
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Spotlight and Cloud 9 Fabrics

While working on recent quilts I've been trying to decide how best to use my treasured Moody Blues designed by Geninne for Cloud 9 Fabrics which I bought from the US back in March. I've long thought a Flying Geese design suit well, however I don't have an organic white or low volume fabric which seemed to work just right. So they sat waiting. 

On the weekend I decided it was time to make a start and see what happened. I cut windows in scrap paper to choose which size would work best, and searched through my organic fabrics for anything which may compliment, choosing three blues/navy and two orange/terracotta. I tentatively cut into some of the fabrics (below), hoping the way forward would become clearer as I started sewing.....

Then on Monday I had a quick look in Spotlight (similar to Joann in the US) for another item and discovered that their stock of Moody Blues had just arrived that day - brand new rolls, not bolts! It wasn't there on Saturday when I went looking!

 Early this year I was dismayed to discovered that sometimes the base cloth used for Spotlight's Cloud 9 organic fabrics is different/coarser than the exact same print for Cloud 9's US market. I was keen to inspect Moody Blues closely - and was delighted to find the fabric is the same fine quality as that which I had bought from the US. In fact, the printing on Spotlight's stock is even slightly crisper (insert big smily face)! Plus the Spotlight fabrics are also a touch wider being a full 44" width after washing, not 42" like my US purchases. The selvedges have a clean finish on the Spotlight fabrics, unlike the US ones which have a lightly frayed/furry edge. Spotlight carry only half the prints from the full collection, each one beautiful!!!

Not only was the fabric as good as or better than, but one print came in a new colour way which isn't available on the US market!!! The red/orange seems to be specific to Spotlight only - the colour is deeper than I can catch in photos, a gorgeous rich variegated red-orange. Very excited, I bought half a metre of two prints and this new red. 

This is really good news for us in Australia and New Zealand, as we can buy top quality organic fabric (thank you Cloud 9!) from an Australian retailer which has stores in many of our larger towns - a store which frequently has huge fabric sales too!

But now I'm left with a quandary - should I include the new red, which works so well, instead of the orange/terracotta? Should I try to use all these fabrics together? Or do I need to add some white/low volume to balance all the rich prints and colours? Stuck in indecision yet again?!?!

So while I wait to resolve my Moody Blues questions, I'm working with some delightful soft pink organic fabrics (First Light by Eloise Renouf for Cloud 9 Fabrics), making something very small and sweet. Working with beautiful fabrics just makes me very, very happy! 

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. "Working with beautiful fabrics makes me very very happy!" Ditto, in spades! Love Cloud 9 fabrics; the ones you have here are just gorgeous. Yes, being able to take advantage of great sales sure helps the wallet doesn't it! Yes to the new red. What about a Kona or Bella solid for a place for the eye to rest...guess it depends on the pattern you end up choosing!

  2. Hi Sandra - Pleased to find another Cloud 9 fan! I guess Kona or Bella would work well with so many colours to choose from - however I’m trying to keep it to organic only fabrics. Will keep thinking.

  3. I will be near a Spotlight tomorrow......perhaps I should investigate. The leaf fabric at the end is so pretty.

  4. I like the way you say you began to cut some pieces, hoping the way would become clearer as you moved forward. This is true for so many of life's roadblocks :) The new red material stands out beautifully with the blues and whites you have pictured here. Can't wait to see the quilt take form.

  5. Thanks Rosemary. Sometimes that seems to be the only way to make progress, even if the outcome is different to first envisaged.

  6. I have fallen in love with that darker blue butterfly fabric. So much choice.

  7. Your trouble is that you have too many to choose from. I like the red better than the orange/terracotta.

  8. How exciting to find useable bargains!! I also really like the deep red, and wonder about a small inclusion of a turquoise, in place of or along with the orange? To my eye, the solids you show, especially those light light blues should suffice for a "resting place", although your prints and palette aren't too busy , again, to my eye! Enjoy the unfolding of this looks wonderful so far!!! :)

  9. Oops! I thought the one bird was turquoise when in fact it is your light blue and a maybe a splash of the green, or not! I think I would be no help at all if I were there! Hehe!

  10. I'm looking at your fabrics while having my morning tea here in CO, Karen. They're putting a smile on my face. I can't wait to see what you create with them.

  11. That is so interesting that they print the fabrics differently and on different base cloths! How astute of you to notice. That light pink quilt looks cozy and adorable :)

  12. There is nothing sweeter than working with beautiful fabric, other than finding that beautiful fabric on sale. These are gorgeous :)
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  13. love these fabrics and glad that the quality was what you were used to. Especially love that cactus material!

  14. Lovely colors and patterns and the birds look especially sweet. Have fun working with those beautiful fabrics. :)

  15. That's a wonderful discovery! You've got me really curious to find out how organic fabric feels and sews up. Perhaps, I may use my next coupon from Joanns to buy some Cloud 9 organic.

  16. I just LOVE the butterfly print, Karen, and I think the new red will go beautifully with the blues.

  17. Can't wait to see what you make from these beautiful organic fabrics! As I worked for many years as a Scientist in a pathology laboratory, Biology will always remain a favourite of mine also.

  18. What beautiful fabrcis! I love the red and think you should use it and maybe the orange as well (I do prefer the darker one to the lighter solid though as I think it works a little better - but sometimes it can be hard to see from only a picture). I am also loving that pink at the bottom and can't wait to see what you do with it!

  19. Those Cloud 9 fabrics are divine! I wish I was still able to quilt as I know I would have such a wonderful time selecting and designing. I love the blues.

  20. Wonderful fabrics!!!! I love blues and I am over-the-moon about these. Can they be ordered online? As for which fabrics to use together, you have probably already decided (I'm way behind commenting with people, and I apologize!) but I would go with either the red or the orange with the blues, and not both. I tend to like the orange with it more than the red just from your photos. I'm anxious to see what you have finally decided on!

  21. For those of you looking for organic solids you should try the Cirrus Solids from Cloud9 Fabrics. They are lovely yarn dyed solids with a nice texture. They offer a wide array of colors which coordinate very well with all of their ranges.

  22. Thank you Michelle, you are correct. I love Cirrus solids and have used them extensively in recent quilts, sharing about them many times on my blog. I have yardage of nearly every Cirrus colour, however neither Sky nor the other blues contrasted well with Moody Blues. I have decided to use Limestone exclusively as the solid for this quilt, resulting in a classic blue and white combination. By choosing a different pressing technique for the Flying Geese blocks I am avoiding having the seams show against organic batting. I plan to share more about this in a couple of days. The Moody Blues prints are spectacular.

    I understand some new colours will be added to the Cirrus collection later this year, these will be exciting and welcome additions. Are there any plans for Cirrus or Landscape collections to be sold through Spotlight?


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