
Friday, March 13, 2015

Perfect Imperfections

 It's quite fun to take a photo on my phone, edit/filter and post with a brief comment - Instagram is wonderful. Even more so I'm enjoying the quick and easy ways of connecting by following and exploring 'linked' images via #s. Love it! I'm learning to live with the imperfections of my quick phone photos....

Here are a a few of my photos on Instagram this week (the sunset one above was uploaded to my phone, taken with my usual compact camera) plus some extras from the garden this afternoon. There's always something happening in the garden even if it's not quite what I had wanted....

1 & 2 an early morning walk
3 Flowers for Eleni - send Rachel Flowers.
4 Sunset over the river
5 Firming up plans for my next quilt, featuring Sarah Watson's Biology fabrics.
6 Parcel of 4 x 1/4 m pieces of fabric from Clair's Fabrics - organic and conventional cottons.
7 Miss E loves superheroes - appreciating the perfect imperfections of her work, one of the joys of homeschool.
8, 9, 10 Puffball fungi, stink/citrus bug and huge caterpillar in the garden this afternoon.

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday, Weekly Top Shot.


  1. Very nice photos. I really like

  2. What phone do you have? Mine is totally useless for photos though I am investigating joining instagram via computer, just have to see your pics:)

  3. Erin I don’t think you can join via computer, I think you need to use a mobile phone (any I think will do) or an iPad or iPod. You can view Instagram on any computer but not all the features will work on a computer - so you can still see any photos posted to Instagram and the links to other Instagram accounts but the hashtag feature doesn’t work.

    I had a really old phone discarded by my husband’s folks (given to them second hand many years ago) until Christmas 2013. HS so hated my old phone (and the children wouldn’t be seen with it) that I relented and let him buy me an iPhone for Christmas. I am spoilt with an iPhone 5S - don’t use all the features but love the ones I do - and I have internet access which my old phone wasn't capable of.

  4. Zi always enjoy your gorgeous photos. Beautiful stitching too.

  5. Fabulous sky shots.

  6. Such calm peaceful moments, very well framed.
    I like that childish handwriting. :)

  7. Images taken the phone and placed in instagram, are very nice, especially the sunrise and sunset. I am there I put your photos. Regards.

  8. beautiful images!:)
    have a nice weekend!

  9. Oh Karen, that first shot, with the misty background is wonderful! Of course, they all are! Now that we have an iPad, I could join IG, but I use Flickr for quick uploads, and I guess I have tried to minimize my options, so that I don't just get sucked into a computer vortex! Lol! I am glad you are having fun with it! Thank you for sharing your photos here too :) I had a very wacky caterpillar in my yard once, not quite as scary as yours....he is on flickr now ;)

  10. Wow, just gorgeous photos with and without your phone. I finally started taking pictures with my phone when I bought the I-Phone 6. It has a pretty good camera and honestly I think it takes better pictures of the sunset than my DSLR.

  11. oh very nice reflections and skies!

  12. I so enjoy the ease and convenience of instagram and phone editing, too. Such fun!
    I will look you up to follow. :)

  13. Such gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing, they brought a moment of peace in a busy day :)

  14. Your phone photos are awesome! The first is my favorite. The boat almost looks like it's floating!

  15. I'm so glad you are enjoying Instagram :-) Your photos are still amazing, even just taken on a phone!

  16. I love your sunset shot! I'm still learning how to use my phone's camera.....I think I need to tweak the settings a bit.

  17. Karen, Your shots are always inspiring - so vivid, crisp, and all telling stories. That puffball is amazing. I like to hear that Miss E is using her imagination. I hope she keeps using it throughout her life.

  18. I love seeing your IG posts and they are delight to see here again! You have a wonderful way of capturing the wonder around you through the lens xx

  19. Instagram is such a perfect place for you to share as your photos and eye for shots are always so wonderful.

  20. So many beautiful photos my friend. As you know I LOVE IG.. Maybe just a little too much. LOL..

    The photo of the Batman has me smiling. It reminds me of my Grandson, Who is totally into super hero's right now.

    Hugs, Linda
    My Happy Place

  21. Such peace in these photos, love them. :-)

  22. You continue to ahhh me!
    I really liked the penguin fabric.

  23. Only in Australia you have those amazing skies! Really like your photos :-)


  24. Stunning photos as always. And PERFECT hexies!


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