
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Smoky Sunset, Super Moon

If you haven't seen tonight's moon, let me encourage you to go and have a look right now! (Or when it rises in your part of the world). It's a Super Moon, when the moon's orbit is closest to the Earth so it appears larger and brighter. Tonight, Saturday July 12th, is the first of three Supermoons in 2014.

I am still buzzing from this evening's walk where I witnessed a beautiful red smoky sunset on one side of the horizon then eight minutes later an amazing moonrise on the other, the smoky haze adding extra colour to the sky. All these photos where taken within 35 minutes on my walk (no tripod). I hope you have opportunity to enjoy it too!

Sharing at Our World Tuesday, SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Wow beautiful photos! The moon was amazing here too...I kept getting up & going to the window for one more look. No photos though so thanks for sharing these!

  2. Also I say: Wow! Such a colour of the Moon. It's a fantastic mood in each capture of this post.

    Wish you a very nice Weekend

  3. Gorgeous images of both the sunset and the super moon.. So pretty! Happy weekend to you!

  4. I recognize the "smokiness" in the beautiful sunset! We are looking forward to the Super Moon! Gorgeous photos Karen!

  5. I missed it.:(
    Beautiful pictures, looks so peaceful.

  6. Spectacular photos Karen! The theatre of the night sky was amazing down here as well!

  7. Hej Karen
    Wav! Amazing colours.
    I love the form of the moon.


  8. Awesome captures of an incredible moon, Karen!! These truly took my breath away!! Thank you for sharing the beauty! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!

  9. I thought the moon looked big last evening -- didn't realize it's a super moon this month -- be interesting to see what it looks like on this side of the world tonight!

  10. What a beautiful series of images this is, Karen.
    I am going to be looking for that moon!

  11. Karen - what skies you witnessed during your walk! The sky and moon are indeed "super."

  12. That smoky sunset is so beautiful.
    It is 23.00 hours here and I went outside and yessss, here we have the Super Moon too, on the other side of the world.

  13. We looked out for the super moon but couldn't see it because of the tall trees around us. Maybe it was there later. Your photos are amazing!! and inspire me to make sure I dont miss the next 2.

  14. Yes! we saw this moon on our drive home tonight. It is absolutely stunning!!!

  15. Isn't it amazing! I went for a drive with my daughter to see it

  16. Sounds like a perfect ending. I had that happen last year. I was smiling no matter which direction I faced.

  17. Wow, amazing photos! :-)

  18. This is amazing Karen! Wonderful sunset and wow that moon, so pretty to see.

  19. Beautiful images Karen! I love the huge moon rising above the tree line.

  20. No wonder you were buzzing Karen, it's captures like these that make me, and others keep coming back to look at. There's no differentiation between any of these shots - they are all so noteworthy. Such amazing colours. Well done. Renee

  21. Karen, your images of the super moon are absolutely breath aching! I didn't realize that it is now ... I hope that the clouds would clear up before the evening, so I could see it as well!

  22. Absolutely stunning photos. Thanks for sharing them.

  23. Gorgeous snapshots! Wasn't that Super Moon incredible!! Can't wait for the next one in August.

  24. i'm speechless with the beauty, karen. what a gift - thanks for sharing it.

  25. Awesome captures and one gorgeous moon!! Thanks so much for sharing, Karen!! Made my day!!

  26. Beautiful captures.
    I like those disturbed reflections, gives a great effect to the pic.

  27. Wow - amazing shots. And what lovely colours. It was too cloudy over here to enjoy the supermoon.

  28. woww those are stunning captures. The moon looks delightful.

    Twinkle Eyed Traveller

  29. wow these are amazingly beautiful! the colours are stunning.

  30. You always manage to capture the best shots of the moon, Karen! It really does draw one is, doesn't it? Makes me feel dreamy :) Nice to visit your blog and catch up on your news after such a long time. Hope all is well with you and your beautiful family.

  31. Your photos of this moon event are just awesome. Glad you were out walking

  32. Amazing photos, Karen! I wish I could see the moon where I am, but it's too cloudy here tonight. My skies

  33. Wow, stunning shots! The colors in the first few are wonderful!

  34. Amazingly beautiful captures!
    -your latest follower

  35. They are all so beautiful. I love the reflections of the supermoon on the river.

  36. Gorgeous photos of nature's beautiful sunset and moon ~ excellent photography ~ for SWF ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  37. Gorgeous! So interesting to see all the full moon views from around the world!


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