
Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Tonight's moon took my breath away. "Maybe I'll catch the last of the sunset" I thought but as soon as I walked onto the bridge I realised I was too late - but then I turned the other way! Wow! Quickly I backtracked and came up on the other side of the bridge and stared in awe at the moon.

Yesterday morning I had opportunity for a quick a ten minute walk, so I took it and discovered that someone had had the ingenious idea of planting bright colour amongst the roadside fig tree roots!

Whether it be early in the morning, late in the afternoon or even just past sunset - I love to walk, and my camera and I catch happy memories together.

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. I often walk with my binoculars so I can bird along the way, but even when they aren't around my neck, I bird with my ears on my walks in the neighborhood. Lovely pictures today, Karen!

  2. You have always so beautiful Fotos that I can almost have an idea about the great moon last night at yours

  3. Gorgeous photos indeed, Karen!! What a beautiful way to end a day -- any day!! Thanks for sharing the beauty!! Hope your week is going well!

  4. Hi Karen, how lovely is the area you live that you're just able to go for a walk when you have the time and then see such beauty. I love the colours in your last picture and the flowers in the tree, such a delightful sight, I would have photographed that as well if I saw it ;) and of course the moon, amazing, love the second picture of the moon with the boat on the river/lake (?) Such a beautiful tranquil post, thank you, it's just what I needed now.

  5. I love the moonshots! Nice warm colours!


  6. I love to walk too, though I recently twisted my ankle am missing it; just when the weather is perfect for walking!
    The scenery is beautiful. Blessings, Catherine

  7. Gorgeous! It must be so nice to live in such a beautiful area where you can walk for ten minutes and reach areas like these.

  8. fabulous moon and great idea for the figgy flowers!

  9. A yellow moon, always special.


  10. My goodness, that moon is magical, Karen!

  11. It is a beautiful moon but I love the garden that's taken off among the tree roots.

  12. Those are gorgeous photos Karen, and what a moon!

  13. Beautiful x 4 for all of these photos - especially love the sun resting it's chin on the cloud in your first shot. Those walks...they're so important and yet take alot of determination to organise. As always, thanks for this insight to a place that has a history for me. Renee

  14. Oh, Karen. This always brings me such joy when it comes to my attention. We had the most stunning full moon too last night. My husband, who is not a photographer, came outside to take pictures because of its beauty. Then to see you were seeing the same moon too, just at different times!

    I have been staying off blogging and my favorite post readings lately. It is very good to get back to your wonderful spot. Thank you for commenting. I do miss connecting.

  15. Gorgeous photos - what a great 10min walk!

  16. Fantastic mood with the Moon ... Love The yellow little flowers, I don't know the Name.

  17. ....and your photos, Karen, took my breath away!!

  18. Karen, lovely series of both the sky and pretty flowers. The moon shot is awesome and I love the colors and reflection on the sunset. Well done! Have a happy weekend!

  19. All beautiful photos! Have a wonderful weekend. xx

  20. Wow, what a moon shot!! That first photo looks like the moon is resting on the cloud!!

  21. Gorgeous moon shots.

  22. Gr8 moon capture with the boat on the water! It's truly picture-perfect. ;-) Happy SWF!

  23. Whether it is looking up into the sky or down at your feet, you have found beauty on your walk. Great shots.

  24. Nice yellow flowers.



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