
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Royal Whispers

Just as I hear and see the wild birds singing freely each day, I also hear whispers of God's love for me. Sometimes it seems that the more difficult the circumstances of life, the more desperately we need to hear those whispers.

 The last few months have been very challenging for us as a family as my husband struggles towards wholeness of health. He's been completely unable to work for the last three months but is slowly improving. Thankfully he has a large amount of paid leave he has been able to use. My role, and indeed that of our whole family, has been one of carer - and he has needed a huge amount of care and encouragement.

To be totally honest, much of the motivation behind the quilt I have been working on over the last few weeks has come from a desire to be wrapped in luxurious beauty, comfort and an expression of love. I have felt uplifted being surrounded by the rich, glistening colours of threads and fabrics as well the prayers of others and the whispers God has spoken to me in the quiet places, through nature and the words of others. For these reasons I have named this quilt "Royal Whispers".

Over the last week I have experimented with needle-turn appliqué as a way to add some happy birds to my quilt. These birds are from a Michael Miller fabric range named "Flock"which I recently ordered from Hawthorne Threads.

Their feet and beaks were later embroidered with a little DMC stranded cotton.

Sulky's Sliver thread has found its place again several times in my work this week, as well as more Sulky rayon, 12 Wt cotton Blendables and DMC variegated stranded cotton.

Do you also find your quilting choices/motivations reflecting what's happening in your own life at the time?

Sharing at Work In Progress Wednesday.


  1. Such beautiful work!!
    Sorry to hear about your husband, I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hope he feels better soon.

  2. Your beautiful 'Royal Whispers' quilt is a joy to behold as each lovely post reveals a little more of your stitching and of your meditative reflections. Your glorious birds are singing the most harmonious of psalms. As you stitch may you continually hear God's gentle whispers; His still small voice as He gently nudges you towards Him. Take care lovely lady!!

  3. Your life will be revealed through your quilts. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

  4. This is another colorful and happy quilt. I love it.


  5. You work is so wonderful, Karen, and those birds are such a perfect touch.

    I am glad to hear that your husband is improving, and i wish you continued strength, my friend.

  6. Looks gorgeous - I hope your hubby will recover as soon as possible!

  7. What a challenging and emotionally draining time for both your husband and yourself. In what ways are you seeing an improvement? As you say, challenges like this affect the whole family. Your quilt is so beautiful - I expect the colours alone provide you with some mental rejuvination. I love how you're using the silver thread.

  8. We are expecting a granddaughter in August...this makes me want to try a little quilt. Your work is beautiful...this little bird exquisite!

  9. I hit the publish button by mistake. I also wanted to offer my prayers for your family too. I have learned that chronic illness is no fun for anyone. I have been treating Lyme's Disease for 9 months now. I am worn, but I see the toll that it takes on my husbands face too. I have not been able to help him in our fields...yet. I will pray for healing and all of us...

  10. Dear Karen, lovely bird en beautiful colors. Nice work, enjoy!!

  11. Wish all the best for your husband, and your Family .... What a wonderful Name for the quilt "Royal whisperers"!

    Many greetings by Heidrun

  12. I love your bird against that hot pink background. Wishing you and your family prayers and good wishes .

  13. What a beautiful piece of artwork. I'm so glad it whispers to your soul, Karen. Prayers for you and your family in this season. There's is no ash He cannot turn into beauty. Blessings, Dotti xx

  14. This is such a beautiful project. You are bringing those birds to life with your lovely stitches. Royal Whispers is such a perfect name.

  15. What a gorgeous quilt Karen! The colours are beautiful.
    It must be very challenging for Jim during this time. He is blessed to have a wonderful supportive network of family and friends. I will continue to pray for him.

  16. So sorry to hear that your husband is struggling with health issues. Hope things continue to improve for him. Pausing to hear the still, small Voice and experience comfort through it will make each stitch on your Royal Whispers mini so dear!

  17. Love the brightness of these gorgeous birds on your work!


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