
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Life's Adventures

There's something tremendously rewarding as you watch your children grow and mature. This week Master T celebrated his 16th birthday and became the proud owner of a Learner Driver Licence. His siblings gifted him a wallet (to keep his Learner's Licence in) and filled it with some very clever homemade vouchers - and a little cash. His 17 year-old twin sisters are still on their L's as they need 120 hours driving each on their L's. Three Learner drivers...... but we are making good progress now that my husband's health is improving. 

Yesterday brought the 2015 hockey season to an end with three of our daughters (middle photo) on one team in the Women's A grade grand final. They played very well for a young team, losing on the day 2:0. Gracie was a joint recipient of the Junior Coach's award, an unexpected honour. The top photo is the shoot for the front page of yesterday's local paper. The middle pair, husband and wife, were in the A Grade men's and women's grand finals - their respective teams won.

We are exploring a variety of local country roads as we continue to add hours with our Learner drivers. On this afternoon's drive with Gracie we stopped at this point (above and below) and headed back to town. With unstable road and wallabies ahead, we decided to play it safe.

One week ends and another begins, let the adventures continue!


  1. Happy 16h bday to Master T.

    I am so glad to read your husband's health is improving, that's wonderful.

    Your girls look like they enjoy themselves in their sports.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Happy birthday to Master T. 16 is quite a milestone, and especially exciting to get his learners license. Love the vouchers, we do the same, and they are so special to look back on.........I really should redeem a few! Good to hear that your husband is improving as well.

  3. Was thinking of T on his birthday (b'day calendar is on wall outside our library) Happy Birthday and congrats on his license:)
    Love seeing pics of your drives, will have to write a little book for us locals to explore:)

  4. Happy Birthday, Master T!
    What a busy time with all of those new drivers, Karen!!! :-)
    I just love those vouchers. Such a wonderful idea.

    Have another great week ahead! xo.

  5. Happy birthday, Master T !
    Very nice images! ;)

  6. Nice snippets of live again with a wonderful portrait of your son. Congratulate with his birthday.

  7. Happy Birthday to Master T! I do like those vouchers he received!

  8. It IS wonderful to see our young ones grow, isn't it? I so love the coupons the girls is such a sweet sister thing to do :) And that road! Well it looks a bit like the one we have to drive out on! You were wise to turn around, trust me!! ;) Your husband's improving health is clearly evident in the timbre of your cheerfulness! Have a happy week!!!!

  9. You have a wonderful family.

  10. A very big Happy Birthday to Master T!
    We currently have 2 learner drivers at home, Michael's youngest 2 ages 18 & 20. They are the last of our 9 children to be gaining hours but it has been difficult as neither can manage to drive a manual car, so their hours are having to be with a driving instructor in an auto. Unfortunately we can't afford to replace our cars to accommodate them with my inability to work. They both have jobs so they are financing their training.
    I'm glad to hear that Jim's health is improving!

  11. The road isn't always smooth is it Karen, but sounds like you and your family are travelling well.

  12. Wow, you have beautiful (adult) children, Karen. Fantastic that they get along with each other so well. Your cake looks yummy. Homemade I suppose. You have done a great job. Nice to read about your life there. Your country is so much bigger than ours. Enjoy your new week. Greetings, Joke

  13. Happy Birthday to Master T. ... This age is wonderful to grow, to reach adulthood.

    And I'm glad to read that your husband get better!

    Greetings from Augsburg by Heidrun

  14. Happy Birthday to the young man! Of course I have to comment on the luscious cake!

  15. Congratulations to your daughter and happy birthday to Master T! My son turned 16 recently and I'm sure he would love to practise driving on country roads like in your pictures as opposed to our busy ones :)

  16. 120 hours is a lot to clock up - even just when only child trying to achieve it... but you have 3! We actually found the night 20 hours the hardest to get... obviously we don't go out enough at night!

  17. Karen so happy to hear that there is improvement in your husbands health. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Your children look so great in all of their endeavors.


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