
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Autumn's End

rainbow lorikeet

The last few weeks have been unseasonably warm, a wonderful way to end autumn. Yesterday the younger four enjoyed an extended lunch time visit to a couple of local parks. Master T's AR.Drone was almost as colourful as our native parrots - the Rainbow Lorikeets

Warm sunshine, green grass and blue skies. We have so few deciduous trees that it was a treat to enjoy some autumn tones, to walk amongst the leaves and rediscover their crispy, crunchy sounds.

Sharing at Saturday's Critters, Our World Tuesday.


  1. Maravilhosas fotos e momentos!

    Que teu fim de semana seja lindo! beijos,chica

  2. So glad you are enjoying some warm autumn weather..The photos are simply beautiful. I love the Lorikeets and your children are adorable.. Thank you for linking up to the critter party.. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Great photos of moments in life.
    I like the colurs!

    Happy weekend, remember to be creative!


  4. sweet, fun pic's of the family!! these are the best moments to record and remember!!

    the lorikeet is gorgeous!!

  5. What a beautiful bird ~ so colorful and great shot for SC ~ love your other happy photos too ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  6. here in the states, we call that last warm-up 'indian summer'. :) love the lorikeet!

  7. The Lorikeet is so wonderful! I saw the autumn and see / read the warm temperatures, you have. We getting now from spring slowly in Summer .... And catch both, my husband and me a cold.

    So very lovely captures again of your Family .... Like them all.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  8. I love the colorful Lorikeet and such delightful captures of your children, Karen, as always!! Thanks for sharing the beauty and the fun!!

  9. What a gorgeous Lorikeet! And that drone is so cool. My kids would love that.

    Hope you are well! Have a great weekend. :)

  10. Love the Rainbow Lorikeet. Are you brave enough to cross the bridge today with me? Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Que lindo passarinho na primeira fotografia.

  12. I love the lorikeet, it's a gorgeous bird.

  13. As we begin to enjoy near perfect summer weather, you prepare for cooler, colder, cold! I just love the park pics!

  14. I cannot imagine having a parrot like that flying in my yard! Wow! Summer is just starting here and not a moment too soon!

  15. det er en kjempe flott serie av bilder :-)

  16. Gorgeous parrot, and a pretty cool drone!

  17. Wonderful pictures:)
    Have a still nice Autum to you there. Here is summer:)

  18. You really have some birds of paradise in the neighborhood. ( I don't mean the drone. I am afraid that that will cause a lot of trouble in the future). But in total still nice pic's for remembering the days.

  19. Fantastic candid photograph.

  20. It sounds like you're enjoying a truly beautiful time of year, Karen!

  21. Such beautiful photos Karen. Looks like your enjoying your last days of Autumn.


  22. Love the lorikeets (so exotic to me) and love your happy family shots. Beautiful fall weather.

  23. It's always so disturbing to see fall leaves as we are just starting to have warm days! Beautiful pictures!

  24. Lovely images and a great end to Autumn! One of my many aims on my recent trip to Melbourne was to capture some Autumn colours.
    The weather has been so unusually warm.

  25. Beautiful photos, full of color. The first one is my favorite. Can't imagine seeing such a bird in the wild.

  26. You describe the sounds of Autumn so well with the crunching of those leaves underfoot.

  27. Lovely autumnal shots - love that parrot!

  28. Beautiful colours in that parrot!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  29. Your Autumn must be something like our summer ;) So great to have a beautiful season like this. Enjoy the next season! I hope summer will be good to us. I'm amazed at how colourful birds just fly around freely in your country. Love your pictures.

  30. I always love seeing your beautiful children out on their adventures! Hard to comprehend that you are about to start winter.


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