
Sunday, August 2, 2015


Am I the only one who finds a brisk walk good to help thoughts sift and settle? Thinking fabric and quilt ideas while enjoying tonight's sunset views and cool breezes. 

Today felt like Spring, with a gloriously sunny 27C/80F. Winter's not over yet but we are enjoying a warm few days. 

Grateful our eldest is now feeling better after a late night ambulance ride and four nights in hospital (her first hospital stay since she was born), far from home, with bad asthma. All is well, her housemates looked after her beautifully and lectures begin again tomorrow - and she will be ready.

Another week, more adventures ahead.  :)

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Absolutely agree. It may not solve every problem, but a good walk certainly puts things in perspective and always makes me feel better. You must have been so worried for your daughter, but it's good to know she has good friends to look out for her.

  2. LINDO!! bjs, de volta das férias!chica

  3. Glad all is well with your daughter...asthma can be tough. 80 degrees in the winter? I would love that. Our summer went too fast, the daylight is getting shorter by leaps and bounds. I need to savor each day, and sift through my thoughts as well.

  4. Glad to hear your daughter is doing well. My daughter has some asthma troubles, but we are lucky her medication takes care of most of it. I hope yours continues to do well.

  5. Thinking of your daughter - what a scare for your family! That sunset is liquid gold - soothing.

  6. Oh wow, I am glad your daughter is Ok. That must have been scary for her and you! Gorgeous sunset shot. Enjoy your new week ahead!

  7. Being so far away from your daughter while she was unwell must have been quite scary Karen. Glad to hear she is on the mend. Enjoy the warm weather! Your photo will get me through our winters day today!

  8. Oh my!!! I didn't think your E got asthma. How hard for you to be so far away, I know when my City lad has his operation it was sooo hard to not be there. Pray she has a good Semester {{}}

  9. I knew you would understand Erin. E only has asthma after a cold/virus so has’t needed daily preventative puffers as do our middle five. She had a chesty cold/virus the week before, while at home, then returned to the city to a very cold house which didn’t help. She made several phone calls to us and had seen a Dr in Sydney and was on some meds but then it became much worse. She is back to the Dr tomorrow and will see a respiratory specialist in a few weeks. She’s relieved to find she has no lectures until Wednesday.

  10. Glad your daughter will be all right again, it's always scaring certainly when she is so far away.
    The picture of the sunset is great, I love walking at dusk and sunrise with my dog all alone, to empty the head.
    And what about the temperature, 27 degr......we have that on a nice summerday.
    Looking forward to more adventures.

  11. Goodness that must have been a worry. Its great her mates looked after her.i enjoy walking to get my thoughts straightened out. I met a friend on the weekend who sells fabrics at a market on Bribie Island. I thought of you when I saw her stall.

  12. Yes, a walk make free... There is a German quote. I like to go through our streets around our home, looking the different gardens and feel good, when I arrive back in our house :)

  13. I am so glad that your daughter is okay, Karen.
    That can be so scary when you are not with them and they are not well.

    You are definitely not the only one that feels a good walk clears out the mind. I do this quite a bit.

  14. I walk certainly does wonders! Glad to hear that your daughter is doing well after her health emergency. I hope she feels better and stronger as each day passes.

  15. Just saw this Karen and wanted to say how pleased I am that all is well now with your is so very difficult when they are away from home.

  16. Mother's heart tugs for you. Where would we be without prayer and trust in the One who holds our children? Glad she is better.

  17. I do the same, when I need to gather my thoughts or recollect my feelings, I go for a walk. It helps me meditate. Sometimes I pray while walking.

    The photo looks so beautiful. :-)

  18. I've missed keeping up with you here, Karen! Apologies for my long absence. Life has been full to the brim.
    So glad your daughter is feeling better, that had to be very scary for her and worrisome for you from afar.
    Beau had an emergency trip to the hospital early this summer, quite a scare. Some fainting episodes and lots of tests. It happened again just a couple of weeks ago, so he's undergone more tests and will have more yet to come. Meanwhile, he's doing well and we're making the most of summer and long daylight while it's here. Looking forward to pinpointing what the cause is. Thankful he's brave and sweet. :)
    One of many reasons I've fallen behind in keeping up with blogging. Just taking in each day as it comes, and making the most!


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