
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Still Standing?

Gracie is back, sweet music and song fill the air as I type. Both Grace (far left) and Miss N (far right) returned yesterday from the Women's Under 18's Cricket National Championships. They each enjoyed their time, playing in different state sides but I think their most exciting news was that they bumped into Virat Kohli (India's test Cricket Captain) while between flights in Sydney airport yesterday - and they had the photo to prove it! Grace's team members straightened her hair the night before - again. Both were very pleased to be home, and we are delighted to have everyone safely together again.

A day trip brought new sights and adventure to some of our other children and Miss E's guest yesterday, Master J being the driver and photographer.

A long awaited parcel arrived this morning with organic cotton goodies, including this Scanfil organic thread which I have been waiting on to sew the binding for the Plus quilt I started last week. I have plans for later today.....

While I was waiting for the thread above to arrive I began another organic cotton quilt and I really love how it's turning out with a mix of Sulky variegated thread machine quilting and hand quilting with some of my favourite Gutermann buttonhole silk twist! Hoping to have both quilts completed by this time next week.

Other family news is that my husband has made a tentative return to work this week, and is doing reasonable well, even if he did fall asleep while standing at his computer yesterday.... bruising only his ego. His sight in one eye is at last good enough to read a little and other health issues are slowly resolving. It's been a long road.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday and Skywatch Friday.


  1. Wonderful to read the good news about your husband's improving health. It has been such a long road for your family. Great photo of your cricketing girls.

  2. That's a big water spot...yikes. Sure love your photos with the threads. Going to check out the silk on.

  3. I love your photos of your quilts!

  4. Good to hear updates from your family. awesome pictures and memories. I wish your husband to better everyday.
    Have a nice day friend;)

  5. I bet it was good to have the girls home all safe and sound. How did they go in the competition ? Good news about hubby on the road back to good health I hope. The quilts are coming on well. You sure can churn them out. I don't know where you find the time with such a big family.

  6. The very best news is that your husbands health is slowly improving, but good that your girls have enjoyed and returned safely from the Under 18's Cricket National Championships.

  7. That is a feather in your girls' cricket cap meeting and having a photo taken with Virat Kohl. Such good news re your husband's slow improvement...let us pray that he continues on the road to recovery!

  8. So glad to hear that your husband is feeling a little better. You always manage to do such beautiful sewing - I love the colours of the threads you are using. And I have always been a big fan of the Indian cricket team, so very excited for your daughters :-)

  9. I always enjoy the return of the children to the trip. We are pleased that finally got it, what you wait and continue'll be able to sew her beautiful quilts. Regards.

  10. So glad your husband is seeing some health improvements...and your pictures are beautiful too. That waterspout is really something.

  11. Very nice images! your quilts ar beautiful! ;)

  12. Thinking of you on that long road you're on. Glad to hear of your husbands progress, little by little.

    The quilt you're working on is lovely, as are the colors in your cottons.

    Congrats to the girls on a successful trip, and I'm most intrigued by whatever that is going on over the water!!
    We are very landlocked, close to the center of North America.. if I saw something like that I'd be a bit frightened! But it's really cool looking. :)

  13. Karen, you have such a beautiful family, and I am so glad that your husband is doing better.

  14. I am so happy to hear that your husband is showing signs of improving!!!
    Both quilts are looking lovely (of course ;-)

  15. Great update and news on your family. I am sure you are happy the girls are back home.. Love the sky shots, awesome. And your quilts are beautiful. Have a happy weekend!

  16. Amazing sky shot! Glad to hear life is going well - or at least, improving.

  17. I just LOVE this new quilting stuff that you have gotten and that green thread is just divine! That is a very amazing water spout. Don't think I have ever seen one this big, and you were there just at the perfect time with the camera. So glad the cricket match went well and that everyone is home safely. I think about you often and have meant to send a note but life has been crazy.... Soon.... Hugs to you from Texas

  18. Most important that your husband is doing better for health!
    xoxo Heidrun

  19. Oh Karen! That Waterspout photo with nary an exclamation point!!! Oh my! Great news on the hubs! And it hasn't been a full year yet! I hope this step is a bright light in your home and hearts!

  20. WOW!! Lots of impressive photos here. That Water spout is so cool. And I LOVE the photos of your Quilt. I have been away and have missed the news about your husband. Glad to hear he is on the mends.


  21. That image of the twister out to sea is wonderful!
    I'm so glad to hear that Jim is improving! I've been meaning to ask but kept forgetting. I've been praying for his recovery and return to work.


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