't it.

  19. How wonderful. Being 6 is a big deal. Growing up so fast. I have a children's book that was given to me by a very old gentleman, called Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne. He loved the poem so much he could still recite it word by word. I'm sure you must know it too. If not it goes like this..When I was One, I had just begun. When I was Two, I was nearly new. When I was Three, I was hardly Me. When I was Four, I was not much more. When I was Five, I was just alive. But now I am Six. I'm as clever as clever. So I think I'll be Six now for ever and ever. Happy Birthday Miss E. wishing you a wonderful year of being six.

  20. Happy Birthday Miss E! Or shall I say to us?
    Here's wishing you happiness, fun and joy always. From the look of it I know you had a great celebration :)

  21. Nope - I'm thinking it cannot be, because you and I were only making contact not so long ago it seemed when you were pregnant with Miss E - and it definitely wasn't 6 years ago, what does that calendar know anyway....! Beautiful tender shots Karen of the scenes when Miss E was in a bundle. And even then would you and I have thought you could put up a phone and have a conversation with your elder brother. Renee.

  22. Happy, happy birthday to your lovely girl! :-)

  23. Awww - looks like a great birthday! She is so lovely.

  24. Looks like 6 was a wonderful celebration!

  25. our almost-baby just turned 6, too. it is joyful and hard all at the same time, isn't it? can't just one of them stay little? looks like your family celebrated well.


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