
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Creating Sunshine

Binding prepared for Musical Stairs quilt

Binding underway on Musical Stairs quilt

Binding underway on Musical Stairs quilt

Working on my Musical Stairs quilt feels like I'm making my own sunshine! Thankfully the quilting is finished, the largest quilt I've ever wrestled through my old Janome. The binding is a happy green and matches both the front and back perfectly. By the end of the weekend there will only be quilting threads to tie off and a label to contemplate.

Children assisting in the garden

Miss E gardening

Dianthus flower on seedling

Mother's Day came early for me this year. Last weekend I bought some seedlings and for my gift I requested gardening labour to weed, prune and plant the seedlings where required. This was what I really wanted and knew it would add sunshine to many a day. I made mention of maybe some chocolate too, I love a surprise, so I will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings......

NB My Musical Stairs quilt is based on Sarah Fielke's Bass Line quilt.

Fabric details: The backing is Flower Shop in Sunny by Patty Young, part of her Lush range.
Binding is Holly Folly in green from Michael Miller's Nordic Holiday fabric range.
Both fabrics were bought at special/clearance prices over a year ago so may be very difficult to source.

Update: I have just stumbled on this site here in Australia which seems to have the backing fabric in stock - however it is very expensive by US standards at $4.75 AU per fat quarter (I usually buy fabric from the US due to our high prices here in Australia). Anyway - if you were just after a small amount you may be interested.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. That binding looks perfect against the garden background! I hope the chocolates are everything you are hoping for! They were on my short list too!

  2. Fabulous quilt. Child labour is a nice Mother's Day gift.

  3. The quilt is awesome! I love the beautiful spring colors!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Muy bueno el acolchado, me encantó tu combinación de telas!!
    Espero que pases un feliz día.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  5. what a beautiful post. so full of sunshine and "pretties". :-)

  6. Your Musical Stairs quilt is so pretty! I am also wrestling my biggest quilt yet through my Kenmore today! Happy Mothers Day to you and your wonderful brood!

  7. Sweet photo of your little one!!! Happy Mom's Day!!!

  8. fargerik som vanlig på din blog, flotte bilder !

  9. Could you please tell me what the backing and binding fabric are? I just absolutely need some. Love it. You do wonderful work!

  10. I have just added the fabric details at the end of the post - I hope you can find some!

  11. Karen, the quilt is just beautiful.

    Have a wonderful weekend, and a very Happy Mother's day.

  12. So beautiful patchwork and the kids gardening is adorable;)

  13. Mother's with helping childs is so wonderful .... Lovely all the pictures, fantastic your Patchwork.

  14. Happy Mothers Day to you Karen :-) Your new quilt looks so pretty - definitely one to bring a smile to everyones face when they see it.

  15. Fantastic colors in these pics, thanks for sharing! :-)

  16. Hi Karen,
    Your quilt looks wonderful ... the colors and the light, summer feeling in it!
    The moments in the garden must be wonderful for the children as well ... Planting and caring for .. and seeing the growth!
    Happy Mother's day to you :)

  17. Thanks for sharing that brilliant photo from a previous post with the birds flying over the water - just the shape that you've caught of the birds flying to the 'other end' of the photo is so clever. I'm enjoying seeing your progress with the star shaped quilt, you have so much patience, I'd have resorted to using a glue stick by now. I love LOVE the musical stairs quilt Karen. I really liked that shot of the gathering if the quilt compared to your trusty machine. Hope all is going ok, how is the medication/cream going for J? Renee

  18. Your Musical Stairs is beaming with warm sunshine and pretty colour!! Such an inspired Mother's Day gift!!

  19. That quilt just get more gorgeous each time I see it! I love the fabric you chose to bind it in, I can't wait for the full reveal.

  20. What an awesome happy sunshine quilt you've made and I'm glad you had more sunshine moments outside with your family. happy for you. :)

  21. I adore your sunshine, Karen - beautiful work.
    And your little planters & gardeners, too. With springtime progressing here, we started some seeds for our vegetable garden over the weekend. Looking forward to all things green & colorful, and lots of sunshine!
    Happy belated Mother's Day to you - it's a joy & a gift to know mothers who are doing such an admirable job with their families.

  22. Like the warm colours, would like to see the on my bed.


  23. That binding is the perfect shade of green. I love this happy quilt!

  24. oh totally in love with your backing, where can I find this fabric,its just too cute, and your quilt will be so wondeful, cant wait to see it in full

  25. A lovely quilt for one of your children. I just read your tutorial on it, and I think it's a great pattern, which I plan to make too. Thank you.

  26. wow this is really happy and beautiful... so cheerful and I love the colors!

    Stopping by from Lee's hop

  27. So you plant again in the fall? Thanks for the sunny pictures -- perfect for this foggy spring morning at my end!

  28. That quilt looks like happiness itself. I'm impressed you were able to wrangle a quilt of that size through your regular Janome. Great work! Really, reading this whole post is just a beautiful way to start the day.

  29. Yes that binding is perfect! Such a refreshing shade of green :)


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